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XT60に3 X 3.5ミリメートル弾丸Multistar ESCパワーブレイクアウトケーブル

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XT60に3 X 3.5ミリメートル弾丸Multistar ESCパワーブレイクアウトケーブル


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1 year warranty
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私たちのMultistar 15アンペアのESCで使用するために設計されており、このケーブルを使用すると、単純に一緒にシステ​​ムを接続できるようにすることで、あなたのTricopter電源システムの構成を簡素化 - プラグアンドプレイスタイルやゼロはんだ付け!

このケーブルは、事前XT60のバッテリ入力で終了し、3.5ミリメートル女性の金色のコネクタの3ペアで終了しています。 18 AWGに分割 - 配線は14 AWGを絶縁シリコーンです。


XT60女性 :介してバッテリ入力
ワイヤゲージ:14/18 AWG


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Feb 13, 2016

A multirotor[1] or multicopter is a rotorcraft with more than two rotors. An advantage of multirotor aircraft is the simpler rotor mechanics required for flight control. Unlike single- and double-rotor helicopters which use complex variable pitch rotors whose pitch varies as the blade rotates for flight stability and control, multirotors often use fixed-pitch blades; control of vehicle motion is achieved by varying the relative speed of each rotor to change the thrust and torque produced by each.

Due to their ease of both construction and control, multirotor aircraft are frequently used in radio control aircraft and UAV projects[2][3][4][5][6][7] in which the names tricopter, quadcopter, hexacopter and octocopter are frequently used to refer to 3-, 4-, 6- and 8-rotor helicopters, respectively.[8]


In order to allow more power and stability at reduced weight coaxial rotors can be employed, in which each arm has two motors, running in opposite directions (one facing up and one facing down).[10]

ExplodingPigeons | 確認済みの購入者

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Dec 29, 2015

I am running two 10amp esc's and a 5amp bec off this with a 2s 1300mAh lipo. The connections are solid and well insulated.

HobbyKingAddict | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jul 21, 2015

Great for most tri copters. For people who would rather pay a dollar for a soldering job than soldering yourself.

| 確認済みの購入者

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Jun 28, 2015


Sam.Cee | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

May 06, 2015

This is the best! I could only find PDBs or 4plus harnesses, so when i saw this It was a no brainer, is worging great, I just removed the XT-60 in order to put on a BEC.

Zupratom | 確認済みの購入者

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Feb 06, 2015

Everyone who builds tricopter, wants to have it nice and clean, and doesn't have time for soldering, must have one of these!

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 22, 2015

It's a good product. I like it. It works as it should be.

Two thumbs up. I would like to recommend it to all user.

Bananahobbyguy97 | 確認済みの購入者

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Jan 16, 2015

Good power distribution cable if you dont have a PDB of some sort!

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Certified Buyer Rated

Dec 06, 2014

Designed for use with our Multistar 15 amp esc, this cable simplifies the construction of your Tricopter power system by allowing you to simply plug the system together - Plug and play style and with zero soldering!

This cable comes pre terminated with an XT60 battery input and terminates in 3 pairs of 3.5mm female gold connectors. Wiring is silicone insulated 14 Awg - splitting into 18 Awg.

Please see the related items below to build an entire plug and play power system!


Battery Input via: XT60 Female

Esc output via: 3.5mm Gold Connector

Esc Quantity: 3

Wire Gauge: 14/18 AWG

Length: 220mm

Weight: 21 grams

Bakerman | 確認済みの購入者

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Certified Buyer Rated

Oct 16, 2014

Thin wires I will test it in my Tricopter

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