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KB45-11XL 1000kvブラシレスInrunner

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KB45-11XL 1000kvブラシレスInrunner


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KB45-11XL 1000kvブラシレスInrunner
KV:1000rpmで/ V
このサイズのモータは完全に私達の大きい5インチと4.75inch EDFに適合します。 (同じ取り付け穴&シャフトサイズ)


  • KV ( RPM / V ) 1000.00
  • 最大電流( A ) 0.00
  • 抵抗( MH ) 0.00
  • 最大電圧( V ) 0.00
  • 電力( W ) 2592.00
  • シャフトA (ミリメートル) 6.00
  • 長さB ( mm)の 77.00
  • 直径C (ミリメートル) 45.00
  • ことができます長さD (ミリメートル) 75.00
  • 総丈E (ミリメートル) 77.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10



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On The Ground | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 26, 2012

Very powerful motor, is fitted to my Savage 6x6 now :) Good choise

Roman | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Dec 29, 2011

I run it on catamaran with 10S lipo and 80A turnigy HV ESC, 42mm prop. Motor is overheating in 3 minutes run. Magnets are demagnetised. When I try again ESC dead too. I thing that motor can handle only 40Amps.

ANDERSON martins | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 06, 2011

Este motor possui um otimo custo beneficio. Um pequeno preo para tamanha potencia. se vc pesquisar no mercado outros motores semelhante em potencia vc ver que ele tem a metade do preo de outros motores com o mesmo numero de watts. Voc precisa abrir pelo menos 03 furos na frente do motor para refrigerar o motor. esta operao vai conservar seu motor por muito mais tempo, aumentando o desempenho do motor.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 09, 2010

This motor is good just for 8S in use with 4,5" HAOYE EDF, I measured with 10S Zippy Flightmax 5000 mAh 25-35C with 120A ESC on low timming more than 144 A !!! motor was so hot after 15 seconds of running. Here is test video:

Carcharodon | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 06, 2010

A good motor, used 2 in a 56" cat.

But the big problem is it gets very hot and I burnt them both. The magnet lost its power.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 21, 2009

you all are right this tor runs a to hot so I deciededto drillhlesinthefront and back plate but as one of you said it was not a good idea due to the metl shavings, welthat problem was solved I was able to remove the plates.they came off real easy I made a puller that attached to the front plate attached 4screws and with a ittle pessurethe back plte poped off first , I took out the drive part of the mtor which is a real strong magnet,

maxx | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 21, 2009

Liebe PB Freunde, 4 Lcher auf beiden Seiten, dahinter einen Ventilator, funktionierende Wasserkhlung (bereits ab ca.35km/h), Timing low, 42mm PROP, 10S Polyquest 4500mA/h. Fahrzeit 1,2min. Stop, berprfung! Anscheinend alles OK. Temp.58 Grad. Kurze Pause. Ventilator weiterlaufen lassen. Dann nochmal 1 min. und BOOOOOOOM Motor und Regler doch kein Lehner! Geldbrse lsst Gren, ich schie mir ins Knie! )

Karol Penconek | 確認済みの購入者

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May 17, 2009

It's a powerful motor, but it runs hot. I use it in my 32' catamaran with octura x646 on 6s li-po

Herbstl | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 03, 2009

Liebe PB Freunde, der Motor hat schon Kraft, das stimmt, jedoch rennt er so richtig heiss!

eine gnstig alternative zu Lehner Motoren ist er, aber unbedingt Lcher an beiden Seiten anbringen, Wasserkhlung anfertigen die schon bei geringem Speed khlt, (nicht durchs Ruder), Timing runter. Damm hat man lnger Spass damit. Sonst brennt man den Motor sehr schnell ab. Ist so! lg max

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 22, 2009

I need more info about this motor and how to open cooling holes front and back

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