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Hobbyking Radjet 800 EPO 800ミリメートル(PNF)

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Hobbyking Radjet 800 EPO 800ミリメートル(PNF)


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1 year warranty
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Radjet 800は、我々はテストバージョンを殺すために懸命に試みた、私をテストし、それをインチ内に流入した人生だとそれだけでなく、光のパフォーマンスだけでなく、信頼性の点で、完璧に動作したと信じてきました!これは、サーボのプリインストール、ESCモーター付きのシンプルなビルドだ、でもデカールは事前に適用されています!これは、通常の涙とガウジからあなたのRadjetを保護するような胴体の下の長さのプラスチック製スキッドなど、いくつかの印象的なシンプルで実用的な機能を備えています翼上のサーボアームプロテクター、ESC&Lipolyための効果的な冷却とそう上.....それはどのくらいでしょうか。

しかし、それはありませんああ、そこに停止していません!それは飛ぶしたいとは何ですか?全く輝かしいです!光の飛行重量はアウトランナーモーターは、パフォーマンスのトン、Radjetは巨大なループを引っ張ってくるを与え、いくつかの非常に正確な曲技飛行することができ、それは、それについては疑い迅速だが、絞ると、それはあなたのようにそれを飛ぶ、総プッシーキャットなることを意味しますそれを盗んだか、それはやじるだいずれかの方法を周りに滑空!だから、それは偉大に見える、まとめるために、それは、組み立てが簡単です見事に飛んで、信頼性の高い高速かつ安価です.... Radjet?あなたはより良いそれを信じます!

ウイングロード:28.9グラム/ dm 2で
ESC:20A BEC /ワット


エレボンミキシングと4チャンネルTX / RX
1300mAh 3S Lipoly

  • 翼幅(ミリメートル) 800.00
  • Hobbyking Radjet 800 EPO 800mm
  • H-King Radjet 800 EPO 800mm (PNF)

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Phillip | 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 02, 2018

I bought this plane on sale for $50 and being so cheap, I didn't expect much. I was shocked how well it flew stock. I was skeptical at butt joining the wings to the fuselage with no spar, but after doing a full throttle dive and an abrupt full elevator pull, I could not get the wings to fail. This plane tracks very well and flies great all around. I would definitely recommend this.

Matt | 確認済みの購入者

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Scored this for $50 - what an epic plane!

Apr 09, 2018

Got this in the month long HK sale. Nice quick arrival. Went together really easily. Usual CG issues as everyone reports (HK you should update the manual!) so much foam carving to fit the battery. Flew stock setup with 4s 1000 - not sure if ESC can handle it or not but no smoke so far... This thing shifts!! Over 150kmh on GPS speedo, more than fast enough for me as it disappears very quickly at this size! It's not EFXtra awesome but so much fun and at that price no tears when it eventually hits the ground.

Martin | 確認済みの購入者

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take with motor but not PNF

Mar 27, 2018

Very much fun, but building the PNF is a bit of a hassle as you have to take it apart first in order to cut out foam in the interior that blocks the battery from getting in the right position to get the COG right. Another PNF problem is you have to cut your way throught the foam to get to the motor screws in order to fix them right; they are prone to trembling loose.

Pierluigi | 確認済みの購入者

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fantastico radjet

Jun 11, 2017

Prestazioni eccellenti meglio del mio jet a turbina .
Adrenalina pura ad un costo eccellente grazie ad Hobby King.
Mille grazie.

Pierluigi | 確認済みの購入者

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fantastico radjet

Jun 11, 2017

Prestazioni eccellenti meglio del mio jet a turbina .
Adrenalina pura ad un costo eccellente grazie ad Hobby King.
Mille grazie.

Craig | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 07, 2016

Very easy model to build and fly. Up to 8 minutes flight time on a 1300mAh 3S 25c battery. Laminated my model and now it is nearly indestructible! Excellent purchase for the price!

Steve | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 04, 2015

This plane is a little beauty when you get the COG correctly. In order to get the COG right, I cut out the foam section covering the ESC and pulled everything as far back as possible, I then replaced the foam, raising it slightly to allow ventilation and cooling of the ESC and motor. I also carved out some of the foam in the fuselage to allow the battery to sit further back. The only change I will make to this going forward is to add a folding prop.

todd | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 24, 2015

Seems like a good deal, everything in order and worked. Flew well, fast and tracked well. Had to do some fairly major surgery to get the 1300 mah battery far enough back in fuselage to get proper cg. On this model you need correct cg for hand launch. Don't buy if you are not good at hand launch. I crashed about half the time and had to do several repairs. I think it launches a bit easier at 3/4 throttle. Lost it due to a faulty rx, and since it had already been patched up several times due to bad hand launches, I will not try to repair again. Not sure why this review comes in as "5 crowns" when I gave it four on all ratings (??)

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 04, 2015

Great plane for the money fast flite stable and durable

foamflier | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 31, 2015

Fast little plane.. fun

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