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Hobbykingワイヤレス・バッテリートラッカーのw /無料バッテリー870mhz

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Hobbykingワイヤレス・バッテリートラッカーのw /無料バッテリー870mhz


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1 year warranty
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新 - & - の改善Hobbykingワイヤレスバッテリートラッカーは、充電プラグを介して、あなたのlipolyを監視し、あなたのレシーバに信号を送り返します。あなたの細胞の1が3.6V以下に低下する必要があり、そのセル用のLEDが赤に変わります。細胞は、LED 3V以下に低下すると点滅し、警報ブザーを使用して、できるだけ早く着陸するシグナル伝達、ビープ音が鳴ります。
送信機は、870.0Mhz FMバンドで動作し、6S電池に2Sを監視することができます。

バッテリー:7.4V / 2セル(付属)

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Graham | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 29, 2011

This is a useless item. The warning beeper continually sounds, even with a fully charged lipo. Voltages checked on an 'EOS' meter. The warning lights show low voltage red, on fully charged lipo, all cells.

If i had bought it locally at a shop, i would return it.

4stripes | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 24, 2011

Sounded like a good idea, but when it arrived it was very poor quality. Only monitored one or two cells. Upon investigation found very poor soldering in receiver making most of the board non-functioning.
Sent back for refund.

DOCA-SP | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 01, 2010

O alcance no e' dos maiores... mas funciona corretamente. para checar a carga e' necessario fazer uma "passagem" perto para se ter uma leitura.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 22, 2010

Das Gert funktioniert!

Aber schon beim abheben meines T-Rex 500 mit vollgeladenem 6S 2800 Lipoakku geht das Alarmsignal mit roter LED an.

Die Meschwelle ist falsch eingestellt, somit ist das Gert unbrauchbar!!!

Die billige Verarbeitung ist bei dem Preis noch gerade akzeptabel.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 11, 2009

Es un muy til!, sobretodo para los usuarios de helicpteros. El radio de distancia es limitado por tanto en aviones puede perderse la sean. Avisa con seales luminosas y acsticas indicando del estado de las celdas en cada momento. La batera de 2S se carga rapidamente con unos 400 mAh. La duracin de las baterias es mas que sificiente para varios dias de vuelo.

Is very usefully! Better for helicopter users because the coverage range is limited. Notify you the battery state of each cell from 2-6 clell with light and sound. Cams with a small 2S small lipo, around 400 mAh. The lenght of the battery is enough for a few days.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 04, 2009

Can someone tell me which battery the tracker uses? Is it a Lipo 2 cell? What is the capacity?

Burli | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 24, 2009

It is a verry helpful tool to show lipovoltagee.

It is better than a lipoflasher because it shows every cell of lipo.

And distance is great it works within 500 meters (tested).

Only the manufakture could be a little bit better.

Better Power switch and the cover could be better than paper with film and moved axacter.

It would be of advantage if could buy an transmitter without receiver to use it in several modells.

Thank you


顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 25, 2009

Buen producto ya que puedes monitorizar de 2 a 6 elementos de la lipo pero su funcionamiento no es del todo correcto ya que se enciende y pita en cuanto le pides algo de chicha a la bateria.

Tal vez para vuelo suave si valga pero para vuelo sport ya trabaja muy mal.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 25, 2008

I disappointed with this bat tracker. The bat tracker working properly but the range is not more than 100meters.

Fossy | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 03, 2008

Tolle Idee, problemose Funktion, einfach genial!!

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