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打撃を取ることができるトレーナーを飛行する準備をお探しですか? Trainstarは、あなたが探しているモデルです!

このモデルは、内部プライの補強とブロー成形胴体を提供しています - それは厳しいです!翼は追加の強度のための内部スパーと弾力性EPOフォームです。

このバージョンがプリインストール6チャネル2.4GHzの無線システムを含む、飛行可能な状態にモデルを組み立てるために必要なすべての機器を含む完全な飛行する準備ができて(RTF)パッケージである、リポバッテリーと電源の充電器は、 - それもドライバーを含みそして、アラン・キーズ!

ただ、追加の2ミニサーボを追加し、そうするためのハードウェアも含まれている - あなたが望むなら、後の段階でフラップを追加するオプションもあります。

•プリインストール6チャンネル2.4 GHz無線システム
• 取扱説明書




  • 翼幅(ミリメートル) 1400.00
  • 容量(mAh ) 1.00
  • Trainer Star

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keith | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 04, 2016

First rate beginner plane ,my first plane for a while and I am very happy with the product hope next plane is as good .I am going to try the TUNDRA ALL The BEST TO ALL

michael van der sluis | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 06, 2014

awesome plane. my first. had some good crashes but not much damage. ive lernt how to fly realy fast, and after 4 flights, im ready to try something a bit faster. definitely a GREAT plain to learn to fly!

starky | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 11, 2014

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| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 20, 2013

Awesome plane. Where are the spares!

Robert | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 10, 2013

The one I received had a bad motor with all sorts of play in it which I had to replace. Also had to borrow leftovers screws from another plane (different vendor) to finish putting this model together. One of the main decals stuck when removing from box and tore, so I will be painting this plane instead. Hate to be such a critic, but there were enough issues which cost me $$ and time to correct, that I cannot rate it any higher. Very disappointed overall. Once the weather cooperates I expect it to fly fine, now that it is finally together and has a suitable/working motor.

Afonso Quelhas | 確認済みの購入者

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May 30, 2013

Here's a video of
the maiden flight

Afonso Quelhas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2013


Things you should buy: ( I've bought it :) )

2- extra 1800Ah 3S 1P 20c batteries

1- Male XT60<>Female T-connector (1pc/bag) (you will need it to plug new batteries)

2- HXT900 9g / 1.6Kg / .12sec Micro Servo ( for flaps )

2- TGS Sport 12x6E precission propeller

2- APC style Sport propeller 12x6

1- Quick-cure 5 min Epoxy Glue 4.5 oz

Here's a video of my maiden flight:

Afonso Quelhas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2013

The good:

This is a very nice trainer plane, made out of plastic and EPO.
It flies well and the motor has enough power for the weight of the plane and more.
The controls are very responsive and it can and will do some aerobatics maneuvers.
It's a RTF kit so comes ready to fly, and it will take you about an hour or two to put the plane together.
The battery that comes in the kit will last you about 7-8 minutes more or less.
Could go to 10 minutes if there's no wind and if you go easy on it.
It can fly alot slower with flaps that makes landing alot easier.

The not so good:

Although it's a high wing trainer, it's a bit heavy, so you will need a fair amount of speed to land without
using the flaps.
Be gentle but authoritative with the controls when landing, it has a bad habit of wanting to faceplant itself
on the runway and on cross winds that big wing can unbalance it.
It's a shame that the battery charger will only work on 100-240v AC, witch means no charging on the field with
the car 12V battery unless you got some converter.
The transmitter is missing one important feature for beginners...dual rates. The plane is very responsive and it
can be a bit too much for an unexperienced hand.
The instructions manual it's kind of easy to follow, but use your knowlege and common sense when choosing the screws,
it can be a bit confusing sometimes and some screws or nuts can be mi

perrosangron | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 28, 2013

Great airplane, flies really nice and easy, the motor has a lot of power and the battery keeps the plane over 15 min flying. this is a great model for beginners and it can do some aerobatics too!


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