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HobbyKingスーパー-H 600クワッドローター(KIT)

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HobbyKingスーパー-H 600クワッドローター(KIT)


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1 year warranty
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あなたは、航空写真のカメラ船はUFOのように見えると低速飛行の病気であり、あなたは、ブロックの周りの散歩におばあちゃんを取っているような滑らかな? HobbyKingは、新しいスーパー-H 600で救助に来ます。

新スーパー-H 600は、Hの設定クワッドローターを飛んで600ミリメートルクラスのスポーツです。すべてのギアが安全フレーム板の間最大操縦性のために中心線上に搭載するための最適なレイアウトが可能になります。上部フレームは、ゼリー無料FPVおよびHDビデオ録画を可能にする12防振ボールのための規定を持っています。清潔で汚れたプレートの分離の利点はまた、あなたが素敵なタイトウォブル無料マルチコプター用のタイトフライトコントローラのPID値を持っていることができます。実績のある、容易に入手できる武器は、簡単かつ安価な「間違って向こう見ずな移動」の場合には交換を行います。フレームレイアウトは、電池や機器の巨大な範囲を処理し、カメラのための規定を持っており、取り付けジンバルを転送することができます。

あなたはスーパーH 600クワッドローター楽しみのために準備ができて、まだ実用的であれば、すべての期待を超えています。




  • HobbyKing Super-H Quadcopter Frame

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Fran vamo | 確認済みの購入者

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May 25, 2020

very good value for money, value for money very good, support sheets somewhat thin but give good consistency, made lack of central support to house the controller and a power distribution tray, that would be very good, they would only have to redesign the center sheet of the frame.

Andreas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 11, 2016

I used this frame for a short time, because the holes are done badly. With well balanced 15" props there are too much vibrations even for a gimbal!!! It's not stable at all. When you will use it, use it with small motors and 12" props max. The max flight time I got with it was 30min, but it wasn't a nice flying via fav, because of the vibrations I hardly could see anything!!!

Janaka | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 16, 2015

What a waste. You get what you pay for. I ended up with genuine CW props and knock-off CCW props, and the slight difference in thrust at the same motor RPM caused the frame and super flexible arms to twist and yaw the quad in circles. Though correctly matching props are clearly called for, the HUGE amount offlex in the arms and lower / dirty frame of this quad made it a complete waste of my time to build. My AUW was around 2.5kg - I tried to build this around a 6s 4000mah system and a mid-size gimbal and camera. I suspect this would only work with a GoPro and a lightweight setup.

jamie | 確認済みの購入者

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Apr 13, 2015

Awful kit. Don't buy it. Very flimsy, not well machined. The frame is not symmetrical when assembled.

pat12 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 08, 2015

simple fantastic. i have not used this for long but it is my first Quad copter frame and i think that it has been a good one to chose. I have been using it on grass and it has suffered lots of accidents but all in all it was great and there is NO damage to the board. i would recomend you use the NTM Prop Drive 28-30S 800KV / 300W Brushless Motor (short shaft version) motors and the Afro ESC 30Amp Multi-rotor Motor Speed Controller (SimonK Firmware) ESC's with Slow Fly Electric Prop 12x4.5R SF (4 pc - Green Right Hand Rotation) propellers as well as left hand turning ones and a 4 cell battery for me this set up has worked great. thanks for reading this, cya

Tarek | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 04, 2015

You pretty much get what you pay for. I've ordered this frame before and it was beside one drill hole fine. The second was missing all the drill holes for the rubber balls. Not a big deal for me. And the rest of the frame is descent and if you crash it (like I did), the replacement is not that big of a deal. I recommend this frame.

Zebolc | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 19, 2015

This is nice big frame with a lot of space on it and it is cheap.
However it has few drawbacks:
- it is heavy, 500g
- arms could be longer, they can fit maximum 13" props
- little too elastic for my taste
- plates are made of tick plexiglass (12.5mm) instead of carbon fiber
- there are no hols for rubber dumpers, and once you drill it your self those holes violate structural integrity of plates
- holes made for gears on plates are made in a way that makes you difficult to attach some of your gears so you have to improvise

All 4 arms are black but I like it that way, it looks cool, and if you want better orientation you can put some colorized LEDs.
I have put some pictures in file section of my build. I'm using Multistar Elite 4007.740 motors, 12" 5.5peach propellers, 4.5Ah 3s battery, Crius v2 FCB and 20A Afro Slim ESC. total weight is 1750g, but I plan to add one more 4500mAh battery and d13" 5.5peach props. That should give me 15 minutes of flight time with good maneuverability.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 14, 2015

This is a great frame. I have 14 inch blades on this build. If you do Use 14 inch props you will be cutting in close but still it makes for a nice long flight time! I suggest the use of m3x11MM vibration isolation grommits! They fit well! Enjoy!

Maksim | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 13, 2015

2210 turnigy

DodgeHobby | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 11, 2015

A lot of gear for little money!

Nice easy build, some spares in mine (I hope they're spares!) And plenty of room. SJ400, APM GPS, 4x ESCS, FrSky Rx, FPV cam, Vtx and batt. And enough room to fit it all on again.

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