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Rafale Straaljager 70mm EDF (KIT)

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Rafale Straaljager 70mm EDF (KIT)


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US$ 42,90
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De Hobbyking Rafale EDF is een uitstekende, hoge detail EPS kit van de unieke Delta Wing Franse vechter, welke functies zoals, zeer gedetailleerde, gegoten paneel lijnen en schaal ordenance, onderstel vaste omvat als geschikt voor de hand lanceren of elektrische vereist (ook trekt - niet inbegrepen), met hoge snelheid 70mm 4 blade fan unit en een verwijderbare ventilator te dekken. Het batterijcompartiment heeft voldoende ruimte voor een ruime keuze aan LiPoly batterijen en een platte luifel onderzijde die niet de diepte van het compartiment niet beperkt.

Deze jet is een mooie grootte, groot genoeg om de aanwezigheid in de lucht te hebben, om klein genoeg gemakkelijk worden vervoerd.

Spanwijdte: 750mm
Lengte: 1045mm
Lengte: 305mm
EDF: 70mm

Optioneel Vaste onderwagen
hardware pakket
Unit 70mm Fan
decal Sheet

Uw eigen Tx & Rx (elevon menging vereist)
2200mAh ~ 3000mAh 14.8V 4s LiPoly
28mm EDF motor om 3.17mm as passen
40A ~ 60A ESC
2 ~ 3 9g Servo's
1 x 30cm Ext Lead
2 x 45cm Ext Lead

* Let op, de canards zijn vastgesteld voor het gemak van het opzetten en vliegen.

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magnusEl | Geverifieerde koper

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Certified Buyer Rated

Nov 21, 2012

Nice kit. Recived it in 8 days to Sweden, without dammage. Surface of the modell is realy smooth. Wings and inlets are as they should, one left and one right. I hope the manufacturer has fired the eployed that could not tell the difference between right and left..

flyfly | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Nov 07, 2012

Superbe en vol ce rafale est trs trs facile faire voler, un vrai trainer, facile a construire mais devra tre modifi pour de relles performances de vitesse. l'extraction de l'air est comme bloque par le y des tuyres. Le grandeur comporte 2 racteurs, la il n'y a qu'une turbine! Cela dit avec mon setup ma vitesse est plutot bonne et les passages quelques centimetres du sol 10kmh sont un rgal. Tapez rafale hobbyking sur youtube.

Le train n'a jamais t mont et le lanc main est plutot facile.

Mon setup, turbine 5pales, bl 2200kv, 6s 2200, turnigy trust 45amp, servo gnriques.

A acheter sans problmes

flyfly | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Nov 07, 2012

Here is my setup, edf 70mm 5 blades, 6s 2200, turnigy trust 45amp. Very easy to fly but not very fast even on 6s!! Very beayful in the air!!

xcellair | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Oct 23, 2012

mine arrived safely today, everything, in order, it was supplied with a 3blade fan, if i had known i wouldnt have ordered the 4 blade with it, but i will thrust test both units and see what is the better choice, has anyone got any results and best performance from this 3 blade fan, would love some data and motor combo,, otherwise. great unit, happy with the price size and service, 15 stars,

drdiscus | Geverifieerde koper

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Oct 10, 2012

The kit was packed with 2 left wing halves. No right wing half. Hobbyking is trying to resolve the issue, offered $24.00 compensation, but I asked that a right wing half be sent, I can't complete the plane with the offer.

If Hobbyking can't supply the corresponding part, I have to send my extra left half to them, imo, and ask for full compensation of $64.64 the cost of plane and shipping to my location.

It's a QC issue with the manufacturer...Hobbyking is on the line for, and I sympathize, so the manufaturer is on the line with H/K. I'm hoping that this can be solved internally, my plane is finished, except to glue on the wing and plug in the servo when it comes.

I'll persist. In light of the number of inquiries due to mixed up kitting, I wish Hobbyking would discontinue the kit for the time being, to keep the problem from getting worse.

leonardo | Geverifieerde koper

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Oct 09, 2012

A falta do manual de montagen, me complicou na construo do trem de pouso.
Tambm recebi meu kit faltando as braadeiras do Aleron.
um bom kit EDF, um pouco grande, mas ns poderamos ter, da HobbyKing, mais informaes sobre o uso de EDFs e motores.
Eu coloquei no meu avio, um EDF de 72 milmetros com motor de 3200kv se voou .. "ok"
The lack of manual construction, was where I had the most difficulty was the construction of the landing gear
I received my kit missing clamps of Aleron too.
Is a good EDF Kit, a little Large, but we could have, of HobbyKing, more information about what EDF/engine use.
I put in my plane a EDF 72mm with 3200kv and if flew.. "ok"

guitarPlaya | Geverifieerde koper

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Oct 02, 2012

So got my wing issue worked out found the CG by methodical taxi and shifting the batter till it got airborne. 62mm from leading edge at wing root with 70 mm 4 s setup. Installed my Hk retracts put the stock wheels on the axles. Be careful of the canards. They are fragile and are prone to hangar rash. Elevon mixing make this plane easy to handle and fly

Mitchell | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Oct 01, 2012

Great plane if I can get a right wing for both of the planes I ordered. According to Product Support they can't get the replacement wings I need to get them in the air. Does anyone know who makes this model? Does anyone have two right wings in their kit and want to trade one for the other? I will gladly pay the shipping to do the swap. I would like to complete my build and fly it if anyone can help me.

Tonino | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Sep 25, 2012

It flies great!!! But man.... what alterations i made.
1. doubled(!) the air inlet (got rid of the strange foam ridge blocking the air as it flows along the body and thoroughly sanded the inlet all the way up to obtain a bigger volumeflow).
2. mounted a powerfull Het RC w25 inrunner.
3. mounted a 9 blade change sun fan
4. 60A Esc (maybe 80A is better, it now draws 63 A)
5. 2200, 4s 40-50c lipo
5. crafted a alu fixed landinggear
6. remodeld the "thick finger" in between the exhaust pipes
7. mounted an antenna on the nose ;-)

Its flies like a 90mm edf jet now. Very fast, stable and docile if you want.
Foam quality is smooth, but not very strong (a "handle with care" sticker is aplicable). All in all: nice to fly, with all alterations a bit to expensive.

bunta | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Sep 20, 2012

they are a great plain we are just waiting for them to be back in stock here in Australia there are four of is waiting come on hk hurry up

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