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KD A22-20Lブラシレスアウトランナーモーター

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KD A22-20Lブラシレスアウトランナーモーター


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1 year warranty
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KV:1000rpmで/ V

  • KV ( RPM / V ) 1000.00
  • 最大電流( A ) 25.00
  • 抵抗( MH ) 0.00
  • 最大電圧( V ) 11.00
  • 電力( W ) 0.00
  • シャフトA (ミリメートル) 3.00
  • 長さB ( mm)の 39.00
  • 直径C (ミリメートル) 28.00
  • ことができます長さD (ミリメートル) 23.00
  • 総丈E (ミリメートル) 54.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-10



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gquiring | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 20, 2013

I have two of the KD A22-20L motors in sailplanes. They work great.

10x6 folding prop, 230watts, 20amps with a 3s 1800 Lipo
9x7 folding prop, 191watts with a 3s 1300 lipo

Chris | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 10, 2012

These motors are excellent! I can't rate it any higher. They are very powerfull for their size and fits anything up to a 15 size plane. On a 10e airobatic (Extra 300) it puts out about 250w using 3s LiPo and 10x5 prop and pulls the plane vertical. I have no hessitation in recommending this motor above all others. Flight times are about the 8 minute time on a 2200mAh battery and only using 60pcnt of the battery capacity.

plngh | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 30, 2012

I love this motor and will buy, at least, two more once they are available.

11.5 volts, 10X6" folding prop, 9550 RPM, 235watts, 21.4 amps, calculated thrust of 1.2 kilograms.

I suspect that I'm a bit conservative on the thrust calculation because it takes my 800gram Specter straight up as high as I want it for thermaling in 10-12 seconds and is still accelerating at the top of the climb. 40-50 flights so far.

Fly_Fast | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 30, 2012

Wonderfull motor for my easy glider

plngh | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 22, 2012

I love this motor! I have it in a Specter 1800 that weighs 800grams. With a 9.5X8 prop it will accelerate indefinitely at 70-80 degrees. It gets as high as I want it in 9-12 seconds. I will definitely pick up another as soon as they are in stock just to have on hand for any future projects.

Andrey_ | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 16, 2012

, 12*6,13*4.

Haxxel | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 15, 2012

Not entirely satisfied with this motor.

It looks nice but it is poorly isolated, it is extremely magnetic, you can hang a hammer from the bell just by magnetic attachment.

I paired this with a plush 25A ESC and did not get the thrust i was expecting, i had to replace this motor on the plane it was intended for.

The worst thing is the quality! At the third landing I did, the prop touched the grass but did not break, instead the motor ripped out all the threads in the mounting holes. After re-threading the holes i tried the motor on another plane but at the landing this time three of the magnets came loose!
This motor just gives me too much trouble, I recommend you to by a turnigy motor instead...

bushy | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 25, 2012

super motor goes on and on good buy

reide | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 15, 2012

Die Motore, die ich erhalten habe sind schlechte Qualitt, von drei Motoren luft keiner. Beim bewegen der Anschlsse, zucken sie manchmal.

Red Shuhart | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 18, 2012

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