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WLToys V931 AS350コレクティブピッチスケール3D RCヘリコプター(フライする準備ができました)

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WLToys V931 AS350コレクティブピッチスケール3D RCヘリコプター(フライする準備ができました)


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購入済み Discontinued Product

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6 months warranty, no fuss returns
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このトライブレードスケールヘリコプターを問わず、スケールのバフと3D熱狂的なファンを持っている必要があります。 AS350は、1970年代以来の主力となっており、この完全に「フライする準備ができました」コレクティブピッチR / Cモデルは、ウェルの偉大な表現がヘリ愛されています。このヘリコプターの大きさにだまされてはいけません、それは大きなことが可能なのです!

完全に組み立てられ、WLToys V931は、その6軸ジャイロスコープと精密機械部品や高度な電子機器に完全にロードされています。 (初心者や屋内飛行のための理想的な)規模の飛行でロックするための安定モード、3Dモードでは(フル曲技飛行を可能にする) - ジャイロは、2つの選択可能なモードを備えています。 AS350は、本格的な3Dに安定した鱗​​片状操縦から、飛ぶように堅実です。これは、両方の世界の最高です!



2つの選択可能なモードを備えた•6軸ジャイロ - 安定性と3D

バッテリー:3.7Vシティ500mAh 20Cパック
メインモーター: ブラシレスモーター1106
テールモーター: ブラシ付きモータ8520

2.4GHz帯の無線送信機(モード2 /モード1切替可能)
3.7Vシティ500mAh Lipoly電池×2


  • 容量(mAh ) 500.00
  • AS350 3D Micro Heli
  • Maiden flight time for the V931! :)

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Ektpuah | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Oct 10, 2016

I am very pleased with this heli, flew very well and stable right out of the box. The only thing I dislike is the removable canopy, the fit isnt very good. Other than that, this is a fine little heli which is good enough even for a person new to collective pitch heli, like myself !

Mario | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2016

Chopper arrived within 2 weeks from shipping takes a while. Flew straight out of the trimming needed. 16 flights in 3 days..and tought the wife to hover..flies a lot better than the little 3d blade issues..great product! The scale fuselage is very much like a plastic revell kit...and got a great paint job. Very impressed with it in every way. Super easy to fly for beginners..and despite awesome scale looks..still hauls butt in 3d ☺. Highly recommended! !!!

jeffT | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 27, 2015

Amazing helicopter for the price! To start with it looks super beautiful. The fuselage is very scale with nice details and it makes a great display model in itself. But it can also fly! And it flies beautifully.

It comes as a complete package with 2 lipo batteries (1s 500mah), a set of spare blades, a spare transmission gear, a tiny USB charger that can charge the two batteries simultaneously (although I prefer to use my Hyperion EOS615i for charging lipos) and of course a transmitter. The transmitter is not the best you could get but it's a decent on and does the job properly. There is a large back-lit LCD panel, one idle-up swittch, one throttle hold switch, and the controls to select different options. There is also a neat feature that lets you switch between mode 1 and 2 by simply pushing a button (it physically changes the throttle from left to right stick and vice-versa)

The only extra you need to start playing with your heli is 6 AA batteries for the transmitter.

In flight this little machine is very stable, yet very agile too. I bought some years ago a Walkera 120D05, a similar sized 6ch helicopter, which requires much more skills to fly. But the WLToys V931 flies great out of the box. I didn't even need to adjust the swash plate!

Just turn on the transmitter,place the heli on a level surface (important for the gyros to initialize correctly) connect the battery on the heli wait a few seconds and start having fun.

Highly recommended :)

bruteforce | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 08, 2015

What an EXCELLENT little helicopter! If you only see the price you would be tempted to think this bird can't be great value. But it is REALLY GREAT. You get everything you need, a nice back-lit 2.4GHz transmiter, two LIPO batteries and a charger and even some spare parts. It flies very very good, I use it to gently fly around my livingroom in 6G mode, taking off- and landing on tables and the like. And if I want to go full tilt I put it in 3G mode for some real aerobatics outside!
It does look a lot better than say a BO-105 from Horizon and I feel it flies at least equally great as that. Full 5 stars all the way, I love it.
I only made two little modifications: I took the lower left door-window out for some cooling. And I took the rattle off the pitch lever as I personally want it smooth. Yes, I know opening the TX voids warranty.
PS: Free shipment only took 4 days to EU.

cycloneliz | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 14, 2015

what a great little heli perfect for learner or experienced it is very stable hovers realy easy with a press of a of a button and you are in 3d mode and this is when the action starts this heli flys better than all the helie's i own i havent crashed it once even when it is windy it stills flys great if you dont own one then i sujest you buy one i got mine with free shipment you cant go wrong thank you HK for a great deal and heli i might even buy another one they are so good love it .

cycloneliz | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Aug 14, 2015

this is a great heli very easy to fly nice tx i was very surprised how easy to fly came packed very good and at a realy great price buy one you will love it.

Paul | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 08, 2015

My order arrived today, very happy with free delivery and quality of product.

Excellent quality..........

toose70 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 01, 2015

This Heli is fantastic value. Stable flier on 6G mode and a great little 3Der too. The build quality is great, and the transmitter is suprisingly good. I fly mode 1, with a flick of a switch and push of a button you can change the mode on the radio without touching the setup of the heli. Radio has dual rates button, 3d/6g change button, and Idle up, with Throttle hold. The Heli looks awesome, and is bigger than i thought. Blades balanced straight out of the box, a true charge and fly!

mumpf | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 30, 2015

Absolut Hammer Heli. Sehr detail getreu und fliegt besser als die Blades. Nur zu empfehlen.

Ing. Peter | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Mar 26, 2015

The quality of the heli is perfect. I dont understand why all the products from HK are shipped without instruction manual. Even there was original one in the box, HK removed it before shipping. Dont get it. Plus, this item is only available in international store, and the only shipping option with additional taxes and customs double the stated price, when shipping to europe.
Perfect quality heli, small and 3D capable with reasonable detail scaling, lots of spares in the store....manual, shipping, really bad handled from HK...

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