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交換用プロペラスピットファイアMkIXC&BF109E 650ミリメートル

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交換用プロペラスピットファイアMkIXC&BF109E 650ミリメートル


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交換用プロペラスピットファイアMkIXC&BF109E 650ミリメートル

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Dan | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 23, 2014

Stock up on these props when they are in available. They go out of stock pretty quick, then it's a 6 month wait for them to come back. They are a direct replacement to the Kyosho Airium series, as well as the Tex line of warbirds. They are also the same prop that fits the Freewing B-17, normal rotation.

They also fit, without mods, any of the FMS 800mm series of warbirds that require a three blade prop. When used on the FMS planes, they actually provide a little more thrust than the stock props. I've also used them with success on the J-Power 1000mm P-38.

Yes, they are kind of fragile, but not overly so. Would you rather break a prop, or bend a motor shaft, or worse? At $1.50 each, you can afford to snap a few blades. Any place else you find these props charges ~$4.00 to 5.00 for them, so this is a bargain.

Highly recommended for any plane that uses a 7X6 propeller, with a 3mm shaft.

ShaunMaster | 確認済みの購入者

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May 16, 2014

Very weak on ground contact. I boiled them 10min. After that, they are much more flexible.

Reennie | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 19, 2013

Ordered these for the BF109 and Spitfire IX 650mm from HK. These are a direct replacement. They're even more straight than the originals. Great value!

kcey1 | 確認済みの購入者

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Apr 28, 2013

was no stock when i ordered went on backorder so had to wait a while couldn't find them anywhere else for 650mm spitfire wouldn't have bought it if i knew it was this difficult to get the blades good quality but prone to break on landing awesome price and worth the wait just not the hassle

Junghoon | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 04, 2012

7X6, motor axis hole 3mm
a little bit softer
good to use for other planes if they need enough thrust with 3 blades.


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