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P40のFunfighter - EPO 700ミリメートル(PNF)

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P40のFunfighter - EPO 700ミリメートル(PNF)


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1 year warranty
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このモデルは、プラグを来て、飛ぶだけ組み立て時間の数分を必要とし、建設に使用される1枚の成形技術へのレール上のおかげのように飛びます。あなたは空気中のP40を持っている必要がありますすべては、3〜4S 850mAh 20C Lipoly電池であり、あなた自身の送信機と受信機( 送信 / 受信

ESC:20A [真4Sをアップグレード]

850mAh 3〜4S 20C Lipolyバッテリー

注:本当に弾道アップグレードがTurnigyナノテクノロジー850mAh 4S 45〜90Cリポパックを試してみてくださいについて。以下の関連項目を参照してください。

  • P40 Funfighter - EPO 700mm

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| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 17, 2014

Wow fast and fast lol seriously great little flyer bit twitchy but its always going to be with its weight and size. I used a turnigy 800mah 35c and has plenty of speed

ww2 buff | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 08, 2014

ok plane,just dont listen a word to instuctions on weight and balance on this thing.put battery right forward.had more trouble with balance than all my other planes combined(about 7 planes)flown 20 times and had 3 flights over 5 seconds.weght too far bak running turnigy 3s 850ma nanos in it.flys like an angry ferritt but at least it takes a huge amount of sure to buy a BIIIG bottle of glue to fix this thing ae.

Zamjustice | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 30, 2013

Awesome speed off zippy compact 1000mAh 35C 3S. Ensure you balance the prop and spinner.

nayls | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2013

Had first flight today in really windy conditions . Went well . Tried 1300 nano 3 cell battery first . Not a lot of spare room in there . Then tried 850 4 cell and went much much better . Hardly any trimming needed . Factory ESC from my T28 funfighter went in this as all the bullet connectors and xt 60 plug were already attached .Peeled the shrinkwrap of the heatsink and after mixed flying ESC was fairly warm but not as bad as I thought it would be. May make an air scoop ( from half of a KFC spoon, just cut the spoon bit in half , drill hole throgh the fuselage, then glue scoop on over hole ) ) to divert air onto ESC .

Rudi | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 27, 2013

A real good plane. Fun to fly with.
flies verry fast.
a bit tricky to hand launch.
Best practice is to let a partner hand launch it.
a hard push, a bit up is best.
good advice : put dual rate on 40pcnt on for launching. When the plane hase not enough speed it listens verry hard to the airlerons.
Dont fly to slow when landing.
NOT a beginners plane.

razorrc | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 27, 2013

Very easy to build, good instructions and with correct cg 32mm behind leaning edge. This plane does not come with XT 60 connecters it comes with bullets. Hand launch is tricky because the plane always wants to roll left (torque from motor). In the air it tracks straight when trimmed out and i fly with a 3s 1300 perfect cg and power and is clocking at least 60 mph. half throttle. Warning: THIS PLANE TIPSTALLS VERY EASILY IN LOW SPEEDS. The plane at less then 1/4 throttle will tipstall coming in for a landing. This is how you should land: make sure you are far away to get slowly low to the ground about 5ft. or1meter off the ground at 1/3 throttle soon cut throttle at about 2 ft. off the ground and it glides in hot but if you have grass it should not be a problem. I have crashed 2 times because of tipstalls but this means I can test how easy the repair is. Its very easy if your motor mount get loose it has epo to guide how much torque you need no counteract thrust. I do recommend to take pics of the motor and torque just in case. Over all you are paying for a very good motor/esc (don't run this on 4s just saying) that are worth at least 80 dollars and if you crash hard you make a scratch build racer:D. I do recommend this product to all experienced pilots but not to new comers.

Martin | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 12, 2013

Top Modell fliegt wie Sau der Vogel... mit 4S und 5,5X5,5 nicht zu bremsen ;-) macht einfach nur spa!!!

landguru1 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 24, 2013

Out of the box, both aileron servos were stripped. One completely stripped, the other had a skip in it. I replaced both with HTX900 servos. After the 8th flight, the elevator servo developed a random twitch, causing the plane to go into a loop. So, I changed that servo out to an HTX900, too. I wish HK would sell the Fun Fighters as kits, the components that come with the plane as a PNP are sub par. I also changed out the ESC to a 30 amp. Finally, the plane is dialed in and is a blast to fly. Worth the extra work to get it right!

Stimpy73 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 30, 2012

Received mine yesterday,well packaged, and no damage,assembly was easy,and I'm looking fwd to the scare!
Cheers aus hk

Johnny | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 26, 2012

Love this little airplane! It's fast, fun and a handfull to handle: ) I didn't got the recomended cg to work. The manual says 32mm from the leading edge, but my p40 works best at ( strange enough) 15mm from the leading edge! I use the nano-tech 4s 850mha. But anyway, I really like this one!! Just buy it and have the time of your life:)

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