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Categoria: Educational

You may have seen various three-letter acronyms such as RTF, PNF, PNP, ARF, and KIT are thrown in randomly at times – but what do they mean? At first, they may seem confusing, but, as a beginner, they are exactly what you should be looking for. These acronyms tell you 2 things: the hardware included, and how much assembly (knowledge) is required.

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The most common questions we get regarding LiPo batteries are: “Is my LiPo battery safe to use?”, “How do I know if my LiPos are damaged beyond repair?”, and “How long will my LiPo batteries last?” Today, we will take a deep dive into the chemical properties of LiPos and learn how to spot a perfectly functioning LiPo, from a faulty one.

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Postado em: Mar 18, 2021 | Postado em Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, LiPo Batteries, LiPos 101

Back in 2019, the UK adopted the EASA’s (EU) regulations for unmanned aircraft (UA); however, as of January 1, 2021, the UK is no longer an EASA Member State. So, what does that mean for you as an RC pilot operating in the British airspace? In today’s blog, we will look at what has changed and how you can legally and safely operate your RC models in the post-Brexit era.

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While there seems to be an endless assortment of meticulously executed aerial stunts, the truth is: All these maneuvers are anchored and derived from FOUR basic moves. If you can master the mechanics of these aerobatic fundamentals, you will be able to pull off a plethora of the more advanced and complicated ones.

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Postado em: Apr 14, 2021 | Postado em Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, 3D Aerobatics, RC Aerobatics 101

Improper usage of LiPo batteries can get fairly dangerous as they are flammable. However, when used responsibly, LiPos are only as dangerous as their users. Here is a quick guide on how to handle, charge, discharge, and store your LiPo batteries safely.

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Postado em: Apr 23, 2021 | Postado em Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Battery, LiPo, LiPo 101

As of 31 December 2020 (Post-Brexit), all unmanned aircraft operations in the UK must adhere to the eighth edition of the CAP 722: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace. However, members of model flying clubs including the British Model Flying Association (BMFA), Scottish Aeromodellers Association (SAA), Large Model Association (LMA), and FPV UK may choose to comply with a set of more flexible regulations that is known as “Article 16 Authorization”.

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Choosing your first RC radio can get rather confusing if you are a complete beginner. The array of technical jargon such as Mode 1 or Mode 2, TX protocols, trimming, mixing, and many more are enough to throw even the most enthusiastic newbie into the backseat. In today's blog, we will go through everything you need to know before buying your first RC Radio.

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Postado em: May 4, 2021 | Postado em Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, RC Radios, RC Transmitters, Orange RX

There are FIVE distinct battery lines at HobbyKing: Turnigy, Nano-TechGraphene, Rhino, and ZIPPY. Each has its own strengths and unique selling points and in today’s blog, we will cover how they each differ.

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Postado em: May 12, 2021 | Postado em Battery, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, Batteries, Turnigy, Graphene, Rhino, ZIPPY

What makes a good 3D Aerobatics Plane? While basic maneuvers such as a simple loop can be achieved on most RC airplanes, three distinct features separate a true aerobatic plane from the rest. Here are the top 3 Aerobatic RC Planes at HobbyKing.

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Postado em: May 18, 2021 | Postado em Planes, Beginner, Educational |Etiquetas: HobbyKing, 3D Aerobatics, Aerobatic RC Plane

When it comes to storing your LiPo batteries, there are two aspects you need to be mindful of: the chemical aspect, and the physical aspect. Both are equally important and if either one is neglected or downplayed, your LiPos may get damaged and potentially put you in harm’s way.

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