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スティック1500 EP / GP 46サイズ(スポーツ版)1540ミリメートル(ARF)

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スティック1500 EP / GP 46サイズ(スポーツ版)1540ミリメートル(ARF)


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1 year warranty
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電気モーター:0.46サイズブラシレスequivelent、KV = 900RPM / V
ESC:50 A
バッテリー: リポ3200 MAH / 3S 25細胞


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Megashorts | 確認済みの購入者

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Its still flying...

Oct 29, 2016

An update on my previous review here. A couple of problems with the landing gear, first its not very strong and bends easily and then the ply plate holding it to the fuselage got pulled out on a less than perfect landing. I reinforced the mounting plate area with another piece of ply and used plenty of epoxy to hold it in. The bendy gear problem was solved by replacing it with a stiffer stronger one. No other problems and its still a delight to fly :-) The Saito 62 pulls it round the sky rather well :-)

mark | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 18, 2016

worst piece of crap ever...

wing broke first flight right down the middle spar was weak as CRAP

hk will not fix or replace it so im screwed

NEVER AGAIN stay the F away from HK

Brian | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 11, 2016

I just started assembly and it seems like a really good plane.
Unfortunately, as received, one of the wing front mounting tabs was broken off and I have doubts about the quality of the wood used for the wing root ribs. It might be OK for electric, but it seems a bit fragile for a powerful glow engine...
I note that one of the guys who wrote in French, above, had the same problem...
Anyway, I'm going to glue it and reinforce it as best I can, and I'll write another review after the plane has flown...

Ingo | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 07, 2016

Der Flieger bietet ein sehr gutes Preis Leistungsverhältnis . Er ist gut verarbeitet fliegt super in der E-Version sowohl auch als Verbrenner . Das einzige Manko ist das Fahrwerk das sollte gleich ausgetauscht werden.

ziobob79 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 16, 2016

gran bell'aereo,giusto qualche problemino ma facilmente risolto,tipo i piani di coda,troppo deboli (togliere l'oracover e rinforzare),motorizzato con un 10 cc a benzina,vola che una meraviglia

mark | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 07, 2016


GOt it i was impressed nice simple light easy fits good.

put a stock os 46 that I had on it... very old so its not high on power or anyhting..

FIrst flight its ok get it trimmed in do a few laps THEN SHE GETS SQUIRRLY AS HELL.. get off the throttle... and do my besst to land her... get it in pretty well..

then I pic it up and the wing is snapped in half right down the middle wood spar and all!

this is CRAP plain and simple stay away from it!

Megashorts | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Apr 09, 2016

Arrived in perfect condition with all parts and then some! Simple assembly with no significant issues. The horizontal stabiliser needed the holes adjusting to fit square, the supplied clevises were a sloppy fit on the rods and the firewall holes didn't match the engine mounts. I fitted a Saito 62FS which balanced it perfectly at the recommended 90mm. I did use lighter, bigger wheels than the supplied ones. The maiden flight was perfect apart from a couple of clicks of trim. I used the recommended control throws. Very pleased :-)

Ralph | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 09, 2015

Perfect trainer. Installed a Turnigy SK3 4240 620 kV, 3000mAh 5S Lipo, 60A BEC, 12X7 Propeller - good speed and enough power for vertical climb. Slow flying performance and stall behavior easy to handle for beginners. After flying the ugly Stik - it's a bit less fun. ;-)

Schali | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 16, 2015

Ich hatte gestern meinen Erstflug mit dem Modell. Ausgerstet mit E-Motor 2000W mit 14 x 7 Luftschraube!!!, Regler 100A und Lipo Zippy 5S 5000mAh 40C. Zwar total bermotorisiert aber der Hammerflieger. Wegen der grossen Luftschraube mute aber ein hheres Fahrwerk montiert werden. Der Motor zieht im Flug bei Volllast 100A!!!
Eine Rakete ist nichts dagegen. Normaler Kunstflug bei max Halbgas. Torken geht auch bei Halbgas. Es geht sogar Seglerschlepp bis 5m Segler. der Rumpf des Modelles ist so stabiel gebaut, dass er alles klaglos wegsteckt. Allerdings ist das Gewicht des Modelles durch den schweren Motor und schweren Akku auf 2,8kg gestiegen. Das ergiebt eine etwas hhere Landegeschwindigkeit.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 15, 2015

This stick is a great plane to build with good coverings and instructions,such a cheap kit with the Hobbyking quality..

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