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ホーム機能に戻り、DEVO 7(モード2)(RTF)とのWalkera QR X350 GPSクワッドローター

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ホーム機能に戻り、DEVO 7(モード2)(RTF)とのWalkera QR X350 GPSクワッドローター

購入済み Discontinued Product

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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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Walkera QR X350クアッドコプターは関係なく、経験のこれは誰もが、GPSとコンパスセンサーを詰め、その機能のための完璧なフィット感で、新しい「人民マルチローター」です。チラシの種類ごとに飛行モードがスムーズに利用するマウントオプションのGoProで夕日をキャプチャ撮影監督から、ありますが、GPSと高度保持または「ワンキーホーム」機能を利用して少しdisorientated取得初心者でフライトモードを安定化。すべての機能は、単一のアクセスが容易スイッチから選択可能。 Walkeraのは、このセンセーショナルなマルチローターを作成するために、R&Dに多くを費やしてきたことは明らかです。誰もがクアッドコプターを飛行する準備ができて使用するには、この簡単に成功することができます。

QR X350は、それが世界を参照して、その正確な位置を動作することを可能にするGPS技術を採用した強化された高度センサを持っている、これはQR X350が安定位置ホールドモードでホバリングすることができます。シンプルな1つのスイッチフリップや信号の損失でQR X350は、位置や土地のそのテイクに自分自身をバック飛びます!そしてもちろん、スポーツのチラシのためのマニュアルモードがあり、それが着陸する時が来たとき​​に警告を発するように、オンボードの低電圧警報システムもあります。

QR X350を使用すると、3セル2200mh LiPolyバッテリーとバランス充電器、予備の小道具やハイエンド完全にプログラム可能な複数のモデルが可能な7CH Devention DEVO7送信機から空気中に取得するために必要なすべてのものが付属しています!あなたがのGoPro可能なクワッドヘリコプターや全体的な価値を飛行する準備ができて、他のスペックを比較すると、世界のどこにWakeraの実績のある品質と送料無料で裏打ちされた、それはQR X350はクワッドローター最高の「木びき台のための強打」であることを確認するのは簡単です今日の市場で!


*注:今後の更新可能性のための飛行制御器のUSBポートを使用して新しいバージョンです。この、別々のWalkera USBアダプタ(UP02)をPCに接続するために必要となります。

•Devention DEVO 7CHコンピュータラジオ(モード2)

バッテリー:11.1V 2200mAhの25C LiPoly
チャンネル数: 最大5チャンネル
ロータ型: クアッドコプター
経験レベル: 中級
推奨環境: 屋内&屋外

Walkera QR X350クアッドコプターフライの準備完了
DEVO Deventionトランスミッタ(モード2 - 左スティックスロットル)
QR X350 LiPolyバッテリー(11.1V 2200mAhの25C)


*注:QR X350は、バッテリープラグ用の3.5ミリメートル弾丸コネクタを使用しています。 XT60アダプタにブレットコネクタは、私たちの国際流通センターから入手可能です。

  • 容量(mAh ) 0.00
  • Walkera QR x350

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MrMous | 確認済みの購入者

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Jul 05, 2014

nothing much to add spec wise other than not really getting 10-15 minutes, lucky to even get 10

David | 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 10, 2014

Simply amazing quad. Read and follow all instructions and you will have no problems at all and you will get flight times of 10 - 15 minutes as advertised. Have the UPO2 upgrade cable ordered but the qr x350 flies so well and with pin point accuracy out of box I don't see a need to improve. Flies silky smooth. Have a gopro in the walkera mount and get great quality videos without two axis mount. (But I am going to get one). Only negative that I found was the battery connectors. Although okay, when everything you fly has E3C connectors or whatever you fly with, you are going to want to change out. My friend bought a Blade 350 and this Walkera is so much better and more quality both in the quad and the radio. This one will not disappoint.

Patriot66 | 確認済みの購入者

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May 27, 2014

This is the worst product I have ever flown or bought and I've been into r/c since the 80's.
Set the quad up as per the manual for the compass/gyro and accelerometer, took it up to about 50 - 60 ft and put into position hold, the accelerometer worked fine and flew it straight into the ground before I could switch back to manual and recover. Now I have heard that this product has issues with bad software and upgrades, but you should not have to upgrade a product straight from the box. Or they should not be sold if there is a problem with software.
Now I have a quad with a broken body and I don't think Hobbyking will do anything about it, we'll see.......

Ray Elwell | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 22, 2014

Observe code binding instruction and plug in model pack within 10 secs of switching on TX.
Compass calibration cumbersome.
Devo7 system is a little weird hence reduced overall rating.
Nicads or Nimnh are needed in TX it eats alkalines.
Black plug is for reversing fixed ID setting.This setting is useful as the model can be plugged in at any time the TX is on.

Walter | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 04, 2014

OK, so I'm a newbie. I've flown a little cheapo quad and thought it's time to move up. The X350 looks impressive, but I found the build/design quality to be a little lacking for the crash abuse it gets from me as a newbie. After only a few flights I managed to crash the aircraft sufficiently to break an internal screw mount at the rear where the 2 LEDs are. Now every time I crash it the right hand LED pops out. I also found the battery compartment is a tad too small to allow for removal of battery, its label always get caught on the body inside. The battery compartment lid also tends to pop open after every little crash making it a nuisance.
The manual is less than informative for a newbie like me. The GPS hold feature is not explained very well. I'm still trying to figure out if I can move the sticks whilst it's engaged or if I should not touch them at all. On one occasion the quad shot up into the sky when I hit the Return To Home button and I had to put it back into manual mode and attempt to land it (turn out to be a crash landing anyway). The GPS Hold seems to work quite well and I'm very happy with that.
The controls are very responsive, perhaps a bit too much for a newbie. I don't know as I've not flown too many other aircraft. I did find the batteries for the TX drained fairly quickly. I only managed about 5 flights before the battery indicator showed only 1 bar at wh

Manoel-SC | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 10, 2013

Much better than I expected , and the fact that before having the " QR X350 " no other product Walkera seemed good quality .

Have the " QR X350 " surprised me !

Very stable flight , sitema lock altitude and return home works fine .

The Radio DEVO 7 works fine , I have done a flight to 600 meters away and just did not go further because my FPV system ( with Fat Shark TX Imersion RC 5.8Ghz 600mw ) started to drizzle , but the control was working perfectly , contrary to what I had read in that it does not exceed 250m in fact it seems to be full range , internet can not say that yet because I have not done this test already went over 600 meters and it worked perfect what made me have confidence to buy RX loose to put in my large model airplanes .

The material quality is very good , the charger is plug and play so I'm using to charge other batteries LIPO I own.

Comes with an exit in parallel with the main battery for you to feed your FPV system so very practical .

The problems I encountered :

I opened it and found a weld that was very close , was not a short circuit , over was too close , it was easy to fix .

I made a long flight too using the altitude lock when the battery died the system came into conflict , it went down very fast, and broke the camera mount , but nothing much is so something I would know if I had read the manual. What happened was that while Speeds wanted

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