World Mental Health Day: Hobbies and Mental Health

Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day - a global event surrounding the issues with mental health education, awareness, and advocacy.

Unfortunately, mental health is a topic that is largely overlooked and there is an overall lack of awareness of it. As a result, discussions around mental health are still largely stigmatized in a lot of societies and there are a lot of misconceptions about those experiencing mental illness. Educating ourselves about mental health and its impacts is important, not only for those experiencing mental illness for society as a whole.

hobbies and mental health

There are many ways in which you can help reduce the stigma around mental illness, in your personal, work, or social life and in the wider community. One of the first steps, as mentioned, above, is to talk about your feelings and seek help if needed. If you don't suffer from mental illness, you can help those that do by starting a conversation with loved ones can potentially be life-saving. So, this is us starting a conversation with you, our fellow hobbyists. We want to start the conversation with our community around such an important issue. In the coming days, we will explore the positive impact of hobbies (particularly RC related hobbies) on mental health.

In the meantime, why don't you reach out to your local RC community at your local race track, airfield or even join HobbyKing's Facebook Community Page to share how your feeling with others. Now is the time to look at mental illness in a different light - a positive light.