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Multistar高容量6S 10000mAhマルチローターリポパック

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Multistar高容量6S 10000mAhマルチローターリポパック


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私たちは、放電速度を低下させながら大幅にバッテリー容量(mAh)を増加させることによって、私たちの目標を達成しています。これは、同じ体重の標準20C + LiPoly電池と比較するとはるかに高い能力を提供しながら、依然として十分な電流(アンペア)を提供することが可能な電池になります。




構成:6S1P / 22.2V / 6Cell
パックサイズ:156のx 65のx 53ミリメートル

  • 容量(mAh ) 10000.00
  • 放電( C ) 10.00
  • 最大充電レート( C ) 2.00
  • 長さ- A (ミリメートル) 156.00
  • 身長- B (ミリメートル) 65.00
  • Width-C(mm) 53.00

Dimension Diagram Guide

  • attributeset-12


  • Multistar High Capacity 6S 10000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack

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Tom | 確認済みの購入者

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Overall decent value

Jun 29, 2018

Bought two of these for use on my 600 class custom build quad. Based on what I can tell, I'm getting about 5500 - 6000 mAH max - that's running from a full charge down to about 3.7v/cell. I'm running JFRC 3508 KV380 motors (nice motors!) with 14/5.5 carbon props - that results in an current range of 21 amps (hover) to 40 amps (full throttle.) and typical flight time of 12-15 mins. After about 6-8 cycles on each and an average full charge storage time of 2-3 days, battery 1 resistance/cell (mOhms) is 2/2/1/1/2/2. Battery 2 resistance/cell is 2/2/1/2/2/2.

Hans | 確認済みの購入者

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Great lipos

Feb 15, 2017

I have 3 of these on my 800 quad and 18" props. My first battery is 2 years old and its still great. They definitely will do 100 amps continuous. Not sure about the 200 amp burst. I will run these until something better comes out.

PietvanDyke | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 17, 2016

Ich Habe Jetzt schon wieder 3 Stück gekauft ! Sie wiegen exakt 1182 Gramm !!!

Und damit alle alten "SIX (6) Päcks" 5.0Ah die jeweils 817 Gramm wogen Ersetzt ! Die 0,365 Kg Mehrgewicht merkt mann nicht ! Vorher rund 4,14 Kg , jetzt 4,5 Kg... Die bessere Spannungslage reisst alles `raus 1 und statt 10 Min. Flugzeit nun 20 Minuten ! Nun kann Mann schleppen bis man Ohnmächtig wird !
Euer Piet v. D. :-)

Pi90show | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 31, 2016

Very nice package. As described.

Huge connector :)

Philipp | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 05, 2016

I'm really disappointed from those batteries. I bought 3 packs. 2 batteries have a huge cell drift after 15 flights. With the third battery the multicopter fall suddenly from the sky during the 3 cycle. After that I found out that one cell was completely discharged. The other 5 cells were fine. Very bad cell selecting in my opinion... Hobbyking normally sell good products for good prices. But this is my worst purchase at Hobbyking. It's a waste of money...

James T Kirk | 確認済みの購入者

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May 09, 2016

Brilliant ! using this on my Tarot 650 iron man , with dji e600 motors and dji 12" carbon props, tarot gimbal and go pro fitted, get 20 mins hard flying with about 35pcnt left ... will do 25 mins gentle flying without any problems ... weight on my Tarot fully loaded is 2.93kg
(with this lipo)
Lot of lipo for the price and very happy with it ..only down side is the xt90 connector ... bought an adaptor to solve that problem ...(xt60)
done x 6 flights with it so far .

YooDoG | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 31, 2016

Only recently began to use it, 10-15 cycles max, always discharge it to 21V and balance charge it at 2.2A = .25C (takes 4 hours)... And even than, it is already loosing charge, cant charge it for more than 24.9v, full 25.2v could be charged on the first few.

I love it, but the life span is already shorting on the perfect use! :( Flight time is down from 36min to 30-31min already :(

John | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 30, 2016

2 of these in parallel on an Aromas Robotics Centurion Hexacopter gives us 45 minutes duration for a total 6800 mah usage at gross wt.

During testing, with only one, flight times were limited to ten minutes and the pack never got warm using 5000 mah HOWEVER...

The Copter draws 60 amps max in loiter, a CC inline monitor confirms amps never exceeded 63 and the pack after 3 flights is slightly soft. SO... If even you don't exceed rated power or low voltage this pack is really only comfortable with half of what they say. Don't exceed 5C and it will last and last. 2 in parallel provide 10C and long duration if you can handle the weight.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 24, 2016

macht einen Soliden eindruck !!

Zellen hatten keine Drift wo sie bei mir ankamen bin gespannt auf den ersten Flug !!

ilker | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 09, 2016

lipo kam heute an.der lipo ist aussen nicht das normal.all meine anderen sind aussen steinhart.

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