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HKPilot32は、その強力なSTマイクロの32ビットのARMのCortexコアと大規模なI / OをサポートしているFCのハードウェアの次のステップです。 HK Pilot32は月探査車やマルチコプターの航空機でも、潜水艦から車両のほぼすべてのタイプをサポートして利用可能な最も先進的な自動操縦システムの1つです! PX4オープンハードウェアプロジェクトによって設計され、それが将来的に利用できるようにしてください多くの特徴と機能で、車両制御のための最も柔軟で信頼性の高いプラットフォームのこの1を作る開発コミュニティの数によってサポートされています。

強力な統合マルチスレッドNuttX RTOS、UNIX / Linuxのライクなプログラミング環境で、全く新しい自動操縦機能、自動検出および周辺機器の構成やHKパイロットメガまたはAPMからのシームレスな移行と、これらの高度な機能は、あなたの自律走行車への制限を削除します。


NuttX RTOSを実行している•高度な32ビットARMCortex®M4プロセッサ
•14 PWM /サーボ出力(フェイルセーフと手動、6補助、ハイパワーの互​​換性を持つ8)

FPU 32ビットSTM32F427のCortex M4コア
168 MHzの/ 256キロバイトのRAM / 2メガバイトのフラッシュ
STマイクロL3GD20 3軸16ビット・ジャイロスコープ
STマイクロLSM303D 3軸14ビット加速度計/磁力計
インベンセンスMPU 6000 3軸加速度センサー/ジャイロスコープ
MEAS MS5611バロメーター
DX8までSPEKTRUM DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X®衛星互換入力(DX9以上がサポートされていません)
3.3および6.6V ADC入力

HK Pilot32自動操縦
GPS +コンパスモジュールを接続するためのエクストラ6位ケーブル

注:HK Pilot32は、受信機、どちらかのPPMポートを介して、双葉S.BUSポート、またはSPEKTRUMギアのための特別な衛星放送受信機ポートに単一のケーブルからのRCの入力を取得することを意味PPM-入力オートパイロット、です。最近のほとんどのRC受信機はPPM出力を可能にするが、そのような非S.BUSフタバ受信機などの一部は、しないでください。

* PX4 / Pixhawkは、学術、趣味や産業界へのハイエンド自動操縦装置を提供することを目指して独立し、オープンソース、オープンハードウェアプロジェクト(BSDがライセンス)であります

** APMへの参照が参照ArduPilotのプロジェクト、3DRとオープンソースコミュニティによって開発されたArduinoのオープンソース・コンピューティング・プラットフォームに基づくオープンソースのオートパイロットの家族。それはArduPilotメガ(APM)エレクトロニクスと異なる車両のためのフリーソフトウェアのバージョンの範囲の選択で構成されており、オープンソースクリエイティブコモンズライセンスによって支配されます。


  • HKPilot 32

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Anthony | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 29, 2016

To say I hate this controller is an understatement. To buy this is to begin a journey of frustration and spending. After spending another $200 on equipment to complete the kit, replace the crap power sensor, connect all the bits to my plane and then it flakes out on my ESC? Naze32 runs my Wing great, before and after the HKPilot. It just boggles my mind how involved you have to get just to run this POS. I was going to spend all night googling esc issues and playing with my Taranis settings to fix it, but decided my time is worth more than the cost of this god-awful vehicle controller.
I'll try it on my quad next. It has non-HK ESC's, so might work better.... but don't hold your breath folks.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 03, 2016

The FC are satisfied were purchased to replace existing products. After using it seems to be more accurate evaluation.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 20, 2016

Excellent, better than the Megapilot 2.7 Ive got from HK. The Megapilot 2.7 was not able to save log files with correct date and time. This however, is flawless thus far.

Jaime | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 02, 2015

Overall, I love it. It works great out of the box. Just one tip to setup the Battery Monitor correctly, I hve chosen the following settings from Mission Planner and they work great as it measures both Vols and Ams:
Monitor: 4: Voltage and Current
Sensor: 0: Other
APM: 5: VR Brain 4.5 - 5

StressLess | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 05, 2015

I bought an Aerosky hexacopter more than a year ago with a MultiWii flight controller and could never get the hex to fly properly! I was going to change the MWC for an APM 2.5 flight controller but found this Pixhawk and the price was reasonable so I picked it up. That ended up being a good call, as APM:Copter will stop supporting the APM 2.x flight controllers in the next release (3.3), and the current 3.2.1 runs like a dog on the older hardware (if you want PosHold you have to use the previous 3.2 on an APM 2.x FC, which is only slightly better on the older hardware)! I ended up having to buy the GPS, MinimOSD and telemetry radios separately, but finally got everything installed on the hex frame and the maiden flight went like a dream! It went even better than my first flight on a DJI Phantom 1.1.1, which had been the best "out of the box" flight experience up till now. Once I did the Autotrim, it flies very well and is rock solid on loiter (except in gusty winds) and with landing (no bouncing like the both Phantom and the Quanum Nova does). The Pixhawk fired up right away, no issues with connecting to it, with updating firmware or configuration. I've tried out autonomous flight and it is rock solid on navigation. I was starting to sour on APM:Copter due to the issues using an APM:2.x FC, but all those issues went away with the Pixhawk FC. I'm a fan again!

Jose | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 23, 2015

Look, this is a cheaper version of the pixhawk but so far has lived up to the performance. If you use telemetry don't expect to see perfect voltage or current readings, also in my case I initially used a poor prop/motor match and ended up chasing and comparing PWM output signals when really the controller was fine. While some of the documentation is dated (same documentation for the clone and the real thing, so it isn't HK's fault) this is a great controller for the money with a lot of room to grow.

SniperSam | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 16, 2015

it didnt take long to set it up using youtube, but then...on my first test flight with FC i crashed my tricopter...well "it wasnt me".....when it got of the ground and in the air it couldnt hold stable position rotation wise,it was spinning like hell,i flipped switch from stable to loiter(before take of i got 9 satelites in lock on gps,cheked via laptoop) and it went skyhigh like a rocket, i saw it flying away up in sky,tryed to flip back into stable and lower the throtle but that didnt work it kept climbing,so i flipped to RTl and then i saw a nice show, it turrned slightly to the left of me and went sideways and slowly flipping upside down and towards the ground on full speed. it was 70 kph into the ground,luckily did hit no one,just the concrete playground, burst into flames coz of lipo far im down for 600$ because of that strange behavior of that FC.every thing shattered and burned.

Antonie_Kruger | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 26, 2015

I love the pixhawk. This one is affordable and the components fit well together. The unit came well packaged. Arrived within a week of ordering. Wiring, plugs and fitting all in box as advertised.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 17, 2015

Functions as described, a great Pixhawk clone. The best part is that it is a fraction of the cost and works the same!

__imrj | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 09, 2015

I love it, so much faster and better that my previous APM, very good quality from HK, I fly a lot and have never had an issue so far, am running AC3.2.1 firmware on it

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2m hex Download [3180]

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