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Wicked Wing XL Slope Combat Flying Wing EPP 1525mm (KIT)

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Wicked Wing XL Slope Combat Flying Wing EPP 1525mm (KIT)


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US$ 75,48
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The Wicked Wing XL vliegt als het is op rails! Responsive nog beheersbaar en makkelijk te vliegen. Voeg wat ballast voor de zwaardere (winderiger) dagen bij uw lokale helling en geniet van de
zorgeloze hoge snelheid plezier slechts een bijna indestuctable combat vleugel kan bieden!

Ja, het is WICKED - Wicked plezier dat is!

The Wicked Wing XL kan worden zweefde rond de helling in zo weinig als 10knots van wind of ballast up 'lead slee' stijl voor snelle fun in 20 knopen plus!

Helemaal zijn opgebouwd uit onbreekbaar, hoge dichtheid EPP materiaal dit model altijd zal duren - Letterlijk! De kit bestaat uit carbon onderdelen die deel uitmaken van deze vleugel flex gratis - ook opgenomen in de kit is alle hardware, het versterken van tape en kleurrijke bekleding tape, alles wat je moet toevoegen is een fles van CA lijm aan de vleugel helften mee en behouden van de koolstof rondhouten in hun pre-cut slots.

De vereiste radio-systeem moet delta mengen aan de elevon stuurvlakken mix hebben. Voeg uw ontvanger en een 5 cel ontvanger pack, samen met uw eigen keuze van de servo - zowel standaard als mini servo's worden verzorgd met voorgesneden servo putten, adviseren wij metal gericht servo's, ongeacht de grootte die u kiest ...... .Dit is een gevecht vleugel na al!

Spanwijdte: 1525mm
Lengte: 395mm
Flying Gewicht: 900-1200g

EPP vleugel kernen
Carbon Spars x 5
Balsa elevons
Glasvezel versterkende tape
Gekleurde afwerking tape
Volledige Hardware kit

4-kanaals radio met elevon (Delta) het mengen
2 Standaard of mini servo's (stel metal gericht)
4 of 5 cell NiMH-ontvanger batterij


  • Spanwijdte ( mm ) 1525.00
  • Wicked Wing Slope Soarer
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Darren | Geverifieerde koper

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Fantastic Slope Soarer

Aug 18, 2017

Unballasted I've flown it in 10mph and it wafted around and is well behaved enough. But as soon as it blows 25+ this absolutely comes alive. I thought the included winglets would have to be replaced but they work surprisingly well. I've just come back from flying in 55mph coastal lift and it penetrates fine unballasted and turns on rails. I've covered mine with lam film then solarfilm and installed a ballast tube (Hobbyking SKU:
360000019). Takes 17 slugs for a total of 1/2kg ballast. Very simple to do and will extend the wind range, although saying that I've not had to use ballast yet. Cost me £3 for the tube so well worth doing.
I'm struggling to think of a better £50 I've ever spent, it really does fly much much better than the price would suggest and the build was simple. I found I was a bit tail heavy on maiden flight and the elevator was VERY twitchy so get some lead in the nose.
When the winds are low this is a docile easy to fly model so I'd say it's suitable as a first glider with low rates, but even for experienced pilots this is a great purchase because when the wind gets up and you turn the rates up this really does fix a big grin on your face. I used full sized metal gear servos and AA 4s rx pack (hobbyking SKU:
9169000007) the battery fits spot on and you can fly all day on it without worrying about charging.
Just bloody buy it, it's great fun to batter about the slope. Quick and tough, it's not far behind my moulded stuff in a blow and still bounces off the rocks nicely :)

Darren | Geverifieerde koper

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Fantastic Slope Soarer

Aug 17, 2017

Unballasted I've flown it in 10mph and it wafted around and is well behaved enough. But as soon as it blows 25+ this absolutely comes alive. I thought the included winglets would have to be replaced but they work surprisingly well. I've just come back from flying in 55mph coastal lift and it penetrates fine unballasted and turns on rails. I've covered mine with lam film then solarfilm and installed a ballast tube (Hobbyking SKU:
360000019). Takes 17 slugs for a total of 1/2kg ballast. Very simple to do and will extend the wind range, although saying that I've not had to use ballast yet. Cost me £3 for the tube so well worth doing.
I'm struggling to think of a better £50 I've ever spent, it really does fly much much better than the price would suggest and the build was simple. I found I was a bit tail heavy on maiden flight and the elevator was VERY twitchy so get some lead in the nose.
When the winds are low this is a docile easy to fly model so I'd say it's suitable as a first glider with low rates, but even for experienced pilots this is a great purchase because when the wind gets up and you turn the rates up this really does fix a big grin on your face. I used full sized metal gear servos and AA 4s rx pack (hobbyking SKU:
9169000007) the battery fits spot on and you can fly all day on it without worrying about charging.
Just bloody buy it, it's great fun to batter about the slope. Quick and tough, it's not far behind my moulded stuff in a blow and still bounces off the rocks nicely :)

stephen | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

May 23, 2016

very nice wing i have 2 of them no probloms with putting in 6v reviver battery in you have to make your own lid or just use bullet tape over the battery otherwise very simple buid works well if i had my way i would get few more

