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HobbyKing™MX2 3D EPP 1230ミリメートル(ARF)

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HobbyKing™MX2 3D EPP 1230ミリメートル(ARF)


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1 year warranty
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HobbyKing™MX2 3D EPPは、3D専用に構築されています。それは巨大制御面と光翼面荷重、いくつかの極端な曲芸飛行のための完璧なレシピを提供しています!機体は薄いEPP発泡シートの機体ビーイングの皮膚と超軽量合板基礎構造のユニークなハイブリッドです。

ユニークなハイブリッド構造に加えて、HobbyKing™MX2 3D EPPはまた、偉大な塗装済み視認性の高いカラースキームを持っています。これはよさそうだし、それらの極端な曲技飛行操縦中に配向することは容易であることを意味します。軽量ながら丈夫なテーマに沿って、MX2 3Dは炭素繊維の着陸装置とプラスチックテールホイールユニットが付属しています。付属のハードウェアが優れており、このモデルは、事前製作を大量に起因する簡単かつ迅速なビルドを提供しています。交通機関を容易にするために期待通りの翼には、プラグインであり、大きなキャノピーは簡単Lipolyの変更のためのコース取り外し可能です。

この非常に魅力的HobbyKing™MX2はreccomended 3Dパイロットやスポーツフライヤーの両方に設定上の優れたパフォーマンスを提供しています、彼らは大規模な飛行機のように飛ぶが、構築するために、比較的安価であり、非常に実用的であるとして、「30ep」クラスのモデルが人気があります。このMX2は、それはよさそうだ経験したパイロットへの中間のための完璧なオールラウンドモデルです偉大なのフリーズ、実用的であり、地球はかかりません、あなたは多くを求めることができませんでした!

飛ぶために•ほとんど準備ができて - 、完全な最終組立をエレクトロニクスとモーターを取り付け、飛びます!


3542 950kv
3S 11.1V 2200mAhのLiPolyバッテリー

  • HK 3D EPP MX2

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heiko | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 23, 2016

Just wow,

Didn't expect a plane like that.

The only bad thing are the weak wing mounting hooks.


Graphene 2200 3s
Acro Master recommend motor
Esc 50 Amps Robbe roxy

Prop APC 11x 5.5

Hitec servos
Aileron HS 65 HB
Rudder and elevator HS 81

Overall weight ~ 1,4 kg

Phillip | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 02, 2016

Received mines 2 days ago and all i can say is awesome plane! came double boxed with no damages as she went together nicely. Flys like a dream and will do any 3D move in the book Also this plane is pretty light too , I use a 3542 800kv motor with a 13x6.5 prop and a 2650 4s that gives it Plenty of power!! I highly recommend this plane.

Nirgal4 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 06, 2015

Excellent aircraft, maiden it today, very easy and excellent performances !

LasseK | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 26, 2015

Beautiful colour scheme, really "pops". Wing mount a bit eh with bad rubber bands (one broke after five minutes in the plane, so be sure to put in your own good rubber bands). Good stiff carbon tube spar for the main wings. Good design too, motor and wing and stabilizer all in line. Instructions in chinglish, total rubbish (if you have built anything before then don't worry, it's an easy build). Only value from manual is COG which is at 112mm. Vast space for batteries. I will use 2200 3S (has to go almost all the way to the front) and 4S (some 4cm further back compared to 3S). I put in an Aerodrive 3542 SK3 1250kv motor, fits perfectly with the included spinner and also fits the motor pod perfectly. Servos XGD-11MGB for ailerons, XGD-11MB for elevator and rudder. ESC YEP 60A. Prop 12x6E. Consumes 69A at 1002W with 4S, with storage charged battery, so take it easy with full throttle runs (but then again it should go ballistic then :-). AUW with 4S is 1439g, with 3S 1381g (1174g without battery but with all electronics). Don't squeeze it hard when lifting it, it is a bit brittle (inner structure is not very strong, so and so plywood). But really recommend this plane for the price. Will get back with more info after maiden.

Lusby | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 08, 2015

A fantastic 3D flyer. Robust construction that can handle a 700W 4S setup no worries!

Very stable in harrier (inverted and upright), tight knife edge (KE) spins, fantastic blenders and flatspins. It also has minimal KE coupling and can hold very high alpha KE, more than any other 3D plane I own.

The colours are very vibrant and more durable than some other EPP hybrids. Overall I am really enjoying this plane.... more than I expected. Thanks F*ture M*del.

Murray | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 01, 2015

I got the kit and it was easy to assemble. I gave it a quick check and went flying. It was uncontrollable in the air and the best I could manage was a controlled crash which ripped the gear off. Upon checking the 2 aileron servos and the rudder servos were loose and the screws stripped. Really shoddy workmanship. Check everything and glue the servos down before flying !!

Max | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 25, 2015

The construction of this Model is very flimsy ,just the thinnest of a ply skelton to the fuse and then a thin layer of foam covering...not a plane to be flown in wind .Afer an easy assembly it was off to the flying field ...and thats when the Fun started
The 1st flight saw the canopy magnets let go and the canopy was lost to the wilds, after constructing another canopy the 2nd flight was not much better when the landing gear collapsed after a normal landing ,the 3rd flight ended when the Wing tore in half and the model bit the dust ...its now in my Hobby King Bin.
I think its a case of what you pay for is what you get!

msabalbal | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 17, 2014

Excellent design and flight carecteristcs, only no servo arm extensions supplied, also the tail wheel gear is weak, I replaced it with the one of edge 540 crashed which is stronger.

Fayya | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 25, 2014

Arrived today from DHL shipping....its nice beautiful plane with parts.....but there is no larger servor arm for 3d not with the next time have to buy all other accessories of this plane soon....thank you hobby king

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