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周りの最も熱い探し曲技飛行の航空機の一つは、MXS-Rです。ルックスの良さだけでは十分ではない、Hobbyking MXS-R 20CCは心、素晴らしいと極端な曲芸飛行中の一つで設計されています。

MXS-R 20CCの品質は、機体が最小極端なアクロバット飛行の罰を取るのに十分強い飛んで体重を維持するために構築された、単純にそれを取得として良いです。優れた品質のカバーは巧妙に適用されており、最後の仕上げのために、カウル、キャノピーとホイールパンツは、深い光沢塗装で仕上げています。ホイール、燃料タンクと炭素繊維制御ホーンを含むハードウェアが優れており、また、最小限に飛行体重を維持するように選択されます。さらに、モデルの特徴は、翼をプラグインし、炭素繊維ランディングギアとテールホイールアセンブリ。

HobbyKing MXS-R 20CCは、すべてが、それは見た目ほど良いインチ行い、自然にそれは素晴らしいスポーツのアクロバット飛行機になりますが、ハードコア3DはMXS-Rは、のために設計されたものであるといえるだろう。軽量、機体の精度、大規模な制御面、見事な外観とトップラインの品質の仕様はMXS-R 20CCは、すべての曲技飛行と3Dパイロットの飛行機を持っている必要があります作ります!

•フライとほぼ準備ができて - ちょうどモーター、バッテリー、および電子機器の選択をインストール


6 Standard-ハイトルクサーボ

  • 翼幅(ミリメートル) 1625.00
  • 20cc MXSR
  • MXS-R - Club Aeromodelismo

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Aero-Nut | 確認済みの購入者

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Scratch/Kit Builder Approved, Rock Solid

Jan 31, 2018

My first ARF was in 1999 it was a Extra 300, it flew great right up to the part where the wings folded in flight. Needless to say I went back to scratch and kit building I would not trust a "ARF" again up until now. One of the guys at the club had a mishap (pilot error) when learning to do a rolling harrier with this MXS-R. He didn't want to repair damage and gave me the plane. That's when I was really able to get into the nut and bolts of how this great airplane was constructed. I couldn't of done a better job myself and I have been doing this for 40 years!! Rock solid glue joints, first class in design and wonderful covering job. 100% fully aerobatic and lands like a trainer.
One word of advise DO NOT SKIMP ON SERVO"S 150oz or better. Excellent Product Hobby King well done.

Paolo | 確認済みの購入者

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Buona qualità con qualche neo

Feb 17, 2017

Qualità delle finiture direi ottima in rapporto al prezzo. Qualche problemino che non solo io ho riscontrato e confermo: attenzione ai servi standard che scegliete (inizialmente avevo scelto questi: Turnigy™ TGY-605BL High Speed Brushless DS/MG Servo 5.5kg / 0.05sec / 60g), la misura max tra la battuta e la fine del case deve essere max 22 mm altrimenti quelli del cabra si toccano e nelle ali, qui in realtà la tolleranza è maggiore, non ci stanno in profondità. Si può prendere anche in considerazione il montaggio di servi mini vista la presenza nel kit di riduttori. Altra cosa un po' fastidiosa: mancavano i braccetti in carbonio per tutti i servi e la sagoma in legno per i fori del castello motore. Personalmente ho aperto una contestazione con HK e mi hanno concesso un accredito quindi tutto bene. (successivamente ho ordinato questi servi standard ribassati: BMS-955DMG Digital Low Profile High Speed Metal Gear Servo 5.2kg / 0.08sec / 45g). Andate a vedere le foto!

Pauluzz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 03, 2016

This is a very well made airplane.
This MXS-R is also made under brandnames like Aerobeez and/or Flight Models.
The airplane looks a lot like Extreme Flight, only this one is a little bit heavier.
The airframes weight is just above 2 KG (this is without electronics/motor).
I have converted mine to electric. My setup is: TurnigySK3-5055/430kv motor, and 100 A esc with BEC.
Lipo battery is 3700Mah 6S. APC 16x10 propellor. Total weight just under 3200 grams.
I haven't flown it yet, but expectations are high.

Luc | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 03, 2016

Hi everyone,

I highly recommend this kit, it is a top quality ARF with strong hardware. I had to reorder due to my learning curve in gas engines. Installed an OS GT-22 with rubber mounting (Dubro) and it is a great choice. Used recommended servos but make sure you put a strong receiver battery (ideally the most powerful 2S lipo suggested).

I'm still in the break-in period with the motor so not completely sure but I'd say this is not a pure 3D model, more a Sport flying but I will try to move weight and maybe use a smaller gas thank. Other than that go ahead and order it for such a low price!

Steve_B | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 27, 2015

Update now that the MXS-R is built.
Hardware spec (electric conversion) is:

Motor: Turnigy SK3 5055 430kV
ESC: Yep 120A c/w 10A SBEC
Battery: 6s, 5000mAh, 40c
Prop: Zoar/JXF 18x8 wood
Servos: 'Goteck' HV Std size Coreless

It all went together perfectly. I used 75mm standoffs to position the motor. The dual elevator servos needed 2mm packers to stop them hitting each other. balance was spot on.
She flies great, ample power and needed virtually no trim. the wheel pants cracked a little due to longish grass but that's a general problem with wheel pants when flying off grass. Handling is great, very little coupling and good post stall handing, no wing rock to speak of. Highly recommended.

Steve_B | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 30, 2015

Top quality kit, rivaling the liked of Extremeflight. This is the exact same airplane that you can buy elsewhere for double the price from the likes of Aerobeez and others.
Quality of the airframe and components really are top notch. The only slight criticism I can level at it is the paint on the canopy does not match the covering very well but that's not a big deal.
One thing to watch when choosing servos: Servo cutouts are for standard size servos, but infill plates for mini servos are supplied. The dual elevator servos ideally need to be quite low profile to avoid them hitting each other. About 22mm from bottom of servo case to mounting tab, max.

Roland | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 11, 2015

Wow! What a great flying plane and at such a great price. One of the best looking and best flying planes you can have. I have had many including 3d HobbyShop and this compares to it. Does anything you want and can just Elevator it down to the runway. Check around and you will see Hobbyking has it 100-200 dollars cheaper than other sites. This is a "Flight models" model. I have the green one and know bought this one.

scott | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 06, 2014

Just want to start by saying, what a great quality kit. All the hardware is top quality with carbon fibre horns and ball joints. Everything fitted together well with a few small adjustments here and there. Being my first balsa kit it was still quite straight forward to put together. The supplied CD contains a basic manual that is some help but leaves a fair bit to the imagination.

I set my plane up as ep with an ntm 5060 380kv motor, yep 100amp esc, 4500mah 6s batt, 18x10 wood prop and towerpro mg996r servos . All that was needed to make it ep was a hk adjustable motor mount.

The only problems with the build being the 2 elevator servos hit together inside the fuse as it get very narrow towards the tail. I fixed this by putting a small block of wood on one side of servo as a spacer. Also a similar problem with the control horns in the rudder touch as you push them though either side so can't go all the way in but I just evened them out and glued them and they seem solid.

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