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Cellpro 10秒260W 10Aバランサ/充電器

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Cellpro 10秒260W 10Aバランサ/充電器


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1 year warranty
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Cellpro 10Sは10Aの最大充電レートと新しい高速に自動充電率(1.0C、2.0C、および3.0C)をサポートし、10sが安全3Cの充電速度までで、1または2のリチウム電池パックを充電することが可能です


電力変換:DC / DCコンバータ、62.5キロヘルツ、80%〜90%の効率、出力電流に応じて
公称出力電圧:3.60、4.10、およびセル当たり4.20ボルト。 42Vの最大
出力バッテリー充電電流:4Aを10Aに調整範囲の100ミリアンペア、または100ミリアンペア(ノードは充電のみ)、* 25A入力電流によって制限
連続最大出力電力:180W @ + 12VDC入力、260Wは@ + 15.7VDC入力
電圧校正:セル電圧測定はNISTにトレーサブル標準で校正工場です。キャリブレーションは6 mVの+/-をすることです

耐電圧:+/- 6mV上
パーセント容量( "燃料")+/- 20%

冷却ファン:シ ​​ングル、8 CFM、40ミリメートル径
出力バッテリコネクタ:「Cellpro "互換性、2×JST PAシリーズ、6位




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startazz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 03, 2012

5 out 5 all day long for the cellpro 10s HK,i've had the smaller cellpro 4s gold for a good few years now so i needed a bigger charger that could charge a bigger cell count,plus i wanted to charge lipo batteries in parallel so with the two ports i can charge multiple batteries at once now,with a couple of parallel charging boards i'm well and truly sorted,just remember that you will need a good PSU (power supply unit) that can handle the 260watts with a least 20amps.

I've also got and had other charges over the years but nothing IMO can come close to the Cellpro charges,i'd like to see HK selling the cellpro powerlabs 6 & powerlab 8 if possible because i know i'd buy one of those if the price was right too,revolectrix wants to much for shipping and HK can even cell there cellpro 10s cheaper than they can. ;-)

ken | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 29, 2012

Hobby king Ya just gotta do better then this. You say to look in the " related products" to get the balance board for this thing. I WANT to buy one but I'm NOT going to because I cannot find the balance board anywhere. There is NO related produces under the products tab. I need a charger that can balance 8s. This can do it but you don't make it easy to find the balance board I wonder how many other sales your losing because of this. Please make it easier for us to give you some money K? please? and thank you :)

spawny | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 05, 2012

Great Charger! Especially for Lipos with older cells or bad cell matching! The cellpro 10s and all other fma products balance faster than all other brands. I have a Junsi 1010plus too, but the cellpro is much faster. And the option for loading over balance ports only is great! I use this very often! The only negativ thing i can say is that this charger is only for charging Lipo, LiFe and LiIon with no opions for discharging

pizzaschnitzer | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 10, 2011

best liPo charger available.
no possibility to overload your batteries.
up to 313watts of charging power,
up to 2x 5s lipo batterys.
faster than any other charger,
charges if needed with up to 4Amps over Balancer Wire standalone
LiPo, LiFe, LiIon possible, nothing else!
Bought it almost two years ago from england for 200 Euro! if you can, buy it NOW!

Pizzaschnitzer | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 14, 2010

Hello Guys!

This Revolectrix Charger is the best Charger for Lipo or LiIon Life Batteries available at the market.
no one other is as accurate as it,
no one ist faster
and im using it now for more than one year.

i bought it for 200 Euro > now for 126US$ / 119$

i think you will not make anything wrong with the cellpro 10S

customer | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 08, 2010

This FMA Cellpro 10s has the most powerful Balancer of all the chargers I know. It's an absolute must, at HK it's have price. You need also a power supply of at least 20 Amps to make things complete. Best Buy.

XXXX | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 08, 2010

un anno e mezzo che lo uso...acquistato da altro negozio...
veramente ben fatto...
facile da usare...(in automatico)
molto veloce nella carica...(in automatico)
gestibile da PC...
fatte le prime impostazione di base (una volta solo)si arrangia tutto lui...
non serve impostare ne voltaggio,amperaggio e altri valori vari...tutto automatico...
colleghi la lipo,premi il pulsante e basta....

penso proprio di acquistarne un' mio pagato molto di pi...

OK 100

walter | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 06, 2010

Type your review here.

Try to include as much data as possible.

excellent charger - I started with a 4S, and now have moved to the 10S as I started to use larger Lipo packs. A 5000 mah 6S Lipo charge time approx., 35 minutes. This FMA charger pays for itself by protecting your lipo's, and extending their life with safety features built in.

_shadow_ | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 04, 2010

I exclusively use FMA chargers for lipos, the Cellpro 10s has been serving me without any glitch since I purchased it. Hobbcity now just makes it a lot cheaper! I am tempted to get another one.


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