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ダグラスDC-3の後継として設計されたフォッカーF-27フレンドシップは、1950年代後半に設計さと委託28席の旅客機でした。 F-27が正常に旅客クラフトとして長年務めたが、後に航空貨物船として成功した役割を担うことになります。 6トンフォッカーF-27のペイロードとサービスにまだ今日は、エクスプレス貨物の出荷のための一般的な選択肢です。

ビルドアッププライとバルサの建設との完全なガラス繊維胴体をフィーチャーし、このモデルが注目を集めること間違いなしです。二つの28サイズ1600kvブラシレスアウトランナーは各モータのための30Amp ESCと一緒に(各翼のための1)のために必要とされるであろう。モデルは舵のための共有サーボ及び操舵可能な前輪とツインサーボエレベーターのセットアップもあり、ファイブ9グラムサーボが必要となります。すべての一般的なハードウェア(プッシュロッド、ネジ、着陸装置など)が進行中でこのキットを入手するために含まれています。また、独自の送信機と受信機(送信/受信)が必要になります。



2×30A ESC


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Fabio Diego | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 27, 2012

Todos estao falando muito bem da qualidade do produto. Realmente o fabricante construiu o modelo muito bem detalhado e bonito de ver. Acontece que estamos falando de aeromodelo e tambem devemos discutir o comportamento do aviao em voo, o que nos meus 4 anos como aeromodelista deixou muito a desejar, mesmo com varios ajustes. Testei diversos motores como 2822, 2836 entre outros, helices 7x4, 7x5, 8x4 bi e tri-pah (sempre uma contra rotacao por se tratar de um bimotor), alterei o CG de 4,8mm ate 6,8mm da borda da raiz da asa determinando a corda mdia aerodinmica, utilizei ESC de 30 e 35, alem de usar baterias de 1.7 a 2300mAh. Resultado: Infelismente o meu modelo esta como enfeite por em voo o modelo tem uma pessima performance necessitando trimagem constante. Nao recomendo para iniciantes, soh para experientes aventureiros.

Fries2004 | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 16, 2012

Hi I bought this beautiful kit however in the files tab here is one page missing from the manual step 9 and 10 are missing does anybody has a copy of the manual?

Trapito | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 03, 2012

Keine Bauanleitung zu bekommen, berhaupt keine Daten zum Flieger zu bekommen

Wirklich nur fr Profis zu empfehlen

BoomZilla | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 18, 2012

Flew mine this week. 2x D2826-1650 (no longer available), 25A ESC, Master airscrew 7x4 3-blade props, 3S 2650 Batt. It took right off from a grass field, but top speed was a bit lacking. You need to keep your speed up as the wing loading is high and it stalls easily. Switched to APC 7x6 two blade props and it flew much better.

John | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 11, 2012

CG is 27 mm or 2 1/4 inches

Setup is (2) Turnigy 2826-10 1400 KV motors

(2) 7 x 5 thin electric props

(5) Turnigy 9 gram micro servos

(2) Turnigy Plush 30 Amp ESC's

(1) Zippy 3S 2200 Mah 25 C battery

288 watts @ WOT off 11.1 V, 26 Amps

4 1/2 minute flights

Fahrettin | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 23, 2012

Is there any recommendation for outrunner that is available in HK. Can somebody write it down? Thanks

Arthur | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 02, 2011

I received my kit yesterday. It is a beautifully finished fiberglass kit. It is defentaly designed for an experieced modiler. There is much cutting and fitting involved. It does not come with instructions. I tried to obtain a set of instructions from Hobby King because the discussion comments leads me to believe that others had instructions supplied. The answer from Hobby King customer service was that there were no instructions available from the supplier. I am hoping that one of the individuals that have a copy of instructions will share them with me. I understand that they are in Chinese. If I can get a copy I will translate them to English and then publish a set in the file section for all of us to use. Because there is so much cutting and fitting involved it is going to be very hard to finish this model using the trial and error process. You make a mistake in cutting a slot in the wrong place and you have runed the project. If there were instructions or if I can obtain instructions this kit would rate five crowns


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Customer Rated

Aug 31, 2011

resebi meu f-27 fiquei encantado mas o que me preocupa nao vim o manual como vou montar .alguem pode mi ajudar. agradeo se alguem puder me ajudar

Plain Crazy | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 30, 2011

After many months to get the courage to fly the F27, the first flight was rather hair rasing to say the least. Take-off was fine, climb out was fine, then all hell brokeout, From what I could determine the F27 became asymmetrical and I lost it for a number of times until it plunged into long grass. Superficial damage was sustained and easily repaired. While preparing for the next flight I noticed that there was a difference of 2000rpm between the two motors through most of the rev range. The offending component was the ESC on one motor. With this rectified ( new ESC ) and tested, the next flight was delightful although this plane travels quite fast and is very sensitive to control input. My final submition is this is a delightful aeroplane, but be careful with your setup.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 07, 2011

Instructions are not in English so hopefully there are enough photos to be able to visually assemble the kit. Overall construction looks excellent. Fuselage is very well constructed. Just wish there were some suggestions for the motor size. None are listed. Anyone have any ideas.

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