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Walkera QRテントウムシV2 FPVウルトラマイクロクワッドローターワット/ディーヴォF4 RTF(モード2)

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Walkera QRテントウムシV2 FPVウルトラマイクロクワッドローターワット/ディーヴォF4 RTF(モード2)


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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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これよりFPVマルチローター飛行に入るために簡単またはより手頃な価格の方法がされていません!すべての新しいテントウムシV2 FPVは含まディーヴォF4送信機にライブビデオを返送するオンボードカメラを備えています。ビデオはF​​4の3.5 "LCDディスプレイ上にリアルタイムで表示されます。これは本当にRTF FPVモデルであり、単に飛行のバッテリーを充電し、行きます!

QRテントウムシV2 FPVは、このマイクロクワッド超安定を作る3軸ジャイロ安定化システムを備えています。通常、建物およびクワッドローターのセットアップには時間、チューニングの多くを必要とし、独自の電源システム/コンポーネントを選択すること。テントウムシV2は、複雑な設定のすべてを奪うと、箱を開けな限り簡単にし、バッテリーを充電し、飛んで!


テントウムシV2 FPVは完全に準備ができて飛ぶために、すべての新しいdeVentionディーヴォF4の2.4GHz FPV送信機が含まれています。ディーヴォF4は、このような大規模な3.5 "カラーLCDディスプレイ、5.8Gリアルタイム画像伝送、完全なプ​​ログラマビリティ、15モデルメモリやその他多くの機能が満載されています。このすべてはまだまだ使用するのは簡単です、それは非常に人間工学に基づいたデザインをしていますちょうどあなたの手で良い感じ。


3.5 "LCD付き•ディーヴォF4 FPVトランスミッタ
送信機D / Rボタンで•エアロバティック飛行モード選択可能

トランスミッタモード: モード2

QRテントウムシV2 FPVウルトラマイクロクワッドローター
deVentionディーヴォF4の2.4GHz FPVトランスミッタ(モード2)
3.7V 25C 350mAh LiPolyバッテリー


  • 容量(mAh ) 350.00
  • Walkera Ladybird V2 FPV

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Lukas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 29, 2016

Quad is very stable and works well. Great for learning to fly quads. Has endured many hard landings so far. Motos still spin after flying empty about 30 battery charges.

The FPV TX5805 camera-transmitter is working OK but does not have very much transmit power. I have tested the output power and it is only 10.2 dBm (10.5mW). For the measurement I mounted a connector instead of the antenna cable and also played with impedance tuners. In my opinion you will not get more than 11.4 dBm (13.8 mW) out of this unit - at least not of the one that was delivered to me in March 2016.
The settings of the switches have no significant effect on the Tx-power.

Jim Petro | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Feb 27, 2016

For a tiny camera, the video is excellent. The battery is a tight fit Power is hard to hold a steady hover. Hard to see past ~20'. Will be a good trainer with my Quantum goggles.

Jayme | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 05, 2015

Very hard to stabilize, hard to fly, even on standard mode. Fpv looks like 1990's video footage. Does not record- need dvr card or computer program.

I could not get it to hover in 1sq ft, even after adjusting trim. Manual needs to include info on how to bind Tx to rx, bc mine didn't out of the box.

10-15 minute flight time without camera attached, 10 or less with attached.

Have not managed to break any props, so that's good.

Probably best for tiny recon missions, annoying the cat, or checking on the kids in their room.

Warning! Flying by unsuspecting spectators can cause fits of rage.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 03, 2015

This is a good fpv quadcopter for a beginner. No programming necessary with the fpv, Came ready to fly as described.Fast shipping too. only downfall was that it didn't have much range on the fpv.

Jan | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 27, 2014

Love it. The only reason I put 4 stars on quality is because the main cage breaks too easily. It's very cheap to buy new ones but the first time it happened the quad was grounded for >1 week until the new cage arrived. Apart from that I love it. Can sit in the living room, fly out the veranda door and check out the garden without having to leave the couch :-)
It also works with the Fatshark goggles.

Paul | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Nov 25, 2014

This is my first Walkera purchase and my only regret is that I left it this long. This little quad is more stable than Bill Cosby's marriage........... wait a sec, that's not a good reference at this point in time. The truth is that I love this bird, it is very stable in flight and is very versatile. I even took the camera off and got more agile and longer flight. Just buy it and it will be your go to indoor quad. If I had to pick something apart about this, it would be that I wish the camera was slightly wider angle lens. It is a bit tricky to handle in FPV but thats just a fun challenge to have.

Karim | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 01, 2014

I am very disappointed with my purchase. I bought this item from hobby king a few weeks ago and i was very excited to get flying. I always liked the concept of cheap FPV ever since i bought an AR Drone from brookstone a few years ago. Soon after setting up my lady bird i charged my batteries and paired it to the controller and flew it around for twice with no issues. My third try i went through the same check list batteries charged, paired correctly and all the above. When i flew it, the thing fell from the sky with no warning and broke one of the motors. I was shocked at what happened. I made contact with hobby king and initiated a return and its been weeks with no response. I even tried to call but their phone number absolutely does not work. I have been calling every day and all it does is ring. Their customer service sucks.

William | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 25, 2014

Ordered this on thursday night before the easter bank holiday and delivered on wednesday. Charged the battery and was up and running within an hour
Having never flown a plane or anything else in my life by the time I got to the second charge was just about hovering just need a bit more practice
So yes it is a good item and full marks to Hobby King for keeping prices down
And remember to get extra batteries as they only last about 8 min so just ordered some from HK.

Agors | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 12, 2014

great quadcopter!! the vtx is 200mw and with a modified vtx antenna you can have 250 meters personally tested! full compatible with fatshark dominator 5.8g receiver! great radio transmitter also, fully programmable and you can use a 2s 850mah rhino to power it up! can fly with no problem in winds! high reccomended!!

| 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Feb 19, 2014

the best little flyer out there

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