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Turnigy HIGHRATE 30FPS超小型デジタルカメラW / 2ギガバイトサンディスクマイクロSD

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Turnigy HIGHRATE 30FPS超小型デジタルカメラW / 2ギガバイトサンディスクマイクロSD


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1 year warranty
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独自のR / Cのビデオを作るためのより簡単または安価な方法があったことがありません!
写真形式:JPEG 1600×1200
オーディオフォーマット: ウェーブ
消費電力:150ミリアンペア/ 3.7V(最大)
メモリカードの種類: マイクロSDカード(TFカード)
プレーヤーソフトウェア: メディアプレーヤー/ KMプレーヤー
USBインターフェイス:USB1.1 / 2.0
オペレーティングシステム:Windows 2000 / XP / Vistaの32
ストレージ消費量:1GB / 40分
充電期間: 約2時間
Turnigy 52DVカメラ

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Suciu | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 24, 2012

I'm so sick of these cameras...First I was so happy that I would be able to film from above, but in sort time my enthusiasm died. This is the 4th camera from Hobbycity, the first 3 cameras are the other model, I don't remember the name, because is not mentioned in the title of camera. To make a long story short, first camera stopped during flight, already discussed the problem on this site, turn out to be the battery somehow, don't know for sure how...Even today it's not clear to me how can a camera work on a airplane that has no vibration, no cold outside, accu charged, card empty etc. stop recording after 3-5 min, after that recording another 12 min on the desk...whatever.

Second camera charged, 4Gb empty, formated card, in the house records 35 min, outside at -3 celsius stops after 5 seconds...ok, I will transport it in the thermos...

Third camera power on, red light on , nothing works, several formated cards, accus, a wooden stick.

And finely this good looking RD 52 followed the procedure as described above by others, power on, M button pushed 2 times for manual recording,then execute button, can push it 100 times, red light permanent on, only one button works...OFF...PC doesn't see it.

Buying those cameras seems to be 20pcnt value and 80pcnt fortune(look). Good Look!

ebpjr59 | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 23, 2012

This camera takes good quality videos! Great price. Only thing unable to set date and time. If any one knows how please leave a post. I tried to do what a earlier post said but was unable to get it changed.

GRAEME | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 29, 2011

Can' t download software or manual using vista. Wherecan i get the software and manual for this product.

elprofe | 確認済みの購入者

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May 30, 2011

Hola a todos. Para los hispano parlantes, aqu van las instrucciones detalladas en espaol, ya que la cmara viene sin el manual.

Espero les sean tilies, saludos desde Uruguay, Fede

Manual de instrucciones para la cmara: HOBBY KING TURNIGY TR52DV

Es una cmara sencilla y fcil de usar si contamos con el manual.

Consta de un switch on/off, y dos botones, uno de ellos para seleccionar el modo o funcin a utilizar (identificado como Botn M) y otro para comenzar y detener (Botn Ejecutar-Detener, identificado por un crculo y un cuadrado). Tambin presenta como indicadores 2 luces, una roja que se activa con el Botn M y otra azul que se activa con el Botn Ejecutar-Detener.

La cmara se enciende (una vez colocada la batera y la tarjeta de memoria) con el switch llevndolo a la posicin on. (ahora la cmara ya est encendida pero an ninguna luz se enciende)

Luego decidimos en qu modo (o funcin) la vamos a utilizar. Para ello es importante tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

La cmara presenta 4 funciones o modos:

Modo 1- Grabacin de Video activado por la voz.

Modo 2- Grabacin de Video activado manualmente.

Modo 3- Grabacin de Fotos.

Modo 4- Grabacin de Audio.

Cuando encendemos la cmara, para acceder a los modos debemos presionar el botn M, una, dos, tres o cuatro veces, de acuerdo con el modo en que deseamos utilizar la cmara.


Impazzitoinvolo | 確認済みの購入者

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May 28, 2011

La cam davvero bella e poco ingombrante. Solo che ogni tanto ci sono delle microinterruzioni/fermi immagine nei filmati. Credo siano causati da una eventuale bassa velocita della micro SD. Provero con altre sd piu veloci per vedere se migliora.
Accusate anche voi lo stesso difetto?
Apparte tutto la cam nel suo complesso e per il suo prezzo e buona.
Io pero faccio fatica ancora a trovare le impostazioni per le diverse modalita di funzionamento.Prover a giocarci ancora.....

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 24, 2011

Excellent camera, works great mounted on my sail plane awesome shots, make sure you get out of prop arc, good job HK

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Mar 18, 2011

This camera is great, but I dropped off the plane I could not find him: ((. now I want to get back into stocks, but when?

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 09, 2011

Camera must be connected to a computer to change the date format.

1)Open 'notepad'.
2)create the following format exactly including [date] in notepad using your current time & date & leave a space at the end of each line (invisible space). (Note: year/month/day & 24 hour clock).


3) with switch in off position & SD card installed plug camera into PC with USB cable. DO NOT SWITCH ON .
4)return to notepad. click file/SaveAs/ save file as tag.txt into the root of the camera example* My Computer/Removable Disk(F:), NOTE: do not save in the DCIM folder .
5)do not switch on or off, directly unplug the camera before next step.
6) Now switch camera on & try video. Switch off when finished..
7) with switch in off position & SD card installed plug camera into PC with USB cable. DO NOT SWITCH ON .
8) explore My Computer/Removable Disk(F:) The tag.txt file should now be gone (disappeared). 9) review files in the DCIM folder & check the date should now be correct.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jan 05, 2011

Great little camera for the price. I have used it in a 400 size helo with a special mount and the video is great. The resolution on mine for stop frame is very clear. I do have to keep the Helo motion to a minimum due to the slow refresh rate of the camera but for what I paid for the camera I'm very happy with it. The camera even sustained a crash in my 1/5 scale Cub, just dusted it off and it still records. Get a spare battery, and a better memory card if you want a little better video.


Airplanfreak | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 04, 2011

Great camera. Put it on my T-28 and the picture is as clear as day. The only problems Ive encountered is a not so adequite sound and then a glitchy view when flying at high speed. Overall a great camera for the price.

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