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1 year warranty
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1でHKパイロットパワー分布とパワーモジュールは、障害のポイントを減らす、あなたのセットアップを簡素化し、清潔でインストール整頓になりされています。 ALL-in-Oneには、すべての標準化された45ミリメートルパッケージ搭載上に集積PDB、デュアル12Vと5.3V UBECs、電圧およびアンペア数のセンサーを持っています。

電力分配側は、標準化された45x45mmの取り付けサイズにあり、Octocopterのための十分な接触点以上の電流及びよりの120Aで評価されています。デュアルUBECのようなFPVなどHKパイロットフライトコントローラと12V補助ギアのために、それぞれ12Vと5.3Vです。アンプと電圧​​センサは、標準化された6ピンコネクタ付きHKパイロットFCとAPM / Pixhawk FCと互換性があります。 ALL-IN-ONEは、あまりにも3Sのセットアップと自宅でHVアプリケーションまたは権利のためだけでなく10秒が可能です。

PDB / 12Vと5.3V UBECsオールインワン/ VとAセンサー
16電源接点出力8+ 8-
HKパイロットAPM / Pixhawk互換

パワー出力:16/8 X接点と2 6ピンのプラグに12V UBEC 5.3V用

UBEC配電盤* 1
6ピンケーブル* 1


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John | 確認済みの購入者

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This PDB fried 2 pixhawks - avoid like the plague!

Nov 30, 2016

I bought one of these for a new quad build and it was working fine for a week but then my pixhawk stopped working and I couldn't figure out why. I plugged in another pixhawk from a different build and magic smoke appeared. On further investigation, I figured out why. The APM power module/sensor was outputting the raw battery voltage to the pixhawk. I had a 4S battery plugged in at the time so it was outputting >16v to my pixhawks - hence the magic smoke!

I've got 2 videos of the offending PDB here:

and here:

No one should buy this PDB - be warned! There is obviously some design flaw of the power module. I've notified Hobbyking and I'm waiting for a response and I'm seeking replacement costs for 2 pixhawk clones as a result.

Jonathan | 確認済みの購入者

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Nice All-IN-ONE if you get good regulators

Nov 26, 2016

I have purchased 3 of these. They are awesome little boards. I didnt find them hard to solder. Yes it takes some heat to get solder to flow but use a hot air gun to help warm the board while you are using soldering iron and everything flows perfect.

I personally do not think it needs holes drilled. I like the flat contacts. Works well with and the bond is nice and strong.

The first 2 boards that I had, had the 5v regulators blow out on them for now reason. I have checked and I am only pulling a little over and amp out of the 5v rail. The third one worked like a charm.

The built in V/I sensor is great. One less thing you have to put on your vehicle. I will buy this again!

drotschopf | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 07, 2016

Nice little PDB with everything you need

Jon | 確認済みの購入者

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May 09, 2016

This board could benefit from a few design changes. First, the board should have thermal relief pads to make soldering easier. Second, holes could be drilled to make the physical wire connection more robust. Third, the addition of LEDs on the voltage regulators would make this product a little more user friendly.

I agree with the other reviewers that soldering to this board is very difficult. The secret is to use a good quality gun with good thermal recovery.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 25, 2016

bonne plaque de distribution, pour le poids, le prix, et les deux sorties 5V et 12V

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 23, 2015

these boards are pretty much bulletproof, its my 4th one and i havn't had any issues with any of them

Crt | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 31, 2015

Nicely made and finished power distribution board with many input and output pads which provide easy soldering (just put the soldering iron on 400 degrees). Because of this it will be really hard to notice that you soldered wires by hand.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 31, 2015

???? ??? 120????? ??..

?? ????!

Jose | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 23, 2015

Used the PDB on an X580 frame with a 4S battery powering 4 NTM 35-48 motors. Read the reviews of it being hard to solder, a cheap 15W soldering iron with an old tip will certainly not do the trick but a 65W iron worked just fine. Haven't used the BEC capability so can't comment, and since I have a quad only using half of the board but the price can't be beat and saves you from having to fabricate your own. Very pleased.

ArrUnTuS | 確認済みの購入者

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May 14, 2015

very difficult to weld while you use flux. I do not know what has or varnish coating leads but it is very difficult to weld. a good product that eventually turns into a nightmare thinking that cables can be released. As the wires carry the energy of our birds , we know what happens in case of a power failure ...

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