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軽量の機体は見事に設計され、構築された、優れた品質のカバーは巧妙に適用されており、カウル、ホイールパンツが豊富な、深い光沢塗装に仕上がっています。品質への妥協は主翼チューブと水平尾翼管の両方がそうであるように、車台とtailwheelは、CFであり、この見事な3次元スケールモデルに行われていません。 CFコントロールホーンとサーボ拡張が供給され、全てのプッシュロッドは、あなたが期待するように、すべてのラウンド、巨大な舵を引っ張っ/プル操作された最高品質のターンバックル/ボールリンクされています。あなたがこの素晴らしい探しスホーイ周りを見ると、細部へのこだわりがあり、適切なマフラー用キャビティとマウントがあり、そのために、例えば、カウルが適切に防振ゴムに搭載されている、本当に印象的です。実用性の観点から、翼と水平刺し両方がプラグインであり、簡単にアクセスハッチは、簡単に現場組立やメンテナンスのためのほとんど無制限のアクセスを提供します。




6チャンネルTX / RX
5×MGデジタルハイトルク60グラムサーボ+ 1×ファーストMGデジタルスロットルサーボ

  • Turnigy SU-26

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Manfred | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 04, 2015

schner Flieger gute Passgenauigkeit und gute Holzqualitt leider sehr schlechte Ruderschaniere die bei der kleinsten Belastung brechen also nicht verwenden.

Phantomflier | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 27, 2015

This was my first 50cc model, bought last year but only recently got round to building it. I thought the kit was generally very good quality - specially when you look at the price! I fitted a DLE55 with cannister exhaust, but there was a snag. Most cannisters seem to be 65mm diam but there's only room for up to 55mm in the fuselage, so I couldn't use the one I'd already bought elsewhere (Ebay). I bought the HK one and it fitted perfectly.

Maidened it last week and flew again yesterday. Fab, smooth yet very responsive. There may be the slightest thrust-line issue - it tends to nose up very slightly when throttled right back and I needed to feed in a touch of down on approach. Perfect 3-point landings are a doddle!

Power:weight is great. It prop hangs at about 1/3 throttle and goes vertical from there very easily when I apply full power. Great rudder/elevator response.

Very pleased with the plane.

Dean Blair | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 05, 2015

Overall, great airframe! And most importantly, a great price! My kit was missing a few hinges, no big deal, i ordered some more. The undercarriage is a f****ing pain to bolt on, there is a whole under the firewall to accommodate a canister muffler which will come in handy! Overall Im please with it! Thanks a lot HK! :D

mark | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 08, 2015

Mine came 3 working days after ordered, with a little damage by the way. I must confess, it's a very well built model with excellent hardware. The cowl is a little disfigured and my covering was professionally done. The servo extension horns are short so I had to get longer ones. It was a straight forward build for me with a RCG50 installed and a Zimmerman canister. I installed my batteries on the inside of the engine box and the cg was perfect from the wrong tube. Maiden tomorrow!!

Timlq | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 23, 2013

Mine now has at least 100 flights on her. After what seemed like an eternity to get the cg right it flys very true. Plane has no bad tendencies and can do anything that the pilot is capable of doing. Have a DLE55 on mine. I would recommend this plane.

scott n | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 20, 2013

This is a super nice plane with reliable landing struts being carbon fiber and low wing loading compared to other planes this size available here at HK , I'm elect power 50c with mosnter 200 and get 5-7 minutes with a 4500 10 cell batteries. Hang snap rolls 3d rolls spins ect plane rights itself every time . Excellent value.

flysnail | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 21, 2013

Schaut ihr das mal an. Jet

nach ca. 70 Fluge lst sich die Folie, besonders die rote und schwarze Folie, nach Bgeln nutzt auch nicht. Schade dass am Bespannung gespart hat, dieser Flieger hat Oracover Folie verdient.

flysnail | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 08, 2013

Hallo, ich habe den Flieger im Dezember Bestellt, ein Tag spter kam er mit GLS.
Ich habe den Karton auf gemacht, konnte nicht glauben dass man aus China so ein toller Flieger fr so wenig Geld bekommen kann. Ein feines teil, sehr hochwertig, sauber bespannt, keine Falten. Ich habe ein DLE 50 ccm eingebaut mit krumscheid Schalldmpfer. Der flieger hat tolle Flugeigenschaften, (alles was man sich wnscht ). Jetzt nach ca. 70 Fluge lst sich die Folie, besonders die rote und schwarze Folie, nach Bgeln nutzt auch nicht. Schade dass am Bespannung gespart hat, dieser Flieger hat Oracover Folie verdient.

andWho | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 04, 2013

What a nice flyer. But what a poor and weak LG attachment. Check out the thread on flyinggiants for details how it fails and how to re-build. I dad an electric conversion, a Rotomax 50cc on 2x 5S5800 Zippies (10s total) swinging a Xoar 25x12. Crazy power.

Madgeorge | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 10, 2013

Very nice airplane in first view. Possible I'm unlucky....,but during assembling revealed fundamental troubles. Can be seen in the subsequent repairs. In the fuselage strong torsion in different directions.The tail-plane more than one cm different twisted.The cabin is more than 1,5 cm,the komplete engine support bracket more than 5 degree to left!!!! This is first production losses from Hobbyking poducts,but this is very...

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