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BLHeliマルチローターESC 2-4S(OPTO)パワードFlycolorラプターミニ30AのF330

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BLHeliマルチローターESC 2-4S(OPTO)パワードFlycolorラプターミニ30AのF330


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Flycolorラプターミニ30A BLHeliマルチローターESC 2-4S(OPTO)

これらのFlycolor電子スピードコントローラは、マルチローターの使用のために特別に開発されてきました。彼らは滑らかで、線形かつ正確な応答を与える高性能MCUのプロセッサを使用しています。ラプターは、マルチコプターのための完璧なパフォーマンスである専用の高速スイッチングゲート駆動、とパワードsilabs F330です。


ESCはBLHei 14.2ファームウェアは、それが迅速かつスロットルの動きに応じて作るOneshot125通信プロトコルを利用することでフラッシュています。簡単なアップグレードおよびダウングレードファームウェアがBLHeliスイートを通じて単純なプロセスです。

•2-4s LiPoly

入力:2-4s LiPoly

注:これはOPTO ESCです。あなたのフライトコントローラに電力を供給するために5V BECが必要になります。


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Norbert B. | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 23, 2016

Really not a bad ESC, small and light. For the price OK.
But, 1 of 4 was faulty, so I think the quality is not the best

yusuf | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 21, 2016

I replaced some simonk ESC's with these, and they are so much smaller, and yet give off no heat, and are just as effective. I had a problem knowing how i could flash them to Blheli 14.8 but if you connect them to a Naze32 and use the passtrough to Blheli it works, and was painless. Overall very happy with them and i would buy them again, but as i bought them in the sale, the current price is a little high.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 14, 2016

very tiny with a nice range for batteries.

Mike | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 04, 2016

I purchase four of these for a DIY quad. After installing them, one was bad. The motor would only shutter. I ordered a replacement. It took twenty two days to arrive. I installed it and found that two others were bad. One was lazy and would not come up to speed. The other would not start without spinning the motor by hand. It was then much faster than the others. I recalibrated several times and came up with the same results. HobbyWing would not refund because the wiring had been modified for the fit. The product looks great but the quality of the ones I purchased was a waste of money. I replaced them with ZTW Spiders and they work perfect.

Buy-N-Fly | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 12, 2016

I'm using this ESC on an RC Factory Big Crack Yak 39" span 3D plane. At first I was hesitant to use a multi rotor ESC but the very small size and weight won over. I always use a separate BEC on my medium to larger size foamies so this ESC being an OPTO didn't matter. I like the instantaneous throttle response that makes it perfect for hovering. This ESC controls a Park450 powered by a 3S 1200mAh 25C airsoft battery. Max amp draw of my set-up is 18 amps using an APC 9x4.7 SF prop. The ESC is just warm after 3 minutes of constant hovering and never got hot after a full 7 minute flight. I like having a little reserve in hand and this 30amp ESC is perfect as it is much lighter than aircraft style 20 amp ESCs even with a separate BEC added. Yes it is 8.5 grams and I will be using this ESC on all my 3d planes.

passatiji | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 19, 2016

Have these installed on my Y6 powered with 4S, running on Multistar 4108-480 and spinning 17X5 carbon props. Previous ESCs (9192000124-0) were getting much warmer on this set-up which means energy of the battery was converted into the heat. These are getting slightly warm so less power loss. Oh, and they fit into 16mm booms perfectly.

mick | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 26, 2016

have flown my 19 inch (diagonal between shafts ) auw 1.25 k on several test flights -
14 min on 28deg c day - esc's only slightly warm . I am very pleased with the way the
esc's fit on my 19mm arms . So yes - worth trying .

Archidoz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 17, 2016

This is much better than my previous ZTW 18a.. esc not too warm with my 4s setup 5045 2300kv.. easy to flash via cleanflight to update firmware, value for many and good performance :))

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