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インテグラルレコーダーとBoscam HD19 ExplorerHDフルHD 1080pのFPVビデオカメラ

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インテグラルレコーダーとBoscam HD19 ExplorerHDフルHD 1080pのFPVビデオカメラ

購入済み Discontinued Product

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1 year warranty
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それはあまりにも高解像度です! 5メガピクセルのCMOSカメラを搭載し、視野の広い146度の視野(FOV)と結合された毎秒30フレーム、で1080pのフルHD(1920×1080)での記録が可能!



•コンパクトなサイズ、軽量 - のみ58グラム!
明確なPAL / NTSCアナログビデオ出力を持つ•146度の広視野角

イメージセンサー:1 / 2.5 "CMOS
2592 * 1944 JPEG:静止画解像度&ファイル形式を描きます

記録媒体: 高速マイクロSDカード(TFカード)最大32GBの容量
重量:58グラム (メモリーカード、バッテリーの重量は含まれません)


**多くの偽の、質の悪い&テストされていないFPV製品は、現在市場に参入しています。低品質の代用と一緒に巻き込まないでください、Boscam FPV機器はしようと、真とFPVパイロットのためのFPVパイロットによってテストされ、開発されたされています。

  • Full HD FPV Camera

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レビューを書くために登録してください サインイン または 新規登録 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 12, 2014

i wish the lens was a little less wide. it's takes nice videos though and is rugged. had some crashes with my quad but the unit keeps working. amazing camera.

jstremmler | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 08, 2014

Very good camera for the price. Pls mount it by three 2mm screws at each side and a mounting bracket.

Gary | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2014

Very under rated camera for is price. My only wish is more gimble options for multi-rotors. The Boscam Pan/Tilt Camera Mount works OK and has anti vibration built in but its not Brushless.

Tobias | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 18, 2014

I must write a review for this camera. Its the best FPV Camera I ever had for the price. It is very cheap the pictures and videos are great and the aluminium case is very resistant! I love this Camera I use it now a half year and I never had problems with it. It does a great job. I can only say buy this camera you will invest your money very good!

Frostregen | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 27, 2013

Good price for camera loaded with FPV-relevant features. Video quality is good. One star reduction because one screw seems to be overscrewed and can not be tightened anymore.

awsome1 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 06, 2013

Good litle camera that performs geat in sunlight.

Its not a go pro but for fpv it a must have

Zodaz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 31, 2013

I hardly write reviews, hobby-king products are normally very good, but i had to take the time out to say that this camera is an absolute joy. the image quality is very good and the ability to start, stop and take images remotely is priceless. I have been experimenting with different cameras as a Gopro substitute as they are expensive and i have destroyed one in a crash, this camera has been the best so far. to the point where i have bought 3 of them. I just have to tweak out the jello effect.

starky | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 25, 2013

Below are the products you purchased in the last 45 days.

Help your fellow hobbyists and earn fr

Trevor | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 21, 2013

Have put this tiny camera thru it's paces fitted to my 80" nemesis. Camera and gimbal mounted under the wing. Great video and able to look around is fantastic. A word of warning though. If for ANY reason - it looses power - IT WILL NOT TURN BACK ON AUTOMATICALLY. I intent to use it for fpv and this failing scares me a little when you consider the cost of your gear if it's lost. For now - I am hard wiring it thru a switch directly to the power source. This also saves a channel on my rc transmitter.
So far - so good. We'll see how well it lasts.

Rene | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 20, 2013

Das Preis/Leistungsverhltnis ist bei dieser Kamera sehr gut. Die Bilder werden ganz gut und die Videos auch. Ich versuche mal unter files etwas von Kroatien/Adria hochzuladen. Die Aufnahmen wurden von einem DJI-Phantom gemacht. Wichtig ist genug Tageslicht. Je heller es ist, umso besser werden die Aufnahmen. Direktes Gegenlicht mag die Kamera nicht, dann wird das Bild ziemlich dunkel. Aufnehmen und gleichzeitig ber einen Sender das Videosignal empfangen, funktioniert sehr gut. Der Ton wird allerdings nicht mitgesendet (so jedenfalls bei mir), aber natrlich trotzdem auf der Speicherkarte aufgenommen. Das Gehuse ist stabil und die Bedienung sehr einfach. Achtung: Die mitgelieferten Kabel sind nicht unbedingt richtig belegt, z.B. fr einen Fat Shark Sender. Lassen sich aber ganz leicht umstecken. Bei mir war plus und minus vertauscht, soweit ich mich erinnere. Die Kamera braucht 12Volt. Ein Lipo mit 3 Zellen (11,1Volt) funktioniert perfekt. Der Stromverbrauch ist sehr gering. Fr eine Minute Videoaufnahme in hchster Qualitt, werden etwa 100MB Speicherplatz bentigt. Ich kann die Kamera nur empfehlen!

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