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スーパーカブEPOブラシレスワット/ 2.4GHzのモード2(RTF)

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スーパーカブEPOブラシレスワット/ 2.4GHzのモード2(RTF)


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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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マイクロサイズのスーパーカブは、右下のAAの送信機の電池に飛ぶために必要なボックス内のすべてのものを含め、飛ぶ完全に準備ができています。 EPOの発泡成形、スーパーカブは、外観にスケールされ、起動して耐久性!フルハウスコントロールと操縦可能なテールホイールはスーパーカブアクロバットタッチを行い、マシンを移​​動します。 2808ブラシレスモータと2S 7.4Vシティ500mAh LiPoly電池は長い公園飛んセッションのために十分な電力と滞空時間でスーパーカブを提供しています。


•すぐにフライ - 飛ぶために必要なすべてがボックス内にあります

バッテリー:2S 7.4Vシティ500mAh LiPolyバッテリー

  • 容量(mAh ) 500.00
  • Micro RTF Super Cub

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Nicholas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 19, 2015

firstly, great service and advice on live chat. plane arrived quickly and it was well packaged.
I was very impressed on the build quality and foam, motor has more than enough power.
the decals went on easy. I own four cubs from different suppliers, this is by far the best overall package.
I have nine planes and this is the one I reach for when I want to go to the park for a quick fun fly. the plane has taken some hard hits and crashes and has held up better than any of my planes.
thanks HobbyKing. well done on this plane it is a winner!

RIEGER | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 07, 2014

I crashes m'y super cub 3 Times bcause i canot contrl it first i think it was th tx
But it was th servos ,now i change and it is flying very Nice

HGhost | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 15, 2014

Have not put this one together yet.But wanted to give my opinion on the plane thus far. It is packaged very nice.It is well made and the EPO Foam is very strong and sturdy.It looks like a downsized Hobby Zone Super Cub.
The Detail on this Volantex Super Cub is very nice. It comes with a very good instruction manual.
Everything you need comes with this plane.The one thing it does not have is a charger, however it does come with a charger adapter that has the white pinned connector on one side that fits the charging adapter on the battery and then the other end is a large wide USB type adapter.I assume the electronics are in the cable. I have never seen an adapter like it before . ( I have my own chargers anyway so no big deal )
The Decals come on a large sheet.You can put the decals on the plane or leave them off and add your own. This is a very nice plane. Can't wait to get it together and than fly it. It is winter here so it will be several months before that will happen.
I just wanted others to know this is a nice looking plane. If you wanted a small plane for smaller areas this is nice. Volantex also offers this in a 3 or 4 channel design, I think HK only sells the 4 channel, but you could use it either way.
I give it 5 crowns due to its detailed design .
I do not think anyone would be disappointed in this plane , not for such a great price.
Thanks Hobby King, you guys just


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