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FrSky 2.4GHzのACCST TARANIS X9Dデジタルテレメトリー無線システム(モード2)

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FrSky 2.4GHzのACCST TARANIS X9Dデジタルテレメトリー無線システム(モード2)


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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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それが可能になるとFrsky TARANISは、新しい標準を設定します。 FrSkyがよく優れた範囲と信頼性で、その結果、全体の2.4GHz帯を利用してACCST技術を、ホッピングその頻度のために知られている、彼らは今彼らの最初の完全な送信機システムを提供しています。

TARANISは、横「スライダー」鉢に到達するために8プログラマブルスイッチ、2ツイストノブと簡単に2と信じられないほどの人間工学に基づいた場合に「OPEN TX」オープンソース・ソフトウェアのパワーをミックスし、超滑らかなクワッドベアリングはもちろんのことジンバル。

TARANISはただ迷惑なビープ音に対して、内蔵スピーカーから音声アラートを利用します。以下のようなもののために。可聴カウントダウンタイマー、低電圧警告、何をプログラムしすることができますちょうど約ランディングギアダウン警告などは、あなたもあなた自身の声を使用することができます。 SDカードスロットは、無制限のメモリオプション、さらにはヘッドフォンジャックアップグレード用USBポートを提供しています。

TARANISの最高の機能の一つは、その完全なテレメトリ機能だけでなく、RSSI信号強度のフィードバックで、3つの異なるプログラム可能なフェイルセーフ・モードと受信機のロックなので、これ以上のクラッシュが原因で間違ったモデルを選択することがあります。あなたは他のブランドの受信機やB&Fの中で在庫がある場合は、何も心配はTARANISを使用すると、オレンジDSM2 / DSMXまたはOpen LRS 433MHzのモジュールとして他のブランドモジュールのオプションを持っているので、JRスタイルRFモジュールスロットを持っていない、または別のFrskyでポップさらに多くのデュアルRFと送信機の機能を拡張するためのモジュール。

あなたはFrSky ACCST技術と「OPEN TX」のソフトウェアやコミュニティ、超滑らかでスムーズなボールベアリングジンバルと人間工学に基づいた場合、付属のアルミケースとバッテリーパックを持つ大規模なバックライト付きLCDの電源との間で、それをすべて一緒に入れたとき。あなたは前例のない値で汎用性とパワーを持っています。

•プロセッサ:STM32 ARMのCortex M3 60MHzの

チャンネル数: 最大16
バックライト付き液晶画面:212 * 64モノクロ
互換性:FrSky Xシリーズ、DシリーズおよびV8-IIシリーズ受信機
スティックモード: モード2(左ハンドスロットル)

TARANIS X9D ACCST 2.4GHzの送信機(モード2版)

  • 容量(mAh ) 0.00

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Louis | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 31, 2014

I am loving this open software tx. Been an aircraft technician, there's nothing yet that I thought of that I can't replicate on here. This is an awesome product. | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 17, 2014

i had to change my radio because the voice alerts quit working. i wanted to take the radio apart but it was still under warranty. better to buy stuff from the closest warehouse near you. i bought this from the global warehouse. now returning is is quite pricey and the wait can be long. i'm a little disappointed for receiving the lemon. but i'll wait for the new one if i'm allowed a new one.

Michael | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2014

I bought one of those a few months ago and a few receivers with Telemetry. After the initial headache trying to understand the programming, i must say it is an unreal piece of equipment for the price. It has a great choice of receivers too. No more crashes because of faulty batteries on my Helis, the telemetry low voltage audio warning is a saver.

firey1 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 06, 2014

Great radio easy to setup
HK to NZ in 3 days very impressed and happy it beat two previous orders im still waiting for

oh and its version B

Herbyaespen | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 30, 2014

Die ultimative Fersteuerung, open Source Software, voll Telemetriefhig, Sprachausgabe, extrem detaillierte deutsche Anleitung, grosse Comunity, Modelle sind am PC konfigurierbar kurz gesagt: die "Eierlegende wollmilchsau" unter den Fernsteuerungen

scarborofun | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 29, 2014

The logical upgrade to my 9XR, once you know the user interface you love it for its flexibility. Still struggling to get companion working though (USB problem). The gimbals are precise and I may never use all the switches and controls. Also nice to have 3 way switches. The only negative I found is the neck strap mount. Without the extension the radio is out of balance. The extension that's part of the delivery has the wrong bolt and is too low. No way to access the on/off switch. I used a part from a S p e k t r u m Tx, which needs a bit of filing but works just fine. See picture in the files tab. Also, why is there no charger the package? It's only $5.
All in all a great deal, no wonder it's always on backorder.

eeeon | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 28, 2014

Amazing radio, a little difficult to get to grips with the programing but there are plenty of help videos on youtube! There is pretty much nothing this radio cant do. I am using it for FPV mainly with the D8R-11 plus RX and the rssi telemetry is worth the money alone. Delivery was only 7 days to UK and it arrived in almost perfect order. I say "almost perfect" as it had a small fault, the throttle stick would not stay at zero, I had to open the case and shave a little off the screw seat with a Stanley blade so the screw would go down properly. Not a major issue and easy to fix. Since getting this radio almost all of my flying mates have got one and they all love it. The only problem with it is getting one, they seem to be out of stock within a few hours of restocking!

Igor | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 09, 2014

I received the radio in Brazil by FedEx two days after being dispatched from Hong Kong. It arrived perfect. When in my hands and moving a bit I have noticed something free inside.I openned just a small gap and a small squared plastic frame came out (???).
What is that I do not know.
The radio is plenty of functions, curves options, knobs, switches, channels, etc.
It is a case of study. I do no see reason to move from my both Futabas 8UFPS and 8UAFS. I use the proper modules when necessary. The Futabas seems more trustable to an old modeller that also like new toys... I am going to keep the Taranis and try it steep by steep....
The chinese are tough but still have to learn a lot about quality and reliability.

FPVking | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 23, 2014

Superb item to use in all RC stuff. Just safe peace of mind that you have a tad better item in your gear. Buy with confidence.

Samuel | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 14, 2014

Got my taranis in a month and a half, just in time for the HobbyKing Aussie BBQ. Excellent condition. I was excited and bound my V8R V ii receiver. Hooking up telemetry needs exploring and/or advice to get it to read out the values. REALLY LOVE IT!!! It's the best investment of this hobby.

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