Micro P-51D Mustang w/nav lights 550mm (RTF - Mode 2)
Micro P-51D Mustang w/nav lights 550mm (RTF - Mode 2)
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This superbly detailed Micro P-51D Mustang is made from tough EPO foam and is very scale given its tiny dimensions.
Being ready to fly, this Mustang can be assembled in minutes, the motor, ESC & servos are all pre-installed, the tail-feathers, nav lights, very scale under-carriage and prop are also pre-fitted and decals pre-applied, leaving you to just attach the wing, add the optional drop tanks if desired, dial in your TX and go flying!
Control is full 4 channel and there is a servo for each control surface for precise control, there is also plenty of power from the brushless outrunner motor, which swings a very scale 4 blade prop & spinner. This amazingly scale little Mustang looks great both on the ground and in the air and is a must for your warbird collection!
Wingspan: 550mm
Length: 480mm
Wing Area: 45dm2
Flying Weight: 190g~200g
Motor: 2450kv Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 12A w/BEC
Servo: 2.5g x 4
2.4ghz 4 Channel Transmitter
4 Channel 2.4ghz Reciever
Spare Propeller
450mAh 2s Lipoly Battery
110~240v 2s~3s Lipoly balance charger
8 x AA Transmitter Batteries