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X100 AC / DC 100Wタッチスクリーン充電器(EUプラグ)

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X100 AC / DC 100Wタッチスクリーン充電器(EUプラグ)


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1 year warranty
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すべての新しいX100充電器は、その超クールな美しさとフルカラーのタッチスクリーンで、最新かつ最も革新的なバッテリー充電器です。これは、すべてのRCファンのための充電器」を持っている必要があります」となっています。 X100充電器はあっても、電池のグラフを充電提供します。 X100はリポ、生活、ニッケル水素、ニッカド、鉛....最も一般的な種類の電池を充電する機能があります。最大出力電力は、11.1V 2200mAhのは、わずか20分かかることが帯電手段8A、です。

X100は、統合されたバランスボードとiPhoneやAndroid携帯を充電するための理想的なポート(5Vの2.1A出力)を充電するUSB​​を持っています。 DC入力は、フィールドでそれに電力を供給することを可能につながりながら、統合されたAC電源を使用すると、外部電源を必要とせずに自宅で自分のX100に電力を供給することができます。


•3 "タッチスクリーンTFTディスプレイをインチ
• USBポート

回路電力: 最大100W(充電)と最大10W(放電)
バランシングリポの場合、ドレイン電流:300mAh /セル
鉛バッテリー電圧:2 24Vへ
外形寸法:148 X 140 X 48ミリメートル

EU AC入力コード


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Tomas | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 01, 2015

Amazing charger! AC input, up to 8A continuous current, LCD display, easy to use. With this price, X100 is best charger for me :)

bnn10 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 24, 2014

Easy to use. Works fine. Accurate. I like the 240V AC input. Cooling fan is temperature controlled on/off.
Only 2 things: -Discharge power, as in quoted in specs, is only 10 W! This means with 3s lipo, discharge current is <1A, or 6s lipo <500mA. One other (more worse) issue is that it stops loading at 4.21V. Therefore only 4 crowns.

elgrazz | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Sep 17, 2014

very fast charge, is simple to use the only problem is that in my is impossible to change the language.

Jet Jeff | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 09, 2014

This is the very best charger in this price range, i am purchased 3 pc and they operating very powerfull and fast. Easy to operate, nice style and high charge rate. 5000 mAh go up to 100W at 4,45 A charge rate. Best Item. 5 Stars!!

Miguel FP | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 31, 2014

Great charger. Beautiful presentation and very confortable, you can charge in home directly from wall plug and in airfield thru PB battery. Screen graphics very easy to read and very nice info. Very friendly and intuitive usage. Only thing is that it only gives you charger temp, at least myself, haven't found a way to measure battery temp. I'm very satisfied, also has enough power to make parallel charge, in my case 3 packs, 3s 2200mah, no trouble at all.

statale | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 30, 2014

Ottimo prodotto, molto tecnologico il display che mostra tutte le informazioni e le curve di voltaggio/amperaggio/temperatura. Ovviamente ha l'alimentatore incorporato quindi occupa poco spazio rispetto al mio vecchio classico EC6. Interessante che la ventola si accende solo quando necessario, quindi completo silenzio se si caricano batterie da pochi A o se serve solo bilanciarle.

kant76 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 14, 2014

Ill bought this 2 months ago and I love i! easy to use and charge fast on lipo cells. the ballancer er pretty accurate

Fabio | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 12, 2014

First impression: WOW
second impression after 3 days of intensive use: mmhhh
The charger is good, it works well with Lipo, but is not ok for NiMh/NiCd.
The use is very simple and useful, so is very good product, but these are the point were should be improved:
1. no polarity inversion detecting (big issue)
2. Cut Off timing, at max 200 minutes, too less, to charge the NiMh/NiCd you need at least 10 hours ( long charging) so should be around 600 minutes, 200 is enough to start the charge, or should be better to have the ability to put off this parameter
3. Multi language, is available but not enabled
4. The buzzer should sound only 3 or 4 times at a full charge, not 30! and this is really boring
i think this young product needs more improvements, but is so young so i hope IMAX will release soon an update.

Murphy | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 08, 2014

Super ! Reu il y a une heure peine et dj charg 2 accus. Trop facile utiliser. Mme un retard et allergique la programmation comprend.
Juste cble secteur un poil court. Et manque aussi une petite notice pour aller avec.
Je vais de suite au club pour le montrer. Pourvu qu'il en reste en stok.

Jean-Jacques | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 03, 2014

Wow ! Putain de chargeur de ouf ! J'utilisais jusqu' prsent un accucell6 de 50w avec une interface efficace mais rudimentaire mais l... mme ma gra,d mre saurait s'en servir sans lire la notice. D'ailleurs j'ai fait mes premires charges, sauvegardes de programmes 1min aprs dballage. Franchement c'est un super produit qui sera surement en rupture de stock partout trs bientt.
Amliorations possibles:
_sauvegarde des graph, et exportation
_communication rfid avec les batteries
_ET SURTOUT, evaluation de la rsistance interne des lipos.
Une version 2x200w serait la perfection.

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