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5.8G TX /ワットFatShark AttitudeSD FPVヘッドセットシステム

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5.8G TX /ワットFatShark AttitudeSD FPVヘッドセットシステム

購入済み Discontinued Product

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1 year warranty
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35度FOVディスプレイは大画面の浸漬とコンパクトな画素密度の明瞭さの完璧なバランスを打ちます。 AttitudeSDは、鮮やかな色のために豪華なドミネーターディ​​スプレイで使用したのと同じ偏光バックライト技術をスポーツや視神経スイートスポットにダイヤルするための調整可能なIPDを持っています。



AtttitudeSDヘッドセット(統合5G8 RXとHeadTracker付き)
250mWこれ7CH 5G8 TX
2P 3dBi 5G8アンテナ

オプティクス:FOV(視野):35°対角線(画像サイズ:1.3メートルする@ 2メートル)
サポートオプションの視度レンズ挿入:-2、-4、-6 DPT
オーディオ: ステレオ(調整可能なボリュームのイヤホン付属品を必要とします)
ユーザーコントロール: チャンネル選択/ヘッドトラッカーリセット
電気: 電源:7から13 V(2S / 3S供給)
消費電力(@の7.4V公称):300ミリアンペアワイヤレス/ 150ミリアンペアダイレクトモード(RXオフ)
アンテナ: 外部ダイポール(RXは円偏互換性があります)
ディスプレイ: フルカラーLCDはバックライトKopin社CyberDisplay 922000ピクセルの両眼のLEDディスプレイ(640×480 VGA)NTCS / PALの自動選択
ヘッドトラッカー:MIG V4(磁気、慣性ジャイロセンサー)
バッテリー:7.4V 1000mAhの(含まれていない、必須)

3.5ミリメートルAV /アウトポート
PS / 2 DIN頭部追跡データポート

5740 MHzの、5760 MHzの、5780 MHzの、5800 MHzの5820 MHzの5840 MHzの5860 MHzの

電源:7-13 V(2S / 3S供給)
定格電力:310ミリアンペア@ 7.4V
アンテナ: 外部ダイポール(円偏互換)

  • Fat Shark AttitudeSD Goggles

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Ace Daniel | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 12, 2014

very easy to use googels. Head tracker works good, menu is easy. Selfmade cable to Graupner Hott MC32, absolut easy to make. You need a 3,5mm Mono phone plug, in the Front nozle is PPM and in the back is Ground. Graupner say's 20ms is perfect for the signal, but 8ms works also.

Walter | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 25, 2014

great stuff! but HobbyKing you need to uppdate the info! these googles comes with Filtered balance lead adapter with support to 2-4 cell not 2-3 as the info and pictures stated, i bought one seperate but i guess its a good thing i have one as a backup.

aaa3008 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 10, 2013

Very good goggle. I coupled this with boscam 32 channel 600mw vtx.

Hakans | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 27, 2013

I have been using these for 6 months now and I really happy with them.
I use both the builtin RX and sometimes from my groundstation, depending on how much gear I want to bring along.
I mostly use them with spironet antennas but have tried with others also, range is really good, 3.2KM with some noise and quite high altitude.
Replaced the eye cups for foam, in Sweden its quite cold now and they easily get foggy if there isnt good enough ventilation.

A good price, good everything!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 29, 2013

I am really happy with my purchase! Everything with these goggles are just so good! Except for two things; I would like the PS/2 to 3.5mm data cable for the Turnigy 9X to be included, because I see no reason for it not being included when the Fatuba-cable and the normal PS/2 to PS/2 is included. That maybe isn't a very big deal, but I have a problem with the goggles I got. Probably it's just with my goggles, but it may be with other too. The IPD-distance-things does not work properly. They get's stuck all the time, and I have to try different methods to move them in about a minute before I finally can make adjustments. So it is possible, but there must be something wrong with my pair of goggles because of them getting stuck and not movable. I don't want to ship them back for this just because it is going to cost a lot of money for me and take a lot of time, but luckily I don't need to make any adjustments because I'm the only person using them.

Because of that, I'm only giving 4 stars, because the person who was going to test the goggles to see that everything worked properly must have forgot to test the IPD-adjusters. But I still recommend these goggles!

leandrogumes | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 08, 2013

Otimo produto para voo em primeira pessoa, imerso total.

Fannaticc | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 22, 2013

it's amazing! Really wonderful! It's the best one!

Allen | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 20, 2013

These are outstanding-ready to go out of the box, with a clear view, and good light blocking! Installed this on our Bixler 2, the filtered 2s/3s/4s hookup made it super easy to get up and running. We were having some static/breakup initially, but switched to a circular polarized antenna setup and were able to get a significant improvement in range. The view is incredible!!!

Coxzie | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 07, 2013

so far so good but i wouldnt say they are excellent

hvestbo | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 04, 2013

Im so happy with this!
Good goggles, and good range..
I got over 1400meters with stock antenna ;)
Using 2,4 frsky for radio.

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