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OSDを有するマイクロHKPilotメガマスターセット、GPS、テレメトリラジオ、PDB / BEC /パワー・センサ(433MHzの)(APM)

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OSDを有するマイクロHKPilotメガマスターセット、GPS、テレメトリラジオ、PDB / BEC /パワー・センサ(433MHzの)(APM)


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1 year warranty
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HKPilotは急速に進化し、洗練されたArdupilotメガまたは「APM」、3DRのロボットからのオープンソースプロジェクトに基づいています。この驚くべきフライトコントローラはで、ユーザーがさえウェイポイントと自律ミッションをプログラムされたタスクの広い範囲を実行することが可能な任意の固定翼、回転翼、またはマルチローター車(でも船や車)完全に自律走行車への、有効にすることができますマイクロ高精度NEO-6M Ublox GPSが含まれていました。


HKPilotメガマイクロマスターセットが含まれています:60A 4S NEWマイクロHKPilotメガ2.7.2、統合されたコンパス、双方向データ用のPCBアンテナとアースモジュールを内蔵したマイクロテレメトリラジオ付き超精密マイクロUblox NEO-6MのGPSモジュールを、 PDB / BEC /パワーセンサモジュール、FPVのフィードバックのためのマイクロミニムOSD、プラグアンドプレイの経験のための完全なマッチング・ケーブル・セット。

この製品は、オープンソースに基づいているAPMプロジェクト 3DRロボットから、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスあたりのCADファイルは、ファイル]タブで入手可能です。 APMプロジェクトは、利用可能な最良のシステムの一つであると、このオープンソースのフライトコントローラを押して何千人ものユーザーによって支持されています。

•完全なシステム重量はわずか23.5グラム(マイクロHKPilot、GPS、OSD、PDB /パワーモジュール、テレメトリラジオ)であります
•自動データロギング用の4 MPデータフラッシュチップに内蔵
•マイクロ35ミリメートル4S 60A PDB / BEC /電源VとIは含まセンサー

マイクロPDB / BEC / VとIセンサー
マイクロU-bloxの超精密NEO-6M GPSとコンパス




  • HK Pilot Micro

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Felix | 確認済みの購入者

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For advanced users!

Jun 09, 2017

Took me some research to get it working. But finally everything ok. Here some important hints:

1. Do not load the APM 3.2.1 Firmware, use 3.2 instead. Mission planner will say "the board is retired" and propose automatically 3.2.1 - cancel this and you'll get 3.2.
2. Cable between OSD and HKPilot needs an additional Tx(OSD) -> Rx(HKPilot) connection. Otherwise OSD is not updating. For this you have to create you own cable.
3. For Firmwareupdate of the OSD use a 6 pin FTDI (USB-TTL) with CTL control output. Make sure the CTL-Signal is connected. Otherwise you get a "missing boot loader" error
4. For the OSD use the MinimOsd_Extra_Copter_Pre_release_Beta Firmware, based on firmware extra-2.4-r800. Can be downloaded here:
5. Use external compass of the GPS. You have to cut carefully with a sharp knif on the PCB of the HKPilot at SJ10 between the two solder pads. There is no connection visible - anyway cut carefully until there is no connection between the solder pads measurable.

Gianluca | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 21, 2016

faulty board for me! Only 4v get out from board to osd/mav-link and radio rx. No way to setup volt and ampere reading-monitoring; try every pin! Low voltage board allarm.

ZK-DWF | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 09, 2016

Got this for my FPV 250. Good value for money. Sadly, I had to cut the link to get the external compass to work, and that was the last time I could communicate with the board. This is obviously a great board, but the necessity to cut a miniscule solder link proved too much of a hurdle for my skills, and I had to put it back into its box, and put it on the shelf. Hugely, disappointed that I couldn't get it working.

fyghcambo | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 09, 2015

Not Impressed with this kit, the Baro is not working even with foam and all precautions taken, I can only fly it in Stabilise mode and GPS modes, therefore cannot use the autotune and autotrim .... seriously annoying and disappointed for the price!

Martin | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 17, 2015

Could not connect to mission planner using the rf module. Spent hours before I figured out that the rx and tx where switched on the cable going to the module from the APM. Hours of troubleshooting is not what I expect with a brand new product.

Jose Vicente | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 08, 2015

Depus de conectar todo menos la telemetria y e osd me preparo para configurar el modulo de vuelo y no se comunica con el pc , e bajado los drivers del usb y los e instalado y sigue sin comunicarsen modulo y pc. podrian decirme como o donde puedo encontrar los drivers y como instalarlos?.

ThomasWong | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 22, 2015

First set keep sending bad compass health and bad Gyro Health and cannot calibrate the compass, returned to Hobby King for warranty claim but being ignore for 20 days. still no reply for HK, SxxT!
can't waiting hobbyking so buy second set, still bad compass health issue and still cannot calibrate th ecompass. anybody know how to fix the compass or this board is just a joke and never can use???? Try both built in and external compas still failed...........


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Apr 17, 2015

Very bad, my copter is crashed every time. Bad bad bad.
I use the best component, Tmotor motors, simonk ESC, Frsky... this flight controller is so bad friends

Grzegorz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 02, 2015

They sent me a defective!
I waited a month before they wrote back and told me to wait again a month
Hobbyking are crooks !!!!
Never with them do not purchase.
In other stores Honkkong or china respond to mails within 24 hours are
Hobbyking and pathetic after 2 weeks.

FusionTiger | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 16, 2015

Excellent Product! Ive purchased a few HKPilots and APMs in my Multirotor quests and this is the smallest yet works just the same as the larger 2.5 - 2.7 variants. In my opinion, I think this is so much better and easier to work with. Great savings on weight and really makes room for a good fit in my QAV280. I would prefer that it came with the pins uncrimped as I had spent quite abit of time trimming down the wiring which came a little too long for mini quads. Yes, Ive literally used up everything that came with this package. Nothing left unplugged. I'll try to post up pictures in the 'Files' tab to show you how I managed to rewire it neatly.

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