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UBLOX LEA-6H GPSモジュール内蔵アンテナ2.5メートル精度V1.01 /ワット

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UBLOX LEA-6H GPSモジュール内蔵アンテナ2.5メートル精度V1.01 /ワット


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1 year warranty
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このGPSモジュールは、25x25x4mmセラミックパッチアンテナ、UARTシリアル・インターフェース、およびUSBとLEA-​​6H GPS受信機を内蔵しています。ユーブロックスのLEA-6H測位エンジンの高性能化はあっても、弱い信号環境でのナビゲーションを可能にします。


このモジュールは、電源とデータ転送用のUSB V2.0準拠のシリアルポートを備えています。

•ublox LEA-6Hモジュール
•SuperSense®屋内GPS:-160 dBmのトラッキング感度
•ArduPilotメガ、MultiwiiとMegapirate AIO互換性のある4ピンモレックスコネクター


バックアップ電源: オンボードのリチウム電池、5ミリアンペア
シリアルポート:3 Vのレベル1のUSB @ 1 UART


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jcleve | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Mar 12, 2015

Works great, but despite gentle handling, the USB port broke off while trying to configure it. I bought a replacement hoping the same problem does not occur.

EvilSpoon | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 06, 2014

Awesome GPS.I get 8 Sats under 30 sec. Keeps GPS Lock in my bomb shelter of a basement where i get no cell phone service.

SkyLe | 確認済みの購入者

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Aug 13, 2014

This is my first time writing a review, and therefore I'm taking ALL the crowns. Having become Review King, you may address me as 'Sire' or 'Your Highness'.

This is a GPS, not to be confused with GSP, which stands for Groovy Server Pages. It generates dynamic XML and is similar to JSP or something. I don't know, I'm just reading this from Wikipedia. Anyway, you have to admit that's a pretty cool name for a programming language. Pretty groovy GPS, too.

You may wonder, why should I get this one and not the $18 NEO module? Well, I don't know either, because I don't have a NEO module. But what I can tell you is that this one is MUCH better than the NEO can ever be, because not only can you update the firmware on this one, doing so will also allow this module (but not the NEO-6) to lock onto Galileo and GLONASS satellites. Those are the European and Russian systems, for those of you who live in the US of A.

So basically, if you're anywhere NOT in North America - and about 95pcnt of the people in the world aren't - this module will give you better and faster performance than the cheapo NEO-6. Then again, if all it'll do is make you fly it into a building faster, might as well go for the less expensive option. But what do I know? I'm going to look at some more Server Pages. Groooovy.

SkyLe | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 13, 2014

This is a GPS, not to be confused with GSP, which means Groovy Server Pages. It generates dynamic XML and is similar to JSP or something. I don't know either, I'm just reading this from Wikipedia, but you have to admit that's a pretty nice name for a programming language. It's also a pretty groovy GPS module, too.

ljalves | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 24, 2014

Works flawlessly. Received mine with the patch antenna "unglued" to the module board which was handy :)

diaconom | 確認済みの購入者

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Apr 06, 2014

Acurate and fast GPS lock but would have preferred is it was shrink wrapped for durability

William | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 02, 2014

When I got this, I was a little apprehensive, given that others had trouble with the serial port. As it turns out, by using the uBlox u-center application I was able to set up the GPS to output the correct data over the serial port. As shipped, my GPS was not set up to output NMEA packets over the serial port, but was setup to output them over the USB port. I was able to go to the Messages section of the uBlox configuration and correct this and save the setup to FLASH. Works like a charm! I'm still not sure if this is the most cost-effective GPS available, but it appears to work just fine with MultiWii Pro and the standard serial GPS code in the MultiWii 2.1 firmware.

__Riff | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 15, 2013

The unit works, signal strength is good, even indoors. Once it has found the satellites and you power it off, after re arming it finds signal really fast. Have not made actual accuracy measurements. Two bad things: 1) antenna is glued with hot glue and it was loose, had to replace it with two sided tape 2) vcc soldering bad is not connected, now I have to cut the wire that came with the unit and lengthen it. Also did firmware update, worked like a charm :) I use it with a APM 2.5 controller, and seems to plug and play - no hassle, works.

ErreuR | 確認済みの購入者

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Nov 07, 2013

needed for Back To Home with HKPilot mega, and lot of more GPS option

18turbo | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 04, 2013

awesome so far! really happy with the accuracy of the module so far.

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