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Turboraven 0.60 EP /グロウ1580ミリメートル(ARF)

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Turboraven 0.60 EP /グロウ1580ミリメートル(ARF)


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1 year warranty
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このARFの建設が強いと光の両方であることは、カバーにも優れており、巧妙に適用されている、最初のクラスです。ガラス繊維カウル、ホイールパンツは、深い光沢塗装仕上げを持っており、総合的な、高品質のハードウェアのパッケージには、機体の品質を補完します。翼で2 PCのプラグは、CF管への容易な輸送および現場組立およびマウントに最適です。ラダーは/プル精度のために引っ張ると合金サーボ拡張が含まれています。


エンジン:0.60 2ストロークまたはEP相当(付属していません)


独自の4〜6チャンネルTX / RX
4000mAh〜5000mAに6S Lipolyバッテリー(EP)

  • Nemesis & Turbo Raven

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Friedrich | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 19, 2014

Ich hab heute meine Lieferung bekommen und alles sorgfltig beim Auspacken dokumentiert. Am Rumpf der Raven ist oberhalb hinter dem Cockpit das Balsa gebrochen, was jedoch nicht vom Transport stammen kann. Die rechte Tragflche war ebenfalls beschdigt (Balsa-Steg gebrochen). Die Folien (Bespannung) sind jedoch unbeschdigt. Weiters wurde beim Bespannen extrem ungenau gearbeitet, sodass deutliche groe Blasen zu sehen sind. Ich hab bei HK bereits reklamiert und bin nun gespannt wie es weitergeht und wir rasch die Ersatzteile kommen. Vorerst lass ich einmal die schlechte Qualitt so stehen, denn die Verarbeitung der Bespannung ist schrecklich und an einen Zusammenbau ist derzeit nicht zu denken.

martin | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 02, 2014

Hi fantastic air frame very good quality and at this price WoW will update with a few build tips making my kit IC installing OS FS 120 pump unit

Richard | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 23, 2014

Not the best kit from HK. Tank does not fit. Instructions are bad. Elevator should have 2 servos but standard size ones wont fit. Covering is average

Tried with a 15cc Gas and it was way to heavy and underpowered. Put a 61 2 stroke glow and it is better but still a bit underpowered. The COG as per the instructions is WAY off. It need to further back

RGBosio | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 18, 2014

timo avio. Montei com motor ASP .91 2T e hlice 13x8 Master Airscrew, servos Hitec e Power HD, tive que trocar de tanque por um de 320CC e ainda assim tive que lascar um pedao do Canopy para ele encaixar.
O voo dele muito bom, avio estvel, rpido, muito acrobtico, mas tambm pode voar muito suave com dual rate em 45pcnt nos ailerons e profundor e 40pcnt de exponencial.

Richard | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 02, 2013

Nice kit but.....

The tank supplied will never fit. You have to chuck it and buy a new one

The C of G as per the manual is way off. I put a 15 cc gass motor in and set the C of G to about 120 mm from the leading edge. Took it for its first flight today and it is VERY nose heavy. I will move all the weight I can as far back as possible and try again

ROGER | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 29, 2013

Put hacker 50 16s motor 6s lipo 3700, 70 amps esc into model. first flight on 27/7/2013, C OF G AT 120 nose heavy next flight C OF G 135 GOOD.
plane was good to put together, but cowl did not fix, had to cut some wood
off top of motor mount. Will buy more models if they are like this one.

Dorian55 | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 14, 2013

Received in good condition.A bit too heavy, but solid construction, no weak stabilizators to reinforce.Link between two halves of elevator is poor, so I use one servo on each side.I use BMS621MG (6.4kg 0.13sec 47g)for elevator and aileron ,MG946R (12KG 0.2sec 55g)for pull-pull rudder.NTM 5060 380KV,HK 120A ESC, 17x8 APC style, 5000mAh 6s 45-90C,RTF mass 4KG, 13 min sport flying. Stable in air, taking off and landing - no problem.Very beautiful plane.

Cap. Jack Sparow | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 17, 2012

best option is JC23 EVO 2 Beam Mount im using a master airscrew 16X6 2 blade prop with a 2.75 metal spinner is amazing performance unlimited vertical hi speed and stable cg is perfect i just cover all the firewall and landing gear mount with epoxy and fiber glass just to reinforce for vibration i am using the supply engine mount in the kit and the cowling is like 10mm gap between spinner and cowling but still acceptable. good luck and enjoy.

Matthias | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 19, 2012

Sehr hbsches gutes Modell das mittlerweile zu meinen liebsten gehrt.

Irrer Sound wenn man mit stehendem Motor vorbeizieht. Wird auch bissl schnell ca. 90-110 Km/h . Fr Kunstflug geeignet kein 3d Modell.

Radschuhe sollte man nur auf kurzen Gras oder Teerpiste drannlassen.

Tuomas | 確認済みの購入者

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Oct 16, 2012

Took 6 hours to build this plane. Flying weight was 3.8kg. Cowl didn't fit and there was need cut little motor mount. Also desing stickers needing glue. Builded electric version. Plane looking nice and flying well!

You can find my flying video from youtube. Search with my nick stupeduu


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