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Turnigy DLGバタフライ/ Vテールマルチミキサー

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Turnigy DLGバタフライ/ Vテールマルチミキサー


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ディスカスの発射グライダーは多くの楽しみですが、あなたは基本的な送信機を持っている場合は、重要な機能、キャンバー制御を逃しています。 Turnigy DLGマルチミキサーはまさにそれを行います。この便利なダンディ小さな斗お父さん、あなたはあなたのエルロンコントロールを持っている、とキャンバー制御としてスロットルスティックを使用することができます。そうすることは、中立からエルロンを変更することができます反り返っ、またはリフト条件に応じて垂れ。たぶん風が死亡している、あなたは最高の揚力を得るためにキャンバーの多くを実行すると、風が拾って、より良い風の浸透のために機体をクリーンアップするためにエルロンを持ち出します。あなたはラダー/エレベーター船のためにそれを必要とする場合また、Turnigy DLGマルチミキサーを適切にラダー、エレベーターの入力をミックスするVテールモードが組み込まれています。




  • Turnigy DLG Multi Mixer

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Walter | 確認済みの購入者

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Won't Work for Elevons

Jul 02, 2017

Notice there's no mention of elevons.
That's because it won't work in either camber mode or V-tail mode for elevons. Aileron goes farther than elevator in camber mode. In addition, in camber mode aileron goes one way more than the other. That is great for tailed planes mixing throttle in with aileron.
In V-tail mode the signals are not reduced; they are merely added which means in full back stick only one servo will move in aileron. Bad news in a flying wing. It works if you reduce the gain by a factor of two on the transmit side. But if you need this device because your transmitter doesn't mix, it probably can't adjust gain either.
Don't use this or the cheaper mixer either, for elevons.
Buy a new transmitter for flying wings.

QuentinP | 確認済みの購入者

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Good one

Oct 28, 2016

Using it with the Turnigy Evolution to fly wings with elevon, good combo!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 28, 2015

Great little gadget if you don't have a computer radio and want to adjust flaps/camber on your model

Greg | 確認済みの購入者

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May 31, 2015

This is a nifty little gadget. It gives you a hardware solution to mixing. You can use any two servo inputs regardless of your transmitter's programming.

Vincent275uk | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 07, 2015

(continued) . . however, if this is done without a bit of forward stick to compensate, even at that relatively small change in flap angle, the glider over shoot 20 ft above ground (pulling the tug tail upwards) but the tug is still on the ground - Oops!

Vincent275uk | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 07, 2015

I am basing the last point (above) on my Slingsby 17 metre Vega sailplane, which uses large flap angles for steep landing descents (these can be even steeper descents than normal scissor airbrakes if required - great for short field outlandings) . . you slide the flap sliding bar progressively out horizontally and backwards for max descent rate . . however, during flight it stays in and you twist and rotate the same bar/lever a to operate the flaps and ailerons coupled, acting as soaring/speed flaps . . surprisingly, about 4 deg down flap is enough to get it thermalling better than a two-seat trainer (ASK 14, etc) - and 4 deg negative (up) is good for batting along at 100 mph plus between thermals . . Intrestingly, the Vega goes up on the winch wire (using zero flap) almost hands off - but starting the slower aerotow ground run it is almost impossible to have adequate aileron control (always drops a wingtip on the grass and have to abort the tow) . . however, strangely, the trick is to start moving with the full negative (up) speed flap setting (about 8 deg) and you then have aileron control . . then, at high speed (just before the take off) you twist the flap lever to zero coupled-flap/aileron (or 3 deg positive helps the climb) . . however, if this is done without a bit of forward stick to compensate, even at that relatively small change in flap angle, the glider over shoot

Vincent275uk | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 07, 2015

(continued) . . there is not so much drag created as down, but no risk of one wingtip stalling . . to create a a reflexed aerofoil (trailing edge up) for speed in strong winds, or posiitive aileron (down) for added soaring lift, it's surprising how little movement is required (my explanation is below) . .

Vincent275uk | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 07, 2015

Due to it's cheapness, size, and low weight, this little gizmo is well worth getting, if only for experimenting with . . because of size and weight my postal charge for two (for evaluation) was about $5.00 (to UK) . . the device is installed in-line, between the two appropriate Rx slots and the two relevant sevos (ie. channels 2 and 4 for vee-tail mode) . . (if the elevator stick gives rudder action just swap gizmo output plugs) the normally solid red light will flash if one of the servos is not plugged in properly . . therefore, obviously, the input voltage can of course only be whatever voltage you run your Rx and servos at (probably 4.8v to 6.0v) . . the two buttons are used to adjust the amount of channel mixing . . the single instruction sheet is unusually concise and very good English . . Channels 1 & 3 are used for the aerofoil camber changing mode (controlled by the ch3 throttle stick) and using the ailerons as soaring/speed flaps (but if you have only wing tip ailerons be wary about using positive aileron [down] on the landing approach - since the resulting negative wingtip washout will probably cause a wingtip to stall before the centre section (if approaching too slow) creating an incipient spin (that's probably why some models with independent airbrakes/flaps fully deployed on final approach mlx-in negative (up) aileron with the airbrakes/flaps . . there is not so

Danielek | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 20, 2014

Just what I need to slow down the plane for landing using aileron as flaps. is working well with FrSky

dlgmixer.pdf Download [310]

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