Megashorts | Geverifieerde koper

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Mar 05, 2016

Instructions appear to be for the smaller version and aren't much use. Very easy to assemble. The grooves for the carbon are already cut and are a good fit. Plenty of fibre glass tape used with lots left. I got yellow and orange coloured tape and again plenty left. The supplied velcro for the wing ends looked too small and the wrong shape. I'm guessing it was for the smaller version of the wing. One aileron was slightly bowed and needed trimming to get it to fit against the wing. Despite the little errors I'm very pleased with how it came out and am looking forward to flying it. I tried off our local hill by myself in 25mph wings and couldn't launch it!!

Neutron3 | Geverifieerde koper

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Jul 19, 2015

This is not a cheap version of anything. This wing is the 60 Scout Bee by Windrider, being sold by HobbyKing at a better price than Windrider sells it. I used the Hex MG-14 servos which fit and work perfectly. I skipped the strapping tape and used laminating material ("The New Stuff") then used EconoKote sparingly. I've flown this wing at Bluff Park in Long Beach, Dave's at Carlsbad, and Temple Hill in Pomona and it is a total blast to fly. A hawk bit a good size hole in it while at Temple Hill and it didn't miss a beat. I consider this one of my best purchases from HK. I highly recommend this slope wing.

parapex | Geverifieerde koper

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Jan 05, 2014

Great size wing, flown it from the local slope a few times now. Building was quick and simple, all the grooves for the carbon reinforcements were a perfect push fit. Came with a full roll of 3 inch fibre tape (uni-directional) and so was able to cover the entire wing with it. This not only increases the strength but also makes it easier for the decoration tape (also included) to adhere and not bubble up. Weight of equipment not an issue on this model - it has more than enough surface area. In fact, I suspect it could do with more weight to aid penetration in to wind. I have not tried ballasting it up yet, it has so far managed the various wind strengths just fine. Great wing to fly, enjoying it. Be aware though that this is a BIG wing (relatively) when assembled. Still, bigger flies better!

stavrosd2006 | Geverifieerde koper

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Jan 02, 2014

it is my first sloap soarer,not previous expierience on riding the wind,but i must say this wing is incredible!!!! so steady in wind,i flew it with 12 kt wind and is like flyiing on rails as some one else wrote about it in this page.
easy to assemble, straight forward but previous expierience required for some points during assembly. no where instrucrtions for those noise generators included,so look on the net for positions on top in order to make noise!!!!
i recommend it and i will definetely buy it again if needed.

davoAU | Geverifieerde koper

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Sep 05, 2013

This is a great wing! Its well made, easy to build, strong and flies great as a slope soarer. Unfortunately a magpie took a serious disliking to mine when flying at Marks Park, Bondi. Trying to get away from it, I got behind the ridge and off the wing went - searched for an hour but it had vanished! If anyone finds it please comment. Anyway I just had to buy another - such great fun!

James | Geverifieerde koper

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Aug 14, 2013

Gluing the Wing together was easy enough. as did applying the re-enforced tape. Hint: before applying tape use 3M 77 spray adhesive . . . it helps to hold down the tape. What took me the most time (and I did take my time building the Wing) was fitting the servos, connecting rods and elevon connector. Need to take your time lining everything up.

Applying the re-enforced tape and the packing tape was took some skill. Hint: before applying tape use 3M 77 spray adhesive . . . it helps to hold down the tape.

The CG is close to what is recommended. I used a 4-cell nickel hydride battery and still had to as 6 ounces of lead to balance the Wing with just a touch of nose down. I found the stick on weights for auto tires worked great, especially the 1/4 and 1/2 oz. lead.

I have flown the Wicked Wing XL for the past few weeks and it is very impressive. A number of guys at our club were very impressed with my build and its excellent flight characteristics . . . most of them own wings of one nature or another and are excellent combat pilots.

This is a exceptional glider . . . it is absolutely amazing!

Jim D.

Etto_S. | Geverifieerde koper

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Customer Rated

May 17, 2013

Very easy to assemble it, very pleasant flight, it can handle huge weight if you put a larger motor... It came with additional items not mentioned in site that looks like whistles or sirens but no instructions about how put in the wing...

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