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DJIナザ-M Liteのマルチローターフライトコントローラー

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DJIナザ-M Liteのマルチローターフライトコントローラー

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エントリーレベルの愛好家のために、DJIは現在、最も費用対効果の高いソリューション、ナザ-M Liteの飛行制御システムを引き立てます。ナザ-Mの簡易版として、それは非常に競争力のある価格を提供する基本パッケージでナザ-Mの高い信頼性と安定性を継承します。革新的なオールインワン設計では、インストールを簡素化し、スペースと重量を節約できます。それは、その光と小さなメインコントローラにおける内部減衰、コントローラ、3軸ジャイロスコープ、3軸加速度センサと気圧計が含まれています。これは、高度、姿勢飛行測定することができ、したがって、自動操縦装置/自動制御のために使用することができます。

*オプションのプラグと(別売)GPSモジュールが大幅にリターンツーホームとインテリジェント配向制御機能、正確な位置保持と航空写真のパフォーマンスが向上します果たしています。 GPSモジュールを使用すると、マルチローターも強風で正確にロック位置と高度を持っています。精度を置くと、ほぼ水平2.5メートルと0.8メートル垂直です。



ナザ-M Liteのメインコントローラ

サポートされているマルチローター: クワッドローターI4、X4、六角ローターI6、X6、IY6、Y6
推奨送信機: 最小4チャンネルのPCMまたは2.4GHzの
動作電圧範囲:MC:4.8V〜5.5V、VU入力:7.4V〜26.0V(2S〜6S Lipolyをお勧めします)
消費電力:MAX:1.5W(0.3Aする@ 5V)、ノーマル:0.6W(5V @ 0.12A)
アシスタントソフトウェアシステム要件:WindowsのXPのSP3 / Windowsの7 / Windowsの8

ホバリング精度*(GPSモード): 垂直:+/- 0.8メートル、水平:+/- 2.5メートル
マックス・ヨー角速度:200°/ sの
アセント/ディセント:+/- 6メートル/秒



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Gissa | 確認済みの購入者

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Easy set up

Jun 01, 2017

I built a 450 with naza light and Gps. It's the easiest Fc to set up and use of any I have used before such as Naze 32 or SP F3 boards no soldering plug and play and set up on computer is a breeze especially if you use a Frysky D4R11and jump channel 3and 4 channel will have 8channels on 1 CPPM and channel 2 will will out put RSSI PWM Gps plug and play also.

foster | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 26, 2016

. Can take ppm so you only need one servo lead from the rx . Has a barometer so your altitude is stabilized too. very easy to program. feels 10 tomes better flying than the old kk broads

Autotechnica | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 18, 2015

Good price, works great even in a 250 sized mini quad. Excellent stability functions even without GPS.

david | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 04, 2015

I really like open products and firmware, but i have to be honest, after 2 years of playing with open products - i learned a lot !!!!!!!
BUT ... if you really don't want to do some settings before every fly ... build a second multirotor and put a NAZA in it ! There are several advantages : 1 you will not be bored with open products ... if the goal of the day is making videos when you decide to do it ... a multirotor with NAZA is THE PERFECT TOOL ! 2 when you own a multicopter that flies great, and do the job, you will need and want to continue learning with open products ;-)) that's my opinion, and i think several people experienced with multirotors share that view.
NAZA is perhaps less FUN ... but is impressive when you need to stabilize, secure your fly and flying video equipements ... don't want to every time ask myself "WHY DID IT CRASH NOW WITH MY GOPRO INSTALLED" ?
That's the true ... GREAT PRODUCT, i can't do without now i know it !!!
And keed open product for the fun, because ... a lot of fun !!!

mublife | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 07, 2015

was vary happy to see that it came with a pmu and led

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 19, 2015

Great Flight Controller, it works perfectly, 2 axis gimbal support is great option. It works perfectly with GPS. I recomend it

Navarro | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 23, 2015

Its fantastic controller from DJI. Very fast to set up the get ready.

thomas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 28, 2015

Hands down the best flying easiest flight controller to program, DJI programming is straight forward and very easy to learn. There are other cheaper controllers, but you get what you pay for, glitchy hard to program controllers. Trust me I tried them all, but always choose DJI over any of them. What more can I say, its a "NAZA" #1 for a reason!!!

nesperatu | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 11, 2014

dji dedigimizde zaten baska sze gerek yok

Tony | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 17, 2014

Got use to the setup,this fc and the Naze 32 are the best hands down,these are rock solid locked in when you trim it out, gps I don't use gps anymore because I lost a very costly rig due to radio failure,this is the way to go if you don't use gps!

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