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F-15 70ミリメートルEDFジェットワットが後退/(ARF)

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F-15 70ミリメートルEDFジェットワットが後退/(ARF)


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これは、あなたのchoice.Toのパワートレインとサーボのに合わせてできるように、既に、70ミリメートルEDFユニット、包括的なハードウェアキットと機械退避セットであなたのために行われ、供給された独特の塗装方式に素敵なサイズF-15 ARFでありますこのモデルからベストを引き出すには、設定4Sを見てする必要があり、高いサーボ・カウントに、付属の後退に合わせて選択した場合は特に、私たちは強く5A UBECと一緒にOPTO ESCを助言するだろうRX電源用。仕様:全幅:750mmLength:1100mmWingエリア:12dm2Wing荷重:80グラム/ dm2Flying重さ:950グラム4〜5チャンネル(スロットル、エレ​​ベーター、エルロン、ステアリングは、後退)含まれています:必要な車輪付き機械引っ込むのすべてHardware70mm EDFファンUnitColour /フォト命令BookletSetを:4Sのためのあなた自身のTx&Rx28mm EDFブラシレスモーター(4ミリメートルシャフト)9×9グラムサーボ+ 1×17グラムのServo45A〜60A ESC5A UBEC2200mAh 4S Lipolyバッテリー


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BERUBE | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 28, 2013

For start the assembly instruction are very poor quality, spacialy for the retracting gear set-up, goody's for servos are not fitting with mine
so i have to put mine, missing some parts for df unit installation, rear landing gear has to be modified to fit as well as to foam body, lading gear are the same as for the f-16 actually, glue was almost fully dry
but i was planning to use mine anyway, on mine no thrust vectoring
with a 60a esc the plactic protector on the bottom is not big enought
wirering on the motor is not fitting with the hole on the foam, bit of rework to do here and there.
for my first assembly kit it's a good chalenge, hope everything turn right with it.
assembly should be finish soon as well as the spring here in quebec
follow up on maiden flight later.

Dan | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 18, 2012

I think this F15 is a great buy. I left the landing gear off and moved the battery forward leaving the battery bay for the receiver. If I were to mount the landing gear I would bend the main gear straight and use the Variable rate knob on my transmitter with a bigger servo. The noise gear needed some work too, but all in all it was a great project and a very nice flying airplane.

Mihail | 確認済みの購入者

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Apr 09, 2012

Just forget about the landing gear is app 177 g, the bird have unlimited capacities and fly real scale

nicola | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 26, 2012

E' un modello che non lo consiglio dicono che i carrelli sono retratti ma ce da lavorci molto perch non entrano nella loro sede sono da piegare e tagliare a meno che non li lasciate fissi, per aprire la fusoliera bisogna tagliare i due copri vettori perch incollati non riesco a capire la necessit visto che bisogna metterci il motore, la qualit comunque scarsa.

Saud | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 14, 2011

Don't waste your money on this, of course its cheap but still the quality of the plane doesn't compliment the price tag.
Very cheap foam, main landing gears do not fit in the compartment...
you cant have much choices with the batteries as the battery compartment has limited space....

ingeniumsl | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 27, 2011

My setup for this is:
Hobby King 60A ESC 4A UBEC, EDF Ducted Fan Unit 5Blade 2.68inch 68mm, 4 HXT900 servos, and Turnigy 450/500 H2223 Brushless outrunner 4400KV, 4S 2200mAh 45C B Grade lipo. No landing gear, hand launch setup.
Airframe plus motor plus servos plus ESC, 740 grms. Battery plus Wattmeter 340 grms. AUW 1080 grms, max 940 watts 62 Amp, unlimitd vertical, I guess aprox 1300 grms of thrust with edf mounted inside plane.
Brittle foam easy damaged even for a little bump.
This setup is amazing (at least for me). Easy hand lauch, and good speed (not measured).
Motor and ESC reaching its limit. Very hot ESC, motor warm to hot.
3 to 4 minutes of flight with reserve for two landing attempts. Only 5 flights, I return with more comments on next fligths.
Motor and EDF 2 hours of work for correct balance. Balancing is a must.



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