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50ccののA-specはC-スペックからと、その高度に洗練されたヘッドデザインと鋳造の同じ容量の他のほとんどのガスプレーンエンジンとは異なります。 A-specのシリンダーヘッドが大きく厚いシリンダーヘッドと同じ冷却効率と軽量化の頭の中で、その結果、非常に正確なプロセスを用いて鋳造されます。

重量:1.62 キロ
RPM:1500 -万
電源:3.5キロワット@ 10,000RPM
推奨小道具:20 * 10〜22 * 12
CDI電圧:6.8V MAX(6Vがベストです)

これは修正されたスクーターモーターではありません。これは、R / C大規模な航空機のため、純粋に設計されています。地域に建てられた他のほとんどのガスプレーンエンジンとは異なり、このモータは、設計粉砕し、旋盤加工、鍛造、鋳造、テストされ、大規模なR / Cプレーンのために必要な比率を、重み付けするために最良のパワーを提供する単一の目的で組み立てました。


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顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Sep 22, 2010

el motor tiene un par de detalles, la culata del cilindro viene para bujia de asiento plano y trae una bujia de asiento conico, para reemplazarla hay que cambiar el conector de bujia del CDI.

El cigeal me vino con el agujero descentrado.

Luego de resolver esto, el motor funciona muy bien, arranca enseguida, y tiene fugas de aceite en la junta del escape.

por lo demas esta bien, es muy recomendable para quien tiene conocimientos de mecanica.

StickJocky | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 04, 2010

Five stars, Price being a big factor for this engine makes it 5 rather than 4 stars. It is nice that you can flip the carburetor over because the intake manifold doesn't supply the pulse for the carb's fuel pump - this is supplied by an external line and crank case tap. The short arm on the carb is very easy to hook up a throttle control rod (not a problem at all like is mentioned from another reviewer). The machinework is very nice for the crank

sevakm | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Aug 02, 2009

grreta engine for the price..i was very pleased with product.

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 29, 2009

Plasticjoe, it worked great on my obsession and so much cheaper to fly. I had to move the battery to the tail to get it to balance without adding weight. The plane is still a floater with good wing loading so can practive pattern stuff on cheap gas instead of expensive glow fuel. I have another one in standby for something else, whenever I find it and the time to put it together, so many planes, so little time!!!

plasticjoe | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jul 01, 2009

Steven.... how did this work out on your Obsession ? I have one that I am contemplating going over to gas

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Jun 30, 2009

Question..... what size planes are you guys using this on ? I am thinking about a SIG Sundancer giant scale.... think that would work with this motor ?

Hxm | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

May 13, 2009

No Gaav h um motor destes e muito bom, para mim melhor motor este que os Crrc Pro.

Relaco preo qualidade Excelente 5 estrelas....

Alex | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 11, 2009

I purchased this engine back in mid-April and today I tried it for the first time. It started easily after 5 or 6 flips of the prop. I did not touch the mixture screws. On a 16-6 MA prop and fresh fuel @ 30:1, it ran up to 8100 RPM. The low speed might need some tweaking as it gets rough below 2100 RPM but the transition to full speed is very smooth. I ran a 1/2 litre of fuel through it and did many starts. 1 or 2 flips and away it goes.

I am v

顧客 | 確認済みの購入者

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Customer Rated

Apr 11, 2009

hello, this engine is a bad beast, I've run in, four hours, and has not yet been released, has 40 C, maximum temperature at 3,300 rpm. in the second hour, and a helix of sonic 22x10 Graupner, a top speed and with high fuel oil 3 took the modest figure of 6,900 rpm. maintains an excellent relent, a good response and acceleration without touching needles, I recommend it wholeheartedly, a greeting, Alex

James Stewart | 確認済みの購入者

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XYZ 50cc Gas Engine

Jan 25, 2009

This engine has been a great value. It runs better now that ever and the power is awesome! I will buy another one when they are restocked. A silicone wrap is good addition to insulate the high voltage lead. Do not cross the high voltage lead with the hall sensor or the engine will cutoff when you raise the throttle up. Enjoy it.

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