This piston and sleve will fit you LEO or INC motor... and OS 46SF... with a minor alteration.
You have to remove the linchpin on top of the motorhousing, or dremel/cut a new slit in the ring on top of the cilinder to fit. Trivial ajustment I think?
The porting looks 99pcnt the same.
It will not fix your 46 FX nor AX. The FX can be fixed with the 46 ASP set.
AX? The looks of the porting itself seems simmilar with FX, but the fittings are totally different. Only to fit with expensive machinery... even then, it wil be a fight to get it right.
There is yet no solution for the AX. It whould be great if HK made an investment in such parts, then the OS ABL liners totally suck. No new OSes for me again. Even the service of OS in Europe fails (Graupner). I hope these ABC sleeves will last long. Riviving sloppy OS work.:-)
Thanks RCP, Netherlands
Have to check the piston pin. Iff different, than I wil post the information.