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Kingduino宇野 - アトメルATMEGA 328-PU

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Kingduino宇野 - アトメルATMEGA 328-PU


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購入済み Discontinued Product

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1 year warranty
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アルドゥイーノは、各種センサからの入力を受信することによって、環境を感知することができ、ライト、モーター、及び他のアクチュエータを制御してその周囲に影響を与えることができます。ボード上のマイクロコントローラは、(配線に基づく)Arduinoのプログラミング言語と(処理に基づく)Arduinoの開発環境を使用してプログラムされています。 Arduinoのプロジェクトは、スタンドアロンすることができ、またはそれらはソフトウェアがコンピュータ(例えばフラッシュ、加工、MaxMSP)上で動作していると通信することができます。


デジタルI / Oピン(PWM出力を提供する6の)14
I / OピンあたりのDC電流:40ミリアンペア
フラッシュメモリ: ブートローダで使用される32キロバイト(ATmega328)の0.5キロバイト
クロックスピード:16 MHzの
USBケーブル: 含まれます



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Chebm | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 17, 2019

I use them in several project.

Malc | 確認済みの購入者

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Oh Dear

Aug 01, 2018

Oh dear I received 3 of my order today I normally check these devices before connecting them to the computer power wise, Good job the first unit went POP and took out the 5 volt regulator. This would have damaged the computer USB power supply so I'm pleased I check these devices before hand. I would recommend other purchases do the same, The other two devices worked Okay on the same power supply so it points to be a faulty device supplied. MY RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD BE CONNECT THE UNITS TO THE POWER SOCKET ON THE UNIT AT 9 VDC BEFORE CONNECTING THE DEVICE TO THE COMPUTER VIA THE USB CABLE TO MAKE SURE ALL IS WELL.

Malc | 確認済みの購入者

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Oh Dear

Aug 01, 2018

Oh dear I received 3 of my order today I normally check these devices before connecting them to the computer power wise, Good job the first unit went POP and took out the 5 volt regulator. This would have damaged the computer USB power supply so I'm pleased I check these devices before hand. I would recommend other purchases do the same, The other two devices worked Okay on the same power supply so it points to be a faulty device supplied. MY RECOMMENDATIONS WOULD BE CONNECT THE UNITS TO THE POWER SOCKET ON THE UNIT AT 9 VDC BEFORE CONNECTING THE DEVICE TO THE COMPUTER VIA THE USB CABLE TO MAKE SURE ALL IS WELL.

Soomin | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 04, 2016

This is same board arduino. Operation is good and all is same.

CharlieF007 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 11, 2015

This board has preformed well, even though it is not genuine. The only real differences between the kingduino and the Arduino is the warranty, quality and brand name. You can tell if an Arduino is fake if the circuit part below the USB socket is green. Except for that, the board is identical and has been working fine. I bought the Hobbyking 3 axis gyro with this for a stabilized rocket project.

Evil Pusher | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 02, 2014

Never get one - never ordered one - so, I dont know.

Michael | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 03, 2014

I was very pleased with this. Does what it's expected to do and at a very good price. My only problem with the product is hte ultra-bright power LED which is blindingly bright. Please consider replacing it with something less intense! I would like to see more Arduino products on the HK EU store generally, especially WiFi and bluetooth shields

UAV-EGYPT | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 19, 2013

Very useful, Recommended but not the original

Jimmy | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 11, 2013

timo preo! fao vrios projetos com ele! Mas utilizo a placa mas para gravao dos chips!!

flash242424 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 20, 2013

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

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