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Super 3D flatform EPO R / C Vliegtuig w / borstelloze motor

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Super 3D flatform EPO R / C Vliegtuig w / borstelloze motor


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US$ 27,99
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Super aerobatic, en zeer sterk. Het EOB 3D flatform is gebouwd voor parkfly sized 3D. Iedereen kan leren te zweven, kiekendief en scherp van de snede met dit vliegtuig!
We hebben de juiste ADH300L borstelloze motor en 8x4 propeller voor u inbegrepen, dus alles wat je nodig hebt om is een 10A ESC en 3 x 5 g servo's, uw eigen TX / RX en een 500mAh 2S pack om klaar te vliegen!
Romp lengte: 842mm
Spanwijdte: 800mm
Flying Gewicht: 310 - 350 g
Motor: ADH300 borstelloze outrunner (meegeleverd)
Propeller: 9x5 (meegeleverd)
Vereiste Essentials
Servo's: 3 x 9g
ESC: 20A ESC  
Batterij: 11.1V 3s1p 1200mAh batterij ~ 1500mAh Lipo
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Glenn | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Apr 17, 2013

I'm in the process of my build and after I had installed the rudder horn in the precut slot I found the C.F. push rod interfered with full elevator travel. I had to remove the rudder horn and move it up about 3/4". Did I route my push rod the wrong way?

Flichter | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Apr 17, 2013

The plane took about 3 hours to assemble; loved the stickers! What a selection. Was a little uneasy with the carbon tube, Z hook and heat shrink but it appears to work. Didn't have any foam safe so put it together with hot glue; worked fine. Set the CG about 25 mm behind the carbon spar. The plane flew right off the board. It was a delight to fly and on the first flight did a tail walk, loops, hover, knife edge but got a bit cautious when I saw the wings flexing! Might beef that up with some CF spar or something or wing braces; not sure yet. But hey, it is cheap and it flies and it is fun. Would like a U/C though...think on that I will. Good bang for bucks and a fun bird.

crashtestheli | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Feb 21, 2013

Still flying great after one year
great first plane.
I will buy another one after a few more crashes.
I use a 9x 4.7 prop - works great | Geverifieerde koper

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Certified Buyer Rated

Jan 10, 2013

What an awesome plane! Flying great good to learn ! And durable as nails !

fanetsyl | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Dec 27, 2012

Achet depuis 3 mois maintenant , cet avion me donne entire satisfaction .
Il est trs robuste , si il y a une grosse chute , de la colle et c'est reparti .
J'ai un esc de 20A , une lipo 1300 mAh , un bon compromis entre puissance et poids .
Je vole entre 10 et 15 min suivant le style de vol
J'ai rigidifi les aile avec un fil car elles sont un peu trop souple mon gout .
Ne pas hsiter une seconde sur cet avion , idal pour commencer et continuer la 3D Outdoor pour moi .

crashtestheli | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Oct 27, 2012

Flew this yesterday - oct 2012
Hxt500 on rudder and elv
Hxt900 on wings
1000mah 3cell
20amp esc
First 3d foam plane. Went straight from the sim to this with no issues
Flys very good. Take your time with the setup.

dakota | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Sep 05, 2012

Good plane for the price. you cant hover with it cause its to unstable. when you try to harrier the wings wanna rock back and forth excessively.
but i guess for $30 you cant expect the perfect plane.

fanetsyl | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

Aug 02, 2012

Debutant dans la 3D , mais ayant de bonnes bases dans les planeurs et autres , je me suis lanc dans l'achat du flatform 3D , la construction reste simple bien qu'il faille avoir l'envie et la patience de bricoler car tout est a faire , seules les dcoupes sont deja faite . assemblage du fuselage , des ailes , scotch des ailes et drives ( vous avez bien lu , les articulations sont faites au scotch ( j'ai utilise un autre scotch arm car celui fourni me semble peu solide a la longue ) l'hlice fournie avec le kit est demesuree et surtout mal equilibree donc j'utilise une 7X6 qui va trs bien avec mon esc 20 A et la lipo 1200 mAh en 3S
L'avion est bien conu , d'une puissance acceptable pour la 3D ( une monte verticale lui fait pas peur )
Solidit car tres souple ( petit bemol pour la fixation moteur un peu fragile )

Je pense que cet avion est parfait pour dmarrer en 3D , beaucoup de bricole , prix tres acceptable

Encore un bel article que nous propose HK

Luke_Skywalker | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

May 30, 2012

Pretty happy with this plane so far. Flown it a few times. I taped all the edges with clear shipping tape. Also added cross bracing with carbon rods. Cross bracing and not a wing spar makes the plane much more rigid, way too floppy otherwise. 500 mah seems a little too light and 1300 mah 3s seems a little too heavy. Fun, cheap, flys good.

extra321 | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

May 26, 2012

I received mind all was great until plug in the motor,pcnt#*&pcnt Got a bad motor, man that sucks - what can you do?

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