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HobbyKing™ミデジタルハイスピー​​ドサーボMGの5.6キロ/ 0.04sec / 58グラム

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HobbyKing™ミデジタルハイスピー​​ドサーボMGの5.6キロ/ 0.04sec / 58グラム


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購入済み Discontinued Product

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1 year warranty
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電圧:4.8V / 6V
スピード:0.05sec / 60deg(4.8V) - 0.04 / 60deg(6V)
トルク -
サイズ:40ミリメートルX 20ミリメートルX 39.2ミリメートル
ギアトレイン: フルチタン合金
モーター: コアレス


  • Servo トルク(キログラム) (分0.01キロ) 5.60
  • Servo スピード(秒/ 60deg ) 0.04
  • Servo A( MM ) 44.00
  • Servo B ( mm)と 41.00
  • Servo C ( mm)と 40.00
  • Servo D ( mm)と 20.00
  • Servo E ( mm)と 55.00
  • Servo F ( mm)と 30.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-11



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Marran | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 26, 2014

I got this thinking "awesome speed for the money" yes it was quick.. but not for long..
After 3 laps och drifting it started acting odd. The center position changed after every turn. I decided I will open the servo and see what the issue is.
The problem was that it had small plastic parts to prevent the servo from spinning to much. These broke. I guess that the speed and tourqe of the servo broke them of. I then checked anoter servo that is both slower and weaker from another company and they had these small parts in metal.
Not worth it and poor design.

skyfox60 | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 10, 2014

Should be used as tailservo on helis only with the analo setup of the gyro. Works great, touh, but with higher frequencies it get hot nearly imediately. Runs smooth and is very fast. Holds tail rock solid. Will come back with further update after a number of flights to report, how it lasts.

Mav75 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 12, 2013

Fitted to my drifter. Great servo, very fast. Only slightly larger than the BMS-661DMGplusHS it replaced. Fitted futaba servo horn fine.

Heli-Maz | 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 12, 2013

Aufnahmeritzel hat radiales Spiel! Hat aber trotzdem 3 Std. am Heck bei einem 550 Heli gut funktioniert, dann schmorte der Motor duch....

maxrc30 | 確認済みの購入者

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May 25, 2013

Si, questo servo veloce, l'ho montato sul mio hk600gt come servo di coda, devo ancora provarlo in volo, per come prima impressione sembra ok............

mouchadino | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 21, 2013

for 600 heli tail only work on 1520/71hz :( if you force it with 250 or 333 hz the servo will be cook itself :p-btw i must pay about 16 usd for MI (Magnetic Induction technology)

cata877 | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 04, 2013

Moderno servo de cola a muy buen precio.

mouchadino | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 21, 2013

don't used this one for engine heli 50-90 this not engine vibration resistance....that will make err servo which will make the move and can not be stopped :(

JUN NI | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 28, 2012

std. size servo

digital high speed

Arsenio | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 12, 2012

Muy buen producto,

suave, digital, y muy, muy rpido

ideal para cualquier heli a partir de 500 o 50.

Va de fabula con los clones del 401 de hobbyking, pero hay que quitarle mucha ganancia en el end-point de ch.5..

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