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OSD、GPS付きマイクロHKPilotメガマスターセット、テレメトリラジオ、PDB / BEC /パワー・センサ(915MHzの)

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OSD、GPS付きマイクロHKPilotメガマスターセット、テレメトリラジオ、PDB / BEC /パワー・センサ(915MHzの)


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1 year warranty
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HKPilotは急速に進化し、洗練されたArdupilotメガまたは「APM」、3DRのロボットからのオープンソースプロジェクトに基づいています。この驚くべきフライトコントローラはで、ユーザーがさえウェイポイントと自律ミッションをプログラムされたタスクの広い範囲を実行することが可能な任意の固定翼、回転翼、またはマルチローター車(でも船や車)完全に自律走行車への、有効にすることができますマイクロ高精度NEO-6M Ublox GPSが含まれていました。


HKPilotメガマイクロマスターセットが含まれています:60A 4S NEWマイクロHKPilotメガ2.7.2、統合されたコンパス、双方向データ用のPCBアンテナとアースモジュールを内蔵したマイクロテレメトリラジオ付き超精密マイクロUblox NEO-6MのGPSモジュールを、 PDB / BEC /パワーセンサモジュール、FPVのフィードバックのためのマイクロミニムOSD、プラグアンドプレイの経験のための完全なマッチング・ケーブル・セット。

この製品は、オープンソースに基づいているAPMプロジェクト 3DRロボットから、クリエイティブコモンズライセンスあたりのCADファイルは、ファイル]タブで入手可能です。 APMプロジェクトは、利用可能な最良のシステムの一つであると、このオープンソースのフライトコントローラを押して何千人ものユーザーによって支持されています。

•完全なシステム重量はわずか23.5グラム(マイクロHKPilot、GPS、OSD、PDB /パワーモジュール、テレメトリラジオ)であります
•自動データロギング用の4 MPデータフラッシュチップに内蔵
•マイクロ35ミリメートル4S 60A PDB / BEC /電源VとIは含まセンサー

マイクロPDB / BEC / VとIセンサー
マイクロU-bloxの超精密NEO-6M GPSとコンパス





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Douglas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 19, 2016

Took a significant amount of work/research to set up and get working & there isn't much documentation/detailed information about the board. After fixing the compass, I spent countless hours trying to figure out why sometimes the inputs worked, and sometimes they didn't, and now they just wont work at all. It worked fine in PPM mode (at first), but I cant do that because I have a 6 channel radio, and for some reason you MUST use channel 7 for auto tuning, and you need to do that or else it wobbles like crazy. That might be missionplanner's fault, but either way the software is as unreliable/buggy as the hardware. I will be replacing it with an openpilot revo, I had much better luck with openpilot boards in the past, plus they have the ability to configure the motors/ESC's, which this cannot.

Dale | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 01, 2016

Overall this APM and combo have worked great for me ~50 hours of flight time in a 250 quad with 2204 2300kv motors driving 3x5 props. Recently I had some GPS and low VCC issues. Added a 20uf cap at the APM power connector and now VCC is much more stable, no glitches now on about an hour of flight testing. I also had very twitchy alt hold mode. I ended up mounting the APM board on a 1oz (28 gram) metal sheet and the sheet is on rubber vibration dampers. Now it is rock solid on alt hold and much more immune to prop vibration. Now it preforms very very stable.

_Milo_ | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 01, 2016

Love this FC, flying as good as my pixhawk rigs.
Was really surprised, at how well it works, GPS locks quickly, I'm using a RFD900 on the ground station, and the little tiny PCB antenna mavlink radio on a 330 quad, oriented on a small DIY mount, have not lost connection out to 2000 feet so far.
Got rid of the servo connections, soldered instead to save space. So impressed, just ordered a second one with the current sale.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 21, 2015

great little product.. its a bit old.. but works just fine... all the features of the big quad copters in a 250 frame i suggest this to anyone.. that has a hard time flying like me

Richard | 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 10, 2015

I bought this total set for my mini. Yeah I know a bit overkill. but I thought I would give it a shot. all in all it works real well. The autotune feature zero'd the pids nicely and the fact that it logs data allowed me to tun several other settings. which have resulted in a very stable and controllable craft.

Now for the down side. I only have one issue, the OSD. IT died after a bout 2 weeks of use. The text fades in and out I have found no solution for it and last night had to pull it from the craft as its no longer reliable. There is another version which I am thinking about getting., the tx and osd combo on one board same form factor as the fc. But I worry its 60 bucks I would through away in the end as I am having to do with the single osd.

Gabriel | 確認済みの購入者

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Apr 06, 2015

Surprisingly easy to set up once you have the info.

With frsky d4r-II just output cppm to apm input channel 1 and short apm input channel 2 and 3.

Only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to program the OSD.

Currently flying in my folding 250 copter. Pretty much the best thing ever.

Richard | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 10, 2015

Well so far I am pretty impressed with this kit. I thought I was just getting a re-branded APM mini but its clearly a bit different. So far everything connects beautifully, I have updated the firmware on the radios and the apm itself. I did have to disable my Bluetooth com ports before I could get that to work. But that's not uncommon.
My only negative comments at this point are the lack of documentation and the inability to access the Mini OSD. I can't tell if its configurable in any way. It doesn't behave like the Minimosd at least not so far. More to come. But so far. I like it

guam.haole | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 28, 2015

Compass calibration issue - FIX
I went through a lot of testing in trying to calibrate the compass. WARNING to those with this issue. To use the external compass you must modify the main board. That is clearly documented. What is not documented is that if you want to use the on-board compass you must disable the one in the GPS unit. If you don't the FC receives two different compass readings and will never calibrate. To disable the compass in the GPS just remove the first black wire next to the red wire. That will only remove the signal for that compass. GPS will work normally. I used an X-acto knife to gently lift the lock tab on the micro molex. I used shrink tubing to prevent shorting on the lose wire. I can always re-enable it later if I so desire.

Why would one want to use the on-board compass? Reason #1 I do not want to risk damaging the FC board by doing the modification needed for the external compass. #2 and equally important to me is that if the plug to the GPS is dislodged during flight the bird would be able to return close to launch by using dead reckoning utilizing the on board compass and barometer.

I hope this post helps those with the trouble I had. I must have done a weeks worth of testing to discover this...

Dwight Martin Guam

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