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カミソリフルコンポジット高性能スロープソアラフラップ/ 1500ミリメートルワット(ARF)

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カミソリフルコンポジット高性能スロープソアラフラップ/ 1500ミリメートルワット(ARF)


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DK Warren | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 23, 2014

Lovely model and an excellent value for the money. The only reason that I issued 4 stars for the quality is that there is no supplied hardware for the elevator. It is not listed as a required item in the parts list, and after speaking with customer support, they said it was not included in the kit. Also a lack of any sort of build instructions or even a CG position makes for a bit of guess work. As it is a slope soarer, being nose heavy isn't a bad thing, but a basic starting point for reference would have been nice. I look forward to flying this soon, once I have sorted out the elevator control rod system I will be in business.

Peter | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 28, 2013

Nice fully moulded kit. you will need to dremmel sevo lead holes in the fuse and wing roots as none are provided. Also you will have to supply your own elevator push rod and servo mount. You will also have to make a judgement call as to where you position the elevator servo as there is nothing supplied or instructions. My suggestion is as far back as possible as the only access is via the removable canopy. This is especially important if you intend to fit the optional motor/prop drive & associated battery.(I'd suggest a minimum 1 deg right & 1.5 deg down thrust angle, when you cut the nose off). I am using a Typhoon 2W20 3400kv with 4.3:1 planetary gearbox driving a Graupner 32 dia. precision spinner with Aeronaut 13"x7" folder, 60A YEP ESC & A-spec 2200 3S LiPo. The flaps will require different horns than those supplied to achieve a 70 degree flap angle. Wing servos are Dymond to fit the limited space/weight requirements. I also had to spend time on all control hinges to get required throws. Flap servo covers are not handed which is not good for symmetry.
As a hotliner the weight will be more like 1.3kg and I hope this will not effect the performance too much. For a bank and yank, powered glider, I'm expecting stellar performance, hopefully with good manners. We will see......................

zeyno | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jun 13, 2013

super kalite

mukemmel hiz

Justinb81 | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 12, 2012

Ik kan alleen over de kwaliteit van de constructie oordelen omdat ik hem net uit de doos heb en hem pas in Augustus af hoef te hebben. De afwerking en constructie (op het oog) doet niet onder voor mijn EMC Vega Sambal die ik door de Razor wil gaan vervangen. Spalt afdekkingen, glaswerk, gelcoat, alles ziet er piekfijn uit. Hij krijgt 4 sterren omdat het net niet helemaal compleet is. Voor 320 verwacht ik minstens een stuurstang voor het hoogteroer en een servoplankje, als je de moeite doet om er een epoxy motorschotje mee te leveren, doe dat er ook minstens bij. Dat er geen handleiding bij zit valt mee te leven, omdat deze kist toch niet voor beginners bedoelt is, en de ervaren modelbouwer heeft toch zijn eigen ideen over hoe iets moet en laat de handleiding links liggen. Even onder files een zwaartepunt en uitslagen zetten en men is blij.

gilbert | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 23, 2012

It took a month to receive the airplane, but it is worth the wait. The wings are very nice but the fuselage is very fragile. The seam is very thin. This plane will not take hard landings. It is very light and flies effortlessly.It needed about 1/32 of an inch of up elevator for level flight trim. There are no instructions. To fasten the stab I enlarged the two holes under the fuselage and used the two black screws provided.This leaves clearance for the stab linkage. It flies in very light lift, turns soooo smoothly , and is relaxing to fly. With 8 ounces of ballast it goes like hell. I did not install any flap servos as they just add to the weight and nothing to the performance. If balanced properly it flies straight and level hands off. I would recommend this to any one who wants $400 dollar performance out of a $ 260.00 dollar airplane. I bought mine during the promotion. Even at $300 dollars its a great deal.

jean-claude | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 13, 2012

Superbe finition pour ce planeur tout fibre identique au FIREBLADE F3F quadro flaps de Staufenbiel Modellbau il peut tre electrifie sans probeme

fredo21 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 04, 2012

Removable Tailplane - 2 screws. Square main-spar with dihedral molded into it. Looks Like a Flying-Fish 2. All surfaces are live hinged with wipers.

You can cut the nose off and add a motor if you wish. Comes with a motor mount.

Mine came with no instructions.

No flight test yet, that will be months away.

Kerry | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 02, 2012

I boughts this Model somewhere else, amazing quality! I have been d-sing it and it seems to hold together ok. Ive been getting some pretty good speeds out of it.


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