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Multistar高容量4S 10000mAhマルチローターリポパック

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Multistar高容量4S 10000mAhマルチローターリポパック


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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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私たちは、放電速度を低下させながら大幅にバッテリー容量(mAh)を増加させることによって、私たちの目標を達成しています。これは、同じ体重の標準20C + LiPoly電池と比較するとはるかに高い能力を提供しながら、依然として十分な電流(アンペア)を提供することが可能な電池になります。




構成 :4S1P / 14.8V / 4Cell
パック重量 :804グラム
パックサイズ :160×65のx 36ミリメートル

  • 容量(mAh ) 10000.00
  • 放電( C ) 10.00
  • 最大充電レート( C ) 2.00
  • 長さ- A (ミリメートル) 160.00
  • 身長- B (ミリメートル) 65.00
  • Width-C(mm) 36.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


  • Multistar High Capacity 4S 10000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack

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Sandra | 確認済みの購入者

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Good battery

Jan 18, 2018

Good battery. The price is fair.
Several fligth hours with my Talon without any problems.

DIMITRIOS | 確認済みの購入者

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Very good battery

Sep 15, 2017

I buy 3 of 10000mah 4s batterys
They look really good

Mark | 確認済みの購入者

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Great Battery

Apr 06, 2017

Awesome battery.
Gives 25 mins hover time on my Tarot 650 Iron-man Quad.
Barely even warm after this time.
Also only weighs 818g not 889g as described.

Tom | 確認済みの購入者

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Huge capapicty, small mass

Mar 08, 2017

If you want a large capacity battery without the weight, this is the battery for you.
It sacrifices discharge rate (which most people don't use) to allow more capacity with less weight. For example, 10C is plenty for my 680 hex drone with 13inch props and 580kv motors. Still quite manoeuvrable despite being designed for videography.

John | 確認済みの購入者

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Great quality battery!

Nov 30, 2016

Can't beat this battery for quality and price!

Rolf | 確認済みの購入者

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A good Lipo for Multicopter

Nov 26, 2016

Tested it on a heavy S550 and get 18 min flighttime. After 15 loadings the Lipo is good as first time. I want to order more but i dont pay 22 EUR for sending from HongKong. Please stock it again in Europe Warehouse.

beyaz | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 05, 2016


Lance | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2016

I purchased this battery three weeks ago. It still hasn't arrived. Hobby king have told me I have to wait another two to four weeks while they do an investigation. This is unacceptable. They refuse to send me another battery until they've figured out how they or parcelforce have managed to lose the package. I would avoid hobby king if I were you. This is my honest opinion. Which will probably be removed. Some companies don't like bed reviews.

Verena | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 23, 2016

Bisher muss ich sagen sind diese Lipos echt nicht schlecht Fliege sie mit meinem Multicopter .

Hab jetzt ca 20 Ladungen durch , hab 4 stck . kann keine Aufflligkeiten feststellen .

Weder Zellendrift noch der Innenwiederstand ...

Kann momentan diese Lipos echt Empfehlen!!!

Walter | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 10, 2016

I have ordered 2 of these batteries for my new DAYA 550. I have been getting between 24-28 min per flight if I am not flying aggressively and the wind is not too strong. I usually fly in loiter mode. my current AUW 2400g including battery. I like the fact that these batteries are a 10c as my quad only requires between 7-9c depending on which props I am using. most other batteries in this size class are 20-30c making them much heavier unless you like paying $200 per battery. Out of the 2 purchased 1 had a bad cell that after a couple of charges would not charge up any longer. I followed the warranty process and they sent me a brand new one. The other battery is holding up far. I have put on roughly 20 chargers so far never more than 3AMPS at a time. I have just placed and order for an additional 4 as this price is just to good to pass up. Remember when ordering batteries to test them as quickly as possible as warranty is only 30 days!

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