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HobbyKing FPV250ゴースト版LEDナイトフライヤーFPVドローン

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HobbyKing FPV250ゴースト版LEDナイトフライヤーFPVドローン


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1 year warranty
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HobbyKing FPV250ゴースト版ドローン、楽しい機能が飛んで大きなFPVと夜とミニサイズのドローンをご紹介します。

FPV250は単なる250ミリメートルでで測定するミニサイズのFPVのクワッドローターです。この耐久性のある、安価なFPVマルチロータープラットフォームは、FPVのレースや障害物コースの飛行のために、あなたの地元の分野で完璧で、今明確なフレームおよび配向のための小道具となって白色LEDが直面しているダウン超高輝度を点灯上部対向LED付き全体の明確なフレームの夜空に輝き、その日中にさらに多くの目に見えます。含まセンター配電基板はまた、補助コンポーネント用に5V UBECシステムが組み込まれています。

一体型のフレームは、FPVの地方巡業を行って、まだ唯一の110グラムの重量を量るために、あなたに自信を与え、非常に耐久性です。フロントプラットフォームは2サーボパン・チルトカメラのセットアップとリアプラットフォームを扱うように設計されていることすべてが素晴らしく、バランスのとれた保つために、ビデオ送信機をサポートしています。 FPV250は、最も人気のあるフライトコントローラのための十分なベイ大きなセンターがあり、保護のためのトップクラッシュケージが含まれています。確実に高G操縦のための場所でバッテリを保持するために下部にある4つの統合されたストラップのスロットがあります。 FPV250モーターマウントは、1506年2208年にモーターから何かを扱うことができ、通気腕はあなたの7〜12AのESCの冷却の多くを提供しています。

HobbyKing FPV250は命知らずの障害物や仕様クラスFPVのレースとなりました夜間飛行の楽しみのために準備ができて予算志向のFPVのバッシャー、です。これは、レースシーズンが開始する準備をしているあなたのFPVのスキルを練習を開始する時間です!

•5V UBEC及びPDBに建てられました


1つのx電池800〜1300mah 7.4〜11.1V(2または3セルLipoly)

  • Ghost Edition Night Flyer Quad

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 24, 2016

easy to assemble, i use 1806 2300kv dys motors with 12 amp esc's and it flies well.

mackie | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2015

Finished already two of these amazing nightflyers.
The first one has 1806-2280kv motors, 5030 translucent propellers, 10A flycolor escs, kk2.1.5 board and Turnigy 5-channel receiver. With 1500mah/3s I have about 15 minutes flight time. The settings are: roll and pitch 30-100-20-30, yaw 100-90-30-25,
self level 50-20-40-40.
The second one has 2205/50 1040kv motors, 20A escs, 6045 propellers 3-blade, and
jiyi p2 flight controller with GPS. Flight-time with 4000mah/3s Multistar around 18 minutes.
PS: Don`t forget to learn the escs. I did it very easy with Turnigy servotester setting to Auto which continuously cycles the servo limit to limit.

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 13, 2015

Added this to my order for fun. Now its assembled and I've added a long frame kit with some spare 1806 motors for fun. Its looks like a cheap toy, but its better than leaving my spare gear to collect dust.

Joseph3LK | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 10, 2015

nice cheap framer for a starter project, LEDs make it a fun night flyer and the PDB is very handy. Excellent buy when it was on sale for 6AUD. Just note that the motor mounts are too wide for 1806 motors, as their screws are too thin. As a result, might look into buying a set of 22xx motors to fit onto this frame

soryn81 | 確認済みの購入者

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May 16, 2015

After few different setups finally got it working: 12amp afro speed controller , turnigy 1806 2280kv , naze32 flight controller , 1300mah 25c 3s . NICE little thing to try some acrobatics . I don't like the green-red combination of lights( I'll change the LEDs to red-blue ). The top cage is to small to get the flight controller and will need some mods.Looks really messy in the end with all the cables but flies great. For FPV I use a tarot 250 frame , so this one stays for night flight.

Sundaram | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 01, 2015

Looks absolutely beautiful in air in the night. stunning looks and features it even has a pan and tilt servo mount for the FPV cam.

William | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 03, 2015

The workhorse of my FPV fleet is my FPV-250 V2, the long frame Diatone kit. Because I had the Turnigy RGB LED kit, some standard red LED strips, and a BEC to power them all, making the little quad visible for night flying also meant it was heavy. An 1800mah 3S would give me 6 minutes, with FPV gear and Mobius, running 2204 2300KV motors from RTFQ. After upgrading to this frame however, and low-slinging my cage, not only is my quad 100 grams lighter, (560g with battery), I'm getting significantly longer flight times hitting the 8-9 minute range. Visible even in bright Florida sun, these upward facing LEDs do quite a job lighting the frame, allowing LOS orientation out as far as direct LED lighting would allow. The best part of this though, in my opinion, is the distribution board with BEC, those little white LEDs give my low-slug a internal glow that is awesome!

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 23, 2014

nice frame fpv 250 or some acrobatics in night time

RJOSS | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 22, 2014

Excellent chassis.Facile construire.

Tout est fourni y compris les petites visseries.

Les LED avec un accu LIPO 3S sont trs belles

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 19, 2014

Insane in the main frame (or so).

  1. 1
  2. 2
pdb wiring Download [3472]
finished build with spinning props Download [351]
clear shrink on the ESCs looks cooler Download [344]
just under 336 grams without battery Download [254]
655 Grams with battery, FPV and OSD Download [3107]
All lit up with FPV, GPS, OSD Download [2636]

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