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Roco Fleischmann H0 631881 Digital Starter Set with Class 98 Steam Locomotive and 2 Freight Wagons DB (Epoch III)

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Roco Fleischmann H0 631881 Digital Starter Set with Class 98 Steam Locomotive and 2 Freight Wagons DB (Epoch III)


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US$ 321,00
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A digital starter set that is supplied with a Class 98 steam loco, 2 freight wagons, and a Z21 digital control system with a MULTIMAUS handheld controller and an oval of track.

This is a beautiful scale model of a Class 98 steam locomotive with a set of 2 wagons as used on the Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB). The arrangement of the sandboxes under the running board, between the coupling axles, was definitely unusual. These locomotives had no lateral storage tank, water was put in a frame water tank, and coal in the driver's cab. The attention to detail of the loco and wagons is second to none, it replicates the real thing to perfection. The loco features dual LED headlights which are direction-dependent, a metal diecast chassis, intricate coupling, and piston rods, and other fine-scale detail that makes this a model to be proud to own. This set includes a 4 wheel flat wagon and a 4 wheel open goods wagon in brown DB livery.

The loco has a 3 pole electric motor fitted with a flywheel driving 2 axles to aid smooth and slow running. It is supplied with a PluX16 digital decoder and NEM 362 couplers with a close coupling mechanism.

The Z21 Start digital system is a modular design which is perfect for the beginner, you can start simple and then can build on it when you require more advanced features and functions. Included with the set is the very popular MULTIMAUS (MultiMouse) handheld controller which can store 64 locomotives, operates 21 functions per locomotive including headlights, can operate magnetic devices such as points and signals, and much much more. It is very simple and easy to operate and is perfect for the beginner to digital model railways. This system can be upgraded with a WiFi router which can then allow you to use a smartphone, tablet, or PC to run your railway.

Also with the set, you get an oval of Roco/Fleischmann railway track. This comprises of 10 x 6120 curved tracks and 2 x 6101 straight tracks.

Scale: HO

1 x Class 98 Steam Locomotive in DB Livery
1 x 4 Wheel Flat Wagon
1 x 4 Wheel Open Goods Wagon
1 x Z21 Start Digital System with MULTIMAUS
1 x Plug-In Power Supply
10 x 6120 Curved Track
2 x 6101 Straight Track

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