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UBLOXマイクロM8N GPSコンパスモジュール(1個)

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UBLOXマイクロM8N GPSコンパスモジュール(1個)


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1 year warranty
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このUBLOXマイクロM8Nは、あなたの車の範囲で存在することができる干渉源から離してコンパスを搭載する便利な方法を提供するUblox最新シリーズのモジュールを使用して、HMC5883Lデジタルコンパスを内蔵しています。 M8Nは、セラミックパッチアンテナ、ウォーム・スタートのための充電式バックアップ電池用のアクティブ回路を備えていますし、Pixhawkで使用される事前設定済みの状態で出荷されます。

スタンドアロン同時GNSSモジュールのNEO-M8シリーズは、業界で実績のあるNEO形式でUBblox M8 GNSS GPS、GLONASS、ガリレオ、北斗、QZSS及びSBASエンジンの優れた性能に基づいて構築されています。

低システム電力を維持しながら、NEO-M8シリーズは、高感度と最小の捕捉時間を提供します。 NEO-M8Nは最高のパフォーマンスと、すべてのNEO-M8構成の容易RFの統合を提供します。



DDC(I2C準拠)インターフェースは、接続を提供し、最もUbloxセルラーモジュールとの相乗効果を可能にします。 RFの最適化のためNEO-M8Nが容易にアンテナの統合と増加妨害イミュニティのためのフロントエンドSAWフィルタ用の追加フロントエンドLNAを備えています。

•業界は、-167 dBmのナビゲーション感度をリード

寸法:37のx 37のx 12ミリメートル



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Devin | 確認済みの購入者

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16 Satellites and 2.2m in 5 minutes

Nov 17, 2018

I can't tell if this is a real ublox, but it does much better than the GPS that was bundled with a low cost flight controller. Sitting on my desk (inside of a house) it is picking up 16 satellites and showing 2.2 EPV and 1.4 EPH after around 5 minutes. The cheapo unit would get 10 satellites after 20+ minutes, but never under 10m error.
Will try to configure and flash it next, that will be the real test.

DeVere | 確認済みの購入者

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Best price for a genuine uBlox NEO-M8N

Oct 23, 2017

You aren't going to find a GPS with a genuine uBlox NEO-M8N chipset anywhere.
This "holybro" model differs from their round version only in the pin order and connector.
It's not a Taoglas patch antenna, but the assembly of the entire unit is first class.
For use with a pixhawk, you'll need to refer to the pinout I uploaded to reorder the wiring.
Before even leaving the ground, my units are already tracking 27 satellites.
Before finding this gps, I tested over 10 others which all turned out to have cloned chipsets and on some of them, luck was the only thing keeping them held together.
Fake units do not have flash ram, which will prevent you from being able to upgrade to the 3.x firmware. The flash also keeps yours settings, allows downloading of ephemeris data, and enabling the data log. Genuine units also have a unique signature on each; you can check that via the uBlox app, and all the other settings and options can be modified through the app as well.
The only negative thing is the appearance of the case. The raised solder blob on the antenna caused crazing on the lids of most of these I purchased. Of course, it's just cosmetic.. they will probably crack after a while, but so far, none of mine have.

Robbert Loos | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 02, 2016

sadly not satisfied.
I used this unit on my nova/cx-20
unit is not labeled for pin-out.
After figuring out the pin-out the unit works and find satellites fast!
my stock GPS usually has 9 satellites. the quad drifts about 5 meters.
Today when testing the m8n, i did have 15.
Sadly the quad was not stable and drifted/circled about 20 meters.
So even with more satellites visible it is not able the hold a steady position.

mathotg | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 05, 2016

Did buy one to setup with F3 control board from HK. Once the wiring is sorted out, it works pretty well and gets the satellites fast. Will fit perfectly on the robocat 270 mm. There is a green led for the power and a blue led to identify when the sattelites have been detceted. I can't wait to test that in the air!

IMG_2186.PNG Download [1]
Manual (pinout) Download [519]
GPS pin out Download [302]

